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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Ugh.... this guy. +1 because I was bound and forced to. (Great member, always following MOTD, knows it inside and out)
  2. I agree with most of what you said, but is it really fair to get mad/blame the mods and admins. As far as I know, they have to see the offense happen, or at least have extensive proof before they can slay. I can almost go as far as saying its those who aren't mods that are the problem, because the second there is a freeslay we complain and give them crap; and many times threaten to get them stripped as mod. They have to be careful not to freeslay, the consequences are too strict. Yes, there are mods/admins that are not doing their job. Although we also can't expect them to do it every second they are one. My solution: Admins should be required to send a message back to anyone who alerts them of an offense in admin chat. Ex. Me: @ speedlimit didn't tell me to drop the gun, and freekilled me. Admin, in private response: Ok, I'll watch him when I can. This solves a few problems 1. Admins have to pay attention to admin chat 2. We know that someone is watching, that the admins are active 3. It stops the damn bickering that I see everyday in team chat "Holy shit admin, he freekilled!" -spammed 100 times, until the freekiller sees it and starts an argument Alright I'm done rambling, sorry for any spelling errors it's a pita to type on the iPhone. Tldr: we can't blame the admins/mods, there needs to be a procedure for reporting and responding to reports of rule breaking.
  3. I don't have a preference, it can literally be a black background with "Gkoo is the best" in comic sans. The more random the better though.
  4. So I've had my current spray for quite a long time, I really want a new one. Instead of making my own I figured someone here would love to make me a custom one. What I want: MOTD approved spray Thats it. I'll take the first spray posted (and use it), it doesn't matter how beautiful it is. Thanks home slices.
  5. Damn... I would take OrignalCat's spray in a heartbeat. That's some pro stuff. (You really should use it, he made it just for YOU)
  6. That edumacation is important.... I think. Haha, good luck and don't party too hard.
  7. I love you. +1 Oh yeah, and I guess you'd be a good mod... maybe because you're active... really active. But yeah, great person and amount of activity is great for being a mod.
  8. +1 A:6/10 M:9/10 Activity is low because I don't see you on all the much for jb, but when you are you follow motd and are respectful.
  9. Of course its a +1. A: 8/10 M:9/10 Always has been a great person. That's enough of a reason.
  10. There's plenty of people who own them and are responsible, there will always be people who can't handle dangerous things.. There's really no benefit in banning them or restricting them.
  11. I could never do 8 am classes.... good luck
  12. Rich schools..... Internet explorer....
  13. +1 in this case I honestly believe it should be a perm ct ban; its much worse to be doing something against the rules simply because there are no mods/admins.... doesnt deserve to be let off.
  14. "Helpful Skills: i know how to play counterstrike" You sir are a pro. +1 A: 7/10 M:9/10 Fairly active, although I haven't seen you on recently. Follows motd, knows rules, respects all members.
  15. I'll stay neutral right now, I've seen you do great as a paid mod.. but then there have been times where your judgement has been rash. Like many have said, just wait and prove yourself.
  16. -1, I was going to let the whole situation with your disrespecting go until I saw that everyone else seems to have had a problem with you trolling. I don't appreciate somebody threatening me to get an admin to CT ban me, there was absolutely no reason for it (especially when you admit you could have been in the wrong). I have no problem with changing my vote if I see that you respect all members, including me. I suggest waiting a month or so, then reapply.
  17. Diagram makes it legit +1. Haha, but it does sound like a good game if you can actually control the t's long enough; its hard enough to get them to form a triangle.
  18. I don't really see it being a problem during the day, but it would be really easy to farm in the middle of the night when there are no mods on. I think it would be a good idea to have the plugin, especially for the jb server. And I think a time of 10 minutes would be long enough, but short enough too.
  19. +1 extremely active, always seems to be on jb. Knows motd quite well, would be a great mod.
  20. Du bist genial! Er ist immer auf und kennt die Regeln. A: zehn/zehn M: neun/zehn For the german challenged: He is awesome! He is on a lot and knows the rules.
  21. That would be awesome! +1