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  1. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Remove Simple MOTD   
    The more I think about it the less sense or makes having it. Why post a simplified/shortened motd when they have to read the long one anyway. Nobody is going to go to the longer one if they don't have to. Change it back to having the regular motd appear, doesn't give them an excuse then. It's a good idea, but is useless at what it is trying to accomplish.
    +1 for removal
  2. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Matsi in Remove Simple MOTD   
    If you have common sense... or already know what jailbreak is... you can join the server... read the basic motd... and be perfectly fine....
    If you don't... then you prolly don't read either MOTD when you join anyways....
    This thread is pointless... removing the basic motd is pointless... and will change nothing...
  3. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Superkiller67 in Apple - Counter-Strike: Source   
    3 week ban on both.
  4. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from diabeetus in Apple - Counter-Strike: Source   
    3 week ban on both.
  5. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Kyoko in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  6. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to Warriorsfury in Its been fun...   
    Lol, if this is a flame war then im sorry.
    Despite all the flame I have apparently cause (Sorry about that) I do wish you luck with school!
  7. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Warriorsfury in Silence what are you doing kid?   
    I have solved many problems pertaining from:
    Mic spammers
    Ddos threats
    Help with clan v clan issues/events
    Helping people move into channels
    Banning others for breaking teamspeak rules such as room spam
    General questions and problems
    If me being in my room is a problem I will keep every single room I own unlocked. That is not a problem for me whatsoever and I can do it without a problem. But then again I don't understand by monitor the server actively? Do you mean go room to room to see if anyone has issues? If so that can be done but not sure if it would be a good thing.
  8. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Its been fun...   
    With as inactive as some of the staff has been, we pretty much are juggling everything right now.
    And i dont mind doing the petty things, it helps you have better communication with staff and members.
  9. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Forest in Its been fun...   
    With as inactive as some of the staff has been, we pretty much are juggling everything right now.
    And i dont mind doing the petty things, it helps you have better communication with staff and members.
  10. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Its been fun...   
    With as inactive as some of the staff has been, we pretty much are juggling everything right now.
    And i dont mind doing the petty things, it helps you have better communication with staff and members.
  11. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  12. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrSaturday in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  13. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from John in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  14. Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Warriorsfury in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  15. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from diabeetus in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  16. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  17. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from mtown81 in Its been fun...   
    You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it.
    I'm not o_O
    It is literally his job >_>
    Its literally not my job.
    Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany.
    My job:
    Enforce the rules without bias.
    Help people with their questions.
    Handle relevant situations on the forums.
    Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect.
    Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over.
    Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  18. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to diabeetus in Its been fun...   
    i'm done
  19. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from PolarCoded in Its been fun...   
    but its about time i take a break from this place and focus on the more important things in life. I have 2 jobs and will be taking 20 credit hours this semester, which starts thursday. I've got a lot of stuff on my plate to take care of and I just don't know if I can dedicate the time in the near future. Plus, there is a lot of stuff going on here that I just don't want to be associated with, its not my job to argue over dumb things, its my job to make this place a fun thing for everyone. Goodbye.
    @@DaddioDoug Good luck with life.
    @@DarkWolf6052 You know where to reach me, its been real yo.
    @@Gkoo I <3 you a little, in a bro kind of way.
    @@John I don't know what to say to you, i missed you though.
    @@CyanNovaa Don't leave me alone.
    @@Chrono Thanks feg.
    @@Forest Don't catch on fire chap.
    @@Superkiller67 You've been a big help, thanks.
    And to everyone else.. too lazy to tag. Azmatic, payturr, minecrack, unit, dirtyd, orange (<3), meowmix, rpx, shadowspy, meganrobin, sepzeroh, the list goes on. You are all great people and make this place what it is.
    By the way, ill be back in like an hour or so, just wanted to let you all know that ill be gone for the next 60 minutes. Back to the usual grind soon on here.
    Oh and in all seriousness, I'll be a little less inactive since school is actually starting, but if need anything help just message me on steam or the forums since i check them at least once a day at work. And you all thought I was leaving, sorry to crush your hopes. #demotejohn
  20. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Its been fun...   
    but its about time i take a break from this place and focus on the more important things in life. I have 2 jobs and will be taking 20 credit hours this semester, which starts thursday. I've got a lot of stuff on my plate to take care of and I just don't know if I can dedicate the time in the near future. Plus, there is a lot of stuff going on here that I just don't want to be associated with, its not my job to argue over dumb things, its my job to make this place a fun thing for everyone. Goodbye.
    @@DaddioDoug Good luck with life.
    @@DarkWolf6052 You know where to reach me, its been real yo.
    @@Gkoo I <3 you a little, in a bro kind of way.
    @@John I don't know what to say to you, i missed you though.
    @@CyanNovaa Don't leave me alone.
    @@Chrono Thanks feg.
    @@Forest Don't catch on fire chap.
    @@Superkiller67 You've been a big help, thanks.
    And to everyone else.. too lazy to tag. Azmatic, payturr, minecrack, unit, dirtyd, orange (<3), meowmix, rpx, shadowspy, meganrobin, sepzeroh, the list goes on. You are all great people and make this place what it is.
    By the way, ill be back in like an hour or so, just wanted to let you all know that ill be gone for the next 60 minutes. Back to the usual grind soon on here.
    Oh and in all seriousness, I'll be a little less inactive since school is actually starting, but if need anything help just message me on steam or the forums since i check them at least once a day at work. And you all thought I was leaving, sorry to crush your hopes. #demotejohn
  21. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to MineCrack in Its been fun...   
    I was worried for a second, I wouldn't have someone to have pointless arguments on the forums with...
  22. Disagree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Remove Simple MOTD   
    That isn't simplified. That's basic.
    It might be officially titled a basic motd, but its still simplified. Same meaning, different way to say it.
  23. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to CyanNovaa in Schools Back....   
    Now that school is back and summer is over I will be less active because my mom only lets me play on weekend's so like Nub said about the Cumsock Factory closing McCyan's Burger joint will be closed till the weekend! I will be active again on the weekends. @Nymth @@DarkWolf6052 @@kbshooter2 @@MrAwesome104 @@Astrea and of course @@Superkiller67
  24. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Snoopy in Snoopy - Counter-Strike: Source   
    List so far of VALID +1's:
    Mr Awesome
    Mtown (good enough)
    17 as of this post and Co-Leader approval. If anyone else wants to take the other vouches and put it towards 20 im fine with that, but as of right now I cannot accept it.
  25. Winner
    Hidingmaster reacted to Epix in Chivalry.   
    just took this today