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Reputation Activity

  1. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in DayZ Standalone Vs. WarZ   
    Its tsuchikureqwtix or something like that.
    Closed for gravedig from 1857.
  2. Useful
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from diabeetus in DayZ Standalone Vs. WarZ   
    Its tsuchikureqwtix or something like that.
    Closed for gravedig from 1857.
  3. Friendly
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    -I was being respectful and was more than happy to listen to any proof you wanted to proved as long as it was done in the correct way. I can tell that nothing is going to be accomplished here, and as I said no disrespect would be tolerated; you failed that and first disrespected Matsi and then SuperMaddud. Matsi some of the stuff you said is also borderline disrespect, last warning for you.
  4. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Lemons in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    No because you disrespected them.
  5. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Lemons in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    -I was being respectful and was more than happy to listen to any proof you wanted to proved as long as it was done in the correct way. I can tell that nothing is going to be accomplished here, and as I said no disrespect would be tolerated; you failed that and first disrespected Matsi and then SuperMaddud. Matsi some of the stuff you said is also borderline disrespect, last warning for you.
  6. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DCook in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    -I was being respectful and was more than happy to listen to any proof you wanted to proved as long as it was done in the correct way. I can tell that nothing is going to be accomplished here, and as I said no disrespect would be tolerated; you failed that and first disrespected Matsi and then SuperMaddud. Matsi some of the stuff you said is also borderline disrespect, last warning for you.
  7. Not Funny
    Hidingmaster reacted to Jaybreeze in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    yeaaaaaa lets keep making threads about the same bullshit every three weeks. this will surely be the one that motivates everyone and gets the clan back on track!
  8. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    Saracastic answers dont help.
    What is a problem with servers? Only thing I can really think of is staff activity, although that will come with time as we get more mods and admins (for CSS at least). There are a few tweaks that can made, but nothing I can see that ruins the servers.
    Other problems? People that don't want to actually help xG and just like to say it sucks, without ever giving real reasons. If you think it sucks so much then I'm confused as to why 1) You stay here or 2) You are staying and not trying to improve it. I can't control what happens in other Divs, but we listen to suggestions in CSS.. strange that I haven't heard one from the people who constantly complain, but I do listen (and get a fair amount of suggestions) and look into implementing people that are active and want to improve the experience.
  9. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    -I was being respectful and was more than happy to listen to any proof you wanted to proved as long as it was done in the correct way. I can tell that nothing is going to be accomplished here, and as I said no disrespect would be tolerated; you failed that and first disrespected Matsi and then SuperMaddud. Matsi some of the stuff you said is also borderline disrespect, last warning for you.
  10. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Matsi - Counter-strike: Source   
    -I was being respectful and was more than happy to listen to any proof you wanted to proved as long as it was done in the correct way. I can tell that nothing is going to be accomplished here, and as I said no disrespect would be tolerated; you failed that and first disrespected Matsi and then SuperMaddud. Matsi some of the stuff you said is also borderline disrespect, last warning for you.
  11. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Lemons in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    Exactly. We take care of issues when they need to be. And I have a strange feeling Chrono is exactly right on his philosophy; oh wait, he is.
    And diabeetus said it perfectly: Be the change you wish to see.
  12. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Lemons in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    The correct list: CS:S Staff Roster | Xeno Gamers as the one you posted is way outdated.
    Please explain to me why we need MORE staff. You're just silly... (I would call you stupid but I don't want to get banned)
    I said activity, as most of the mods/admins are not incredibly active although active enough I dont want to get rid of some of them. Saying you would call me stupid is the same as actually saying it. Why don't you want to get banned? If you act immature and rude it will happen, if you have respect then it wont.
    You need better, more mature, less ignorant, less divided staff.
    Maybe we do, maybe we don't. I think a fair amount of the staff get along with each other, you have to expect some issues but we deal with that accordingly. Ask anybody who is active if we are doing a good job in at least TRYING to foster a good environment.
    The servers need to be more unique.
    Nothing I can do about that unfortunately, but I'm doing my best to improve Jailbreak.
    The servers need to have UPPER ADMINISTRATION WITH SERVER POWERS who are ACTIVE and scared of dealing with things.
    I'm assuming you meant not scared to deal with things; thats more blame on people who are out to get staff members in trouble when they try to do something. I would love server powers to be able to help, but I don't know if I can get them.
    You also need staff who can see through problems and fucking solve them without taking 10 years of complaining to someone els.
    I don't wait 10 years to solve problems, I do my best to solve problems that arise with the tools I have. As do most of my staff members.
    You need staff who wont spread useless rumors/drama around the clan.
    This will always happen, ignore it is really the only way to get by it. I hate it as much as the next person.
    Pretty much, it should be to the point where if ALL the staff were put in one room, they wouldn't argue or say anything disrespectful for a whole 10 hours without problem. They should also all try to put in something to contribute to the server.
    That would be my dream come true, it aint going to happen, but as I said we can only try so hard to make things run smoothly.
  13. Not Funny
    Hidingmaster reacted to Warriorsfury in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
  14. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster reacted to ForestFire in Thepistolboss   
    He's a cool guy know the motd and is fun to play jb with him. lel +1
    M 7/10
    A 9/10
  15. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Chrono in Hexx   
    "-1 faggot"
  16. Winner
    Hidingmaster reacted to LeToucan in My Girlfriend > Yours   
    Jokes on you! i dont have a girlfriend!
  17. Useful
    Hidingmaster reacted to Charles in Hexx   
    Post valid reasons for +1/-1's... @@Chrono
  18. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from jubens45 in Hexx   
    Further information: Only option for the thread is to -1.
    Super active and nice, i guess. Probably opened the MOTD once as well.
  19. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    -Closed for trolling and disrespect. Bans will be handed out accordingly.
  20. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    Cool, disrespect people, that'll get you unbanned faster. I suggest you don't be disrespecting people. Just my thoughts.
    Also @@DarkWolf6052
  21. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    Absolutely not. -1
    Happened within the past day as an FYI to everyone. Xeno Gamers
    @@DrPepperPhreak @@Tsuchikure
  22. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DeathGod in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    -Closed for trolling and disrespect. Bans will be handed out accordingly.
  23. Not Funny
    Hidingmaster reacted to DeathGod in I Aint No Pussy.   
    did no one read the white text?
  24. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    -Closed for trolling and disrespect. Bans will be handed out accordingly.
  25. Boring
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from JakeEnglish in Paulie - Counter-strike: Source   
    -Closed for trolling and disrespect. Bans will be handed out accordingly.