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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. I suggest we set timeframes, i really want to get a complete map.
  2. Age: 20 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43243066 Valve Hammer Editor experience: Lol (Approx 0) Although i have watched many videos, just never got started What can you offer: Creative ideas, advice, food Area of the map you would like to create: LR room
  3. Another bad CT leaving. THANK THE LAWD. Jk, hopefully it gets fixed soon... sucks to see that its stopping you from playing.
  4. +1 for all doors having the sound clip of the one from iPlay iso.
  5. That's a good idea glop (gkoo). I'm in for helping, I'm no pro, but I'll learn it. PS.. My phone autocorrects gkoo to glop. Lol And we need to make sure to have the finalized map made uniform (textures, doors, etc). Dibs on the LR room?
  6. +1 On quite a bit, has good knowledge off the MOTD, respectful A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  7. -1 Doesn't know rules, disrespects, advertises app..
  8. -1 Doesn't understand rules at all. Reapply later, once you show you understand the rules and gain respect.
  10. You should have put yoloswag as your in-game name, since it is what you have used recently. You've always have been active and I don't think I've ever seen you cause problems. A:9/10 M: 10/10 +1 And @@Lollerskater he goes by the name of yoloswag
  11. I would prefer that asking to hunt for rebels stays, simply because of the arguments it would cause when a mod or admin slays for screwing around. Even putting in a rule saying that they must actively be looking for T's only creates another grey area in the MOTD. We don't need anymore confusion from the MOTD, and as the rule stands it makes our job much easier. So -1 for the first change. The second rule should be changed, it's the armory, pretty much the only location the CT has that is semi safe. Although, we need to limit the time they can be in there. 30 seconds is way too long, it can turn into a hiding place really quickly. As someone said, 15 seconds would be much better. +1 to removing the armory rule
  12. Since I was there obviously, I'll help clear it up a little. 1) I was talking to Dirty Dan. 2) the context did make it slight disrespect. It was one of those times where it's hard to tell if it was sarcasm or not, but with the current situation it was definitely leaning towards disrespect. Obviously I don't remember the situation well, but I believe it was after he got kill of the warden decided to do something that day that he didn't want to. I like Dirty Dan, I think he adds a lot to jb.. But there have been numerous times where he will show a lack of respect for players or mods/admins. He loves to argue with us over rules, most of the time it seems just to troll. I hate doing this... +1 Edit: Normally I won't say don't respect in cases like his, but I literally told someone 10 seconds before he died to also stop disrespecting; thus I had to keep things fair.
  13. -1 I don't know how many times I've slain you.. Plus you had xG tags on yesterday when you obviously weren't supposed to. Read the MOTD, it's not hard to remember, and keep the tags off.
  14. -1 I've seen you break a lot of rules and harass staff. I'll gladly change my vote if you show you know the motd and respect everyone.
  15. -1 Was perm'd, and already showing disrespect, I smell a hint of trolling.
  16. Alright, so if we don't make "out of cell rebel" implied, I just want to make sure this is what happens: 1) If a t escapes his cell before of out cell rebel is called, then that T should NOT be killed and allowed to freeze or return to their cell. If they are killed, then it is a freekill. (Assuming they left their cell without entering a vent, or doing anything else that would make them a rebel. 2) If a time to leave cells is not given before cells are open when warden is starting a warday, then T's can leave cells right away and any killed T's outside of warday area have been freekilled. From reading all of your posts this is the jist I got from it, if it is then I will enforce these rules.
  17. It's annoying, but doesn't happen all that much, at least when im on. Would be too hard to control anyway if there was a rule about it. If it gets excessive mods/admins tend to mute those who are mic spamming. -1
  18. There's no doubt that we need this, it takes too much time to look for the thread stating they are stuck, would be much easier to have a central location to see who is unfairly stuck in the ctban glitch +1
  19. But this is the issue, it doesn't happen, because the warden is focused on other things. It's the other CT's doing the killing, and if we slay its always a huge argument. I honestly thing having it implied would be a huge benefit..
  20. The issue is that those T's that do get out before its called are never pardoned/let go back to their cells, this happens because the warden will say out of cell rebel, but there are always CT's that hear that, then see the few T's out and kill them. The problem isn't really when T's are out before it is called but after (even though they were out before). And as mods it's very hard to slay those CT's for freekilling since we're always looking at armory or specing the CT's. I understand where you are coming from neo, but I think the benefits of adding out of cell rebel as being implied when warden is called would solve more than this problem. 1) No more arguing over if it was said or not 2) Huge reduction in freekilled at the beginning of rounds 3) Reduces number of freedays, which I think have been a problem recently 4) It just kind makes sense to be a rebel if you escape from your cell 5) Makes it a little easier on the warden and CT's, since they don't have to worry about knowing if the t that was outside of his cell is a rebel or not (so it would make the beginning of rounds smoother)
  21. So there are two big issues regarding being out of your cell. 1) Being out of your cell before warden says "Out of cell rebel" is a grey area. The problem I have with this is when you get out of your cell before it was said, and then warden says it which leads CT's to kill you nearly everytime. It doesn't make sense to be considered a rebel if you were out of your cell before it was said. We need something to clear this up, either having out of cell rebel implied, or having something in the MOTD say that if a T is out before it is said then they cannot be killed. Example of when this happens: You get out of your cell without breaking or going through a vent, like in the vip cell in blackops (i think thats the map), and you run to go open cells. Warden says out of cell rebel when you are halfway there, so a CT sees you outside of your cell and kills you. Obviously you were out of the cell well before, thus not really a rebel... 2) Being out of cells before a time to leave cells is given for a warday. I swear this happens 90% of the time there is a warday. Warden will say "We will be having a warday in XXXX" *Cells opened, with a few T's leaving* "Don't leave until X:XX". Obviously saying out of cell rebel makes them rebels for leaving, but what about the times when it isn't said. This needs to be cleared up in the MOTD. Its late so those descriptions probably suck, but i can clarify if needed. My ideas: Make out of cell rebel implied (you would be in real life) I know this is a drastic thought, but seriously think about it -Obviously a little disadvantage to T's -But there are a lot of benefits to this (no more arguing over if it was said or not, don't have to worry about freekills from it, clears up a lot of grey areas) Make sure the MOTD clearly says if a T is out before it is said, they are not a rebel and are pardoned/allowed to return to a cell OR freeday? NOTE: This does not apply when most of the T's are out, it is a problem when 1 or 2 are out.
  22. Hidingmaster


    I have an ENVY too (but with a legit graphics card), and I was having the same damn problem with CS:S and Minecraft.. It doesn't look like you have switchable graphics, which was the first part of my problem. But I'm assuming HP is still using cool sense for the fan control. Disable that shit, because the envy runs very hot it draws too much power for the fan---> causes extreme loss of fps. As soon as I disabled it I have never had a problem with running games. It may not solve your problem, but who knows. Green text..
  23. Well... about damn time you do something around here you lazy mofo A: 9/10 , although maybe 1/10 since it took you so long to apply M: Yes/10 +1 obviously. Wood mak a grate adition. (spelling?)