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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Which is the one thing that has stopped anyone else from posting about it, although I really think there should be a point when there is a clear issue that we can do something about it. I would say that there are at least 10 people who can very easily say he trolls and causes issues everyday. At what point do we realize there is an issue and take care of it...? Its not necessarily very prominent instances, but rather just the combination of it over time. Proof is extremely hard to get, yet we get complaints constantly when he is on.
  2. Hidingmaster


    Peter Piper > Chuck E Cheese
  3. i did state i had no proof. But i have a shit load of wittnesses that will state Michael ruins the experience for everyone and everyone new to the server. Which is the one thing that has stopped anyone else from posting about it, although I really think there should be a point when there is a clear issue that we can do something about it. I would say that there are at least 10 people who can very easily say he trolls and causes issues everyday. At what point do we realize there is an issue and take care of it...?
  4. He has been ct banned twice over the last 3 days for various reasons, constantly troll and disrespects, has a terrible knowledge of the motd. Nearly every single person who is active in the server knows very well that he ruins the experience.
  5. Been mod before, knows motd, fairly active member. Plus saved me 15% or more by switching my car insurance to geico. +1
  6. Thanks for tagging me.. @@Hidingmaster +1, great person who is really active and know the motd well.. you'll serve us well.
  7. Couple things: 1)make sure your graphics card is running in performance mode if you have option like that. It'll be under your control panel for the card itself. 2) get the lastest drivers for the graphics card from the manufacturer website. 3) if those don't work, screw around with the video settings in CS:go. Sometimes enable or disabling v-sync can solve it.
  8. A warday is a very different thing though, and with previous discussion with forest I cannot start a warday after cells open (could cause too many freekills). To have a warday you must do two things: 1) Declare its a warday and most importantly 2) Designate a location He did not designate a location, but did call it which meant T's were able to leave cells instantly. Since there was no location given, what do you expect the T's to do? It was invalid, thus defaults to a freeday.
  9. Dhsshhsjsijdhdjs8eiei nobody is reading what I'm sayingggg, if a Ct were to say "Out of cell, rebel," then say "we're gonna do climb", he's not saying to go to climb, he said we're gonna do it, making out of cell rebel still in effect. Same goes for this, he says we are going to have a warday, he never gave a place so therefore out of cell rebel still is in effect until he says the warday area, in which they can leave immediately. In simple words, it couldn't have been deemed an invalid warday(which if it was, would make it a freeday) when there was no warday yet Now, back to watching anime, I swear typing on this tablet makes me want to shoot myself its so annoying @@Forest @@snakeboyeric I understand what you are saying, but it would be a freeday if it was said a warday was going to take place and no proper location was given. Because you really cant back out of a warday without mass confusion and freekills, it would be invalid and thus a freeday.
  10. It was not a warday, but rather a freeday at that time. MOTD states: "Illegal Wardays will result in a Freeday for the Ts until 0:00 (7:00 for CS:GO)" and " If cells open BEFORE A LEAVE TIME IS GIVEN the T's can leave cells." So we can come to a conclusion using these two parts that it was in fact a freeday. For the second rule to go into effect, a location must be called, and there was no location given. Thus this makes the warday void, or in other terms "illegal", thus it would default to a freeday and any kills were in fact freekills. Although snakeboy, no matter who it is you gotta tell them why.
  11. +1 i guess, although i think i was forced to do this... and this is happening way to much. But i can never seem to find enough evidence for the police, well crap. A:8/10 M:9/10 (Other than the sexy picture of Frank? Well, respectful and active)
  12. +/- 0.. I don't remember ever seeing you on..
  13. Huh thats funny, I don't recall ever doing anything to warrant a blacklisting in his channel, hell I've only joined it a handful of times. I guess its your channel and you can do what you want with it, but thanks for being so friendly.
  14. because it is relevant to the argument of bias. The point is that I say "nigger" in admin chat, and get gagged, he says it in admin chat and does not. it is completely relevant, I don't see how you see it not as that. There are TOO many variables in that situation to matter. - Was darkwolf there? - Was it said twards someone? - What was the mood of the setting? - What was Deathgods intentions of saying it in that way? Every situation should be treated the same to keep things fair, otherwise you run into the issue of inflicting bias. Mood, whether it was said towards someone, and the intention are negligible.
  15. Warrior what you are arguing is a mute point. It's already been decided that it is allowed until someone says to stop as a warning. Lets get back to reality, 95% of the staff and members use it consistently. I have seen it spammed in admin chat more times than I can remember and its never an issue. Why is it suddenly the forbidden word when it never was before... all of you are bringing in the most trivial things to try and attack each other.
  16. >Can be disrespectful, already determined it wasnt deemed as such. >Point wasnt to show biased, but rather lack of acknowledgment >Point of position is to control server and deal with rule breakers >Fear of demotion if calling anyone out, or at least being ridiculed >Threatening a demo is not a big threat, but something that should not be done because it creates a rift between everyone
  17. I realize this, which is what I stated in my first post. It was a perfectly fine abuse report, but once threats started to happen people became defensive. There was no reason for darkwolf to comment like that behind our back, thats not something that should have been done. And if this was an abuse thread for me, shadow, or really anybody not a DM then it wouldnt be an issue of growing up. I came in here to state a legitimate opinion, and get shot down for trying to say it.
  18. Bringing in who voted what is irrelevant, completely off topic, and is only an argument that doesnt need to be started.
  19. Are you kidding me? You all are gonna talk behind our backs? Thanks for making all look like pieces of shit. I am simply stating my opinions here, NOT ONCE DID I SAY I WANT YOU DEMOTED, but rather bring awareness to the issue. I was never in the spot for getting temp DM, I was thought about, but there were other more deserving people at the time. And dont be bringing in "well shadow did this earlier and look what he got", that doesn't fly its just an excuse to ignore an issue. Dark, I hope you realize I think you are a good DM, but really going behind my back and telling people this stuff. What else have you said? Let me get this straight: I AM STATING COMPLETELY TRUE OPINIONS to help people figure out the entire situation. Go ahead and call me autistic, a faggot, stupid. We've been playing together for a long time, its really hurts to see this happen. Thanks.
  20. I believe he posted it because of the racism, just showing that nothing was done about it. Obviously people are going to argue that its not racist, but would you say it in a public setting? Most likely not, still racism although more tolerated on the servers. where i live if you say nigga or nigger in a public place no one cares. just how it is and i type how i talk. We're not saying that you did anything wrong, you're fine. Where I'm from it is, and im just clarifying what shadow was using that screenshot for... at least what i took from it
  21. G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^) What exactly is the point of that screenshot? DeathGod saying the next person to freekill him is being permed? @@DeathGod I believe he posted it because of the racism, just showing that nothing was done about it. Obviously people are going to argue that its not racist, but would you say it in a public setting? Most likely not, still racism although more tolerated on the servers.
  22. G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^) I sincerely hope this isnt true. Now its become a game of targeting others you dont like? Nobody on here got info, screenshots, or any evidence on purpose. It was all on accident and severe enough to bring up. Go ahead and get us one by one, itll happen and I can guarantee it, but that is incredibly immature. You very well know how easy it is to forget something and mess up one time, now you may be trying to exploit that. This is how you destroy a division, you pit the DM's against the staff members.. ridiculous.
  23. I'm sure @@Forest would say it would depend on the situation. Well if thats the case, why were we told to follow the guidelines and never skip a step or just ban/slay without asking? It sounds likes its up to personal choice, which there isnt anything wrong with it, but i thought guidelines had to be followed perfectly.