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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. When you say most likely won't, I'd assume you're referring back to massing? Which is true and it just seems to make more sense not to perm people for it.
  2. John, your idea has so many different things that it is way too excessive. Nobody is gonna go look at someones past ban history, then go back to the game and ban them accordingly. I won't do it, and if that becomes the new way don't be expecting me to follow it. And btw, a mass freekill is 3 or more people as many others have said. In my opinion, it should be as follows: Mass freekill: 2 week or a month CT ban (im not sure which one...) Protest: Only allowed to protest if it is in regards to an invalid ban, but other than that they must wait it out if they did it. Perming someone should only be reserved for DDOS threats and hacking, with no ability to protest. WE NEED TO GET RID OF THE PERM BANS FOR FREEKILLING. Its useless and we lose a lot of good members to this stupid rule (minecrack, etc). Change the punishment of freekilling, but keep it simple.
  3. You applied last Friday... Close this please.
  4. @ShdowSpy the point I was trying to make is that detouring/delaying is very hard to determine, and you have to understand why John had assumed that. You have to remember that it may have looked different from their perspective.
  5. @@DarkWolf6052 How is just freeshooting one person not a slayable offense??? That's like saying you can bait one person, but if you bait two then you can be slain. Freeshooting is a worse offense IMO, as it damages T's, while baiting doesn't really do anything. Freeshooting has always been treated on a situational basis. I've seen people slay for 1, and some refuse to. It's personal preference, we've never gone by the rule that it's more than 1.
  6. @ShdowSpy if you're talking about proof he did shit in regards to this, there would be nothing to prove. As far as I can tell he is completely right, from his perspective he saw you delaying. It really comes down to perspective, somebody may think one route is delaying, while you may think opposite. If you strayed from the path the other T's were taking, then that can easily be considered detouring. The issue I have with this is that it could have been solved in game at the time. Everyone knows free shooting isn't allowed, but your issue comes from the specific situation. Nobody here, only those in game at the time, can actually determine who is right or wrong. Yes free shooting is slayable, although if there was ANY indication that you detoured then unfortunately it would be a very tough call.
  7. You guys really humor me sometimes. Length of a general round: 5 min (assuming you had slain yourself for the "freeslay") Time to make poll and post: 5 min Time spent reading and replying to comments: 15 min Time spent complaining to people somewhere else: 10 min If you just went on with life: 5 min impact Complaining: at least 30 minutes >logic Edit: this isn't to be an ass, but seriously guys... This is happening everyday.
  8. Yeah free shooting isn't allowed (you can intentionally shoot someone because you wanted too), but shooting someone who is delaying is fine. I give a lot of warning shots, because I hate to kill the poor defenseless T's. Free shooting: not allowed, ever. Most of the time it is a slayable offense, but it depends on the severity. I don't really know what the point of this topic was... It's common sense people.
  9. I think there is enough interest to actually invest some time into setting this up, so I will. Date will be TBD until I get confirmation that this will be allowed (and possibly coincide it with bringing back the hub). Date: TBD Time: 11pm EST (8 am on the following day for our friends that live in Tajikistan) Location: CS:S Jailbreak Rules: Don't be a dipshit, don't perma-ban everyone. Not too difficult to grasp this idea. Ill be updating this as I get more information/requests
  10. I've seen it happen. Rumor has it that they uninstalled steam and deleted system 32 shortly after their failure.
  11. I know that it's usually somewhat populated around that time. I don't know if it'll really be a big deal with having some randoms on. I'm fine with waiting later into the night, but it's not just a fun night for us. It may be beneficial to show those randoms that we are a clan that has fun from time to time.
  12. @ShdowSpy didn't realize that we couldn't use teamban on a dc (though it was an option still). So make a mass w/dc a month ban. For free shooting I'm not talking about the accidental shot that hits T's but rather the intentional mass free shooting (someone with bad enough aim that attempts to mass fk, but fails).
