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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Baby come back you can blame it all on me <3
  2. for CSS/TF2 Donating is a requirment. i don't think it is for CSGO as of yet tho.
  3. dont get raped :I Jk get raped and record it i wanna watch.
  4. +1 @@DMTwired another one of you :I stop multiplying
  5. Duke


    +1 he never gets banned but he gets gaged and kicked then just waits for that admin to leave....
  6. Duke

    xG Radio!

    Uhh I'll dj and bring class to you bitchs with Jazz. But ya go into detail on how this would work. cause it seems you wanna make an internet raido station dedicated to xG which is so would be pretty legit and i havnt seen that done before.
  7. Duke


    Welcome to the forums i am serbian vela buk.
  8. "I'd like to enter the raffle for Natural Selection 2!" the first one was mad epic fun when i played it!
  9. Pretty sure he plays CSS @@Chrono i think i played with him like an hour or so ago. Welcome to forums.
  10. Duke

    [Ban Appeal]

    Looked at it when i posted was only a week.
  11. Duke

    [Ban Appeal]

    -1 ur lucky its just a week... wait it the fuck out.
  12. this, some1 quick edit a map and put a place for this game!!!
  13. so wait we get credits for posting now? inb4 spamming posts for credits.
  14. -1 nah please just stop trying you joined then left how many times? and how many bans for disrespect/trolling have you got? oh ya if ur caught again it'll probs be perm =/
  15. Duke


    lulwut i dont even
  16. +1 for some form of punishment i saw 1 guy who didnt move in the video =/
  17. Treating people nice you are one to talk, i;ve asked you to stop with the shit and you still do it to this day, and taking shit serious maybe talk to me and ask me why i have people change either name latly, it's because they have mine in it. not because of the neckbeard shit or hagrid because he has my name in his. But ya, i take it to serious.
  18. i was speccing you when the hacker we we had banned not to long before this was dead and i did not believe you were legit either but i was the only one and then shaggy agreed.
  19. Duke

    Dota 2 Division

    i'd play with u guys if my laptop wasnt a piece