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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Introduced me to Tarp Alert! Boy, my life would never be the same! Thanks Sham! +1... for reasons above
  2. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10 Has been playing for a very very long time. Knows motd and would be a great addition!
  3. +1 Has been very actively the past few days, knows rules, will make a good member A: 9/10 M: 8/10
  4. What the hell did I just watch?
  5. +1 Great person, knows motd, follow rules; all the good stuff. A: 7/10 M: 9/10
  6. +1 Always always always on at night, which is when we need mods since its too late for most. Knows motd quite well, and has deserved it for a long time.
  7. -1 Why would anyone what you as mod? Always disrespects, makes me leave TS channel, and a jerk overall. Terrible warden, and that's when he actually has the balls to do it. Breaks every rule, and seems to get confused about what team he is on. Constantly spams chat, admin chat, and TS. Actually that reminds me, I'm gonna go make a member protest, please view it. #downwithGkoo2012 A:3/10 M: -21/10
  8. +1 There's really no reason there should even be a thread on this, he's been an issue for a long time and it requires something to be done. All day today he was trolling, breaking rules, etc (of course I dont have any proof), but theres really no need because everyone has had an issue..
  9. +1 plays a little bit too much though. Seems to be on all the time. Knows motd very well and is very personable. A:10/10 M:9.9/10
  10. +1 I always had wondered why you never applied/weren't xG A:9/10 M:10/10 Very active and great player
  11. +1 Respectful, follows rules, knows motd A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  12. Alright this is the last bump i'll give this thread. I would love if you all would +1 it, I really would love to be mod (and we need more mods to be on jailbreak). Many people can vouch for me, for my respect to everyone, and for my knowledge of the motd like a boss.
  13. +1 M: 9/10 A: 7/10 Actually uses mic, follows motd, respectful.. All the good stuff
  14. Thanks. I'll definitely try to get on ts more. Edit: Meant to do a comment, not a post.. oh well Thanks to everyone so far!
  15. I hate bumping.. Thanks everyone so far!
  16. +1 very helpful and respectful member
  17. Thanks a lot! Here, have a free cookie.
  18. Thunder bump. And if anyone has any questions they want to ask, just message me.
  19. Red and Black, and just my name with xG. Thanks!
  20. Finally I can apply! Um... I love you all. Seriously though, I've been wanting to become a mod for quite a while. There never seems to be anyone on during the late night hours, and I've seen people come on and blatantly break rules a lot during the late hours when all the mods/admins are offline. I've been playing jb for way too long (well over 200 hours in the past year), so I know the rules inside and out and follow them all the time, plus I'm on a lot. I'm dedicated to helping this clan, and I feel that mod is a great way to do this... plus I'm genuinely respectful to everyone. I appreciate the +1's or -1's, but if you do leave a -1 PLEASE leave feedback. Thanks! +1's: Gkoo Shaggy Turdwig thefalcon tree HaaDron Ganja Draxxx m608ike Lollerskater -- #10 littlepanda Mark -1's:
  21. Exactly what I was saying, theres no point in banning them...
  22. Always on, probably one of the best members, would be a great mod +1 A:10/10 M:9.9/10