  13. Why not just change what we do for ban lengths? Mass fk w/dc: 2 month ct ban Mass fk, mass free shooting: 1 month ct ban DDOS, hacking: perm
  14. Since its gonna be after 11pm EST, I don't think we're gonna need to put a password on it. It should be empty enough by then that everyone who is there will know what's going on.
  15. Get the hell rid of Blax and iPlay. Blax: Nothing to do on the map, cant really have a warday anywhere iPlay: Gkoo broke it
  16. Exactly. Then it ends up being either ignored or changed to a +1. I won't deny in saying that I've changed my opinion based on how everyone else was so lenient, I'll admit that. The only time I gave my valid opinion was during the time Papi was protesting a ban, in which it seemed no one else would see through the fog of "high stature" and give their unbiased opinion. From then on, I've definitely been giving a lot more slack then should be given. The only way to enforce it properly and solidly enough so that Everyone gets the point, would be to have all the Higher-Ups establish that from this point on, no one, regardless of their previous rank/stature or whatever it is they've done for the clan will have any influence on what they mess up in. If they intentionally mass freekill, or do something related to that, then they'll be "SoL" and won't be legible for an unban. With all that said, from this point on, I'm going back to how Ban Protests were enforced then. If someone decides to mass freekill intentionally, then I won't be providing a 1-up under any circumstances. If it was a mass freekill that was done due to carelessness or was accidental, then I'll weigh the pros and cons and then evaluate based on it and come up with a verdict of which seems fair. #Gawd4Coleader - Dat guy, Forest This is exactly the reason the entire ban protest process is completely screwed up. I will also admit that I have +1'd a few simply because I knew it would start a flame war if I didn't (I've even written the entire thing out, just to change it). It's pointless the way it is.
  17. It should be a perm ban, people know the rules and they know the consequences. It's getting obnoxious now that people you were permed can be unbanned, like you said, because friends can +1 them. I know I've given quite a few people +1's when they were permed, but the second you say "a perm is a perm" people throw examples at you of other people that were unbanned. To make it as fair as possible I think it would be best to allow those who are currently permed a deadline from protesting, say June 12th, then after that date no protests are allowed. Once that date passes, anyone who is or has already been permed will stay permed. Making it so Div leaders, DM's or any other staff member make a decision about a perm will not solve any problems. Arguments will be created because of friendships between the staff member and the permed player altering the outcome. Make it simple: A perm is a perm.
  18. Written in a more clear way: "Gernades, both special and frag varieties, cannot be restricted for T's, although if a T damages a CT they are considered a rebel. CT's may only use grenades during wardays."
  19. Not to hijack the post, but this is something that really really really needs to be done. Set a date where perms may no longer be protested. After that date a perm is a perm, makes our lives a lot easier. And there really isn't a reason to ask for somebodies personal information such as a phone number, kind of uncalled for. (no pun intended)
  20. New rule: Flash and Smoke Grenades The use of flash and smoke grenades CANNOT be restricted but the action of THROWING CAN BE RESTRICTED. CTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THESE UNLESS IT IS WARDAY OR IF IT IMPAIRs ANY T/CT. T's can also use frag nades and it will not be considered rebel UNLESS IT DAMAGES A CT. So you can't restrict them, but you can restrict them? I don't even.... (Let's change it back to the rule that everyone had been following)
  21. I'm so confused by this... is it a ban protest, submission for xG membership from DayZ, or.... wut.
  22. As stated in the motd: Flash and Smoke Grenades The use of flash and smoke grenades by a T is not rebellious unless it physically damages a CT or it is restricted by warden. CTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THESE UNLESS IT IS WARDAY OR IF IT IMPAIRs ANY T/CT. T's can also use frag nades and it will not be considered rebel UNLESS IT DAMAGES A CT. We have always gone by the rule that grenades cannot be restricted, and have played so accordingly. They should not be allowed to be restricted. TLDR grenades shouldn't be allowed to be restricted. (I'm motioning to have this removed)