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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Uh.... you're wrong sir. It's pronounced G-coo. Seriously. Welcome to the community, enjoy your stay. There's plenty of food over there, and cookies... lots of cookies. I like your name... I won't call you Gecko out of jealousy
  2. I don't know... people who major in architecture are sketchy people.... Im just kidding +1. M: 9.5/10 A: 9/10 Follows rules, knows MOTD, doesn't argue or disrespect admins/mods, very active.
  3. I'll give you a +1, but please make sure you thoroughly read the MOTD. M 6.5/10 A 8/10 Overall is fairly good to play with, and follows rules MOST of the time.
  4. Hahaha that just made my day :chuncky:
  5. A: 8/10 M:8/10 Is on a lot and understands MOTD rules, never argues. +1... even though i wasn't mentioned
  6. +1, definitely should be added
  7. A: 9/10 M:7/10 I hate to do this, but i'll have to -1 for right now. I've seen you spam chat a lot, and you don't know the MOTD (especially regarding specific types of days). Read over the MOTD, volunteer for Warden (if you have a mic), and PLEASE don't spam chat and I will change my vote. UPDATE Ill change to a +1, he's been a TON better... definitely much more mature M:9/10 A:9/10
  8. A:9/10 M:8/10 Never heard using mic, so can't really say how "mature" he is in that perspective, but is always following rules and asks questions when unsure about rules. Always is respectful and seems genuinely interested in being a part of xG when using chat. +1
  9. I don't know how more people haven't seen you.... A: 7/10 M:9/10 I've seen him on quite a lot, never poses problems, and of course follows rules. Would be a great addition. +1 Edit: That isn't your steam ID fyi, it'll be a bunch of numbers
  10. +1 Activity: 10/10 Maturity: 9.9/10 (can't be perfect) Reason: Would be perfect as a mod, knows motd very well and never argues.
  11. to catch them is my real test...
  12. I will also change my vote and offer you this... +1 Maturity 8/10 Activity 8/10 I've played with you quite a few times, and you know what your doing. Plus, it really seems like you are dedicated to becoming a mod, which is a good sign that you'll be great at it.
  13. Because I never got to do this the first time you applied... +1 Maturity 9/10 Activity 8/10 (Before ban of course) Good person, was very active and knows the motd fairly well.
  14. +1. Dem bitches have got away with it long enough.
  15. Not only does it get rid of the point of jailbreak, but it also entices CT's to bait and thus break motd rules.
  16. Too much love. -1. In all seriousness I'm gonna stay at a 0 right now only because you haven't been part of xG all that long, a little more experience goes a long way. I've played a lot with you and you have always been respectful and have followed the rules, so just a little bit more time and I'll be more than happy to change from my 0.
  17. It's not that we don't like you, it's that you don't follow the rules. Follow the rules and don't be rude to members, that's all it takes. Obviously many people on here have seen you mess around too much, don't disrespect and read the motd. I suggest you reapply later after you familiarize yourself with the motd and show everyone that you won't screw around. I've played with you before and you would be a good person in xG. As of right now -1.
  18. Agreed. No point in being T if you don't have a knife. I was there too, definitely shouldn't be allowed even if it is for another game that isn't part of the minigame that took away the knife (piranhas, etc) because you can't rebel.
  19. I believe that you should be able to shoot !checkmater's only in a situation where they were going to die anyway (High spray, trivia, etc), I know that mods and admins have slain people for shooting a T that checkmated during FR/LR (First reaction jump, I used checkmate, was killed by a CT and they were slain for freekilling). Honestly, shooting the T is fine if they are already going to die as a direct result of a game, but it should be freekilling if they did it for the fun of going to mars.
  20. [ATTACH]2517.vB[/ATTACH] 09 Accord, not mine in picture but same color and trim.
  21. I completely agree with Danno, although it would be a blast... but not possible with more than a few people
  22. Ich habe zehn. (I have ten, for those of you who don't speak german). Danke schon! Just keeping this up top so it gets approved.....
  23. Finally! Haha Thank you everyone for the +1's, and thanks DaKorean for posting it into the chat on here!