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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Knows motd, follows rules A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  2. i5 is much better than the i7's (at least the lower i7's).. I'd take the better processor speed anyday over my crappy quad core i7.
  3. Lol girlfriend.... must be a rare pokemon
  4. Because its the console you buy and throw away after one use. Then buy again when you're bored. Rinse and repeat.
  5. Get rid of the map jail_break.... please.
  6. I would say that it should only be implied before 5, but then it gets confusing. So ya, if warden gives another order (start race, climb, etc) then jumping is no longer restricted should be implied. Obviously something needs to be added to the MOTD to clarify one way or another, but your idea is best.
  7. That's what I thought, I wish I had it for video editing stuff. If you don't mind could you make me an avatar?
  8. I have it, and would definitely enjoy getting a game together. (I'm not a pro though)
  9. I know, by cramped I meant there doesn't seem to be a lot of space to walk; the walls are kind of close together and there a lot of corners (Not a lot of room in general, but it is may just be the way the screenshots are taken). Anyway, keep up the good work, and I would love to beta it for you.
  10. It does suck that motd didn't come up for you to read, but it is better that we are consistent with our bans. I do think your ban should be shortened to a week, especially since it seems like you genuinely regret what you did. +1 for unban
  11. Has been on jb quite a lot, knows motd, is very repspectful A:9.25/10 M: 9/10 +1
  12. Looks good so far, although it looks a llittle cramped. Also needs more cowbell.
  13. Good luck, don't procrastinate too much..
  14. What did you use to make it?
  15. The only reason I ever use the tazer is when I feel like being a nice CT (not killing, just giving them a final chance); its pointless to have them if that cant be the warning to drop guns or whatever you wanted to use them for. People tend to abuse it, +1 for the removal of them or at the least shortening the amount of time you are tazed.
  16. Alright,this is a little off topic but it needs to be said. Everyone complains that the mods are bad, the admins abuse and it is causing this community to fall. That's a bunch crap. This bickering between mods and admins needs to stop. Ganja is not a bad admin, nor is shadow. Shadow it sounds like you weren't there for the whole situation, so how the hell do you know it was abuse? Ganja punishes much quicker than most, but it's not abuse. I'm not going to be a hypocrite about it and say ganja is right, because I don't know the entire story. But there is no reason for the higher ups to be arguing on the forums. It sounds like you put this up for some revenge on ganja, a way to vent anger. Why? What is it going to solve? Everyone needs to understand that there are going to be bad bans, mistakes happen. Stop attacking each other, and work it out like adults, civilized and with respect. *im not saying anyone is right or wrong in this case, nor am I attacking or taking sides to anyone. I respect you all.
  17. +1 mature and has been fairly active A:7/10 M:7/10 Make sure you don't freekill, and slay yourself if you do. You know why I brought this up.
  18. Hidingmaster

    Scary Game.

    I got to wake up before I left crying in fear, im such a pro.
  19. Yes the computer does need to be ON for the internet to work. Jk, glad you fixed it
  20. Procrastination is always the answer.. but I just want to get ahead for a couple days so I can procrastinate to the max.
  21. There are two things I do everyday... Homework and CS:S....Although it seems that homework loves to take up the entire evening now. College, damn you.
  22. Hello, I'll be your tour guide. On the left you'll see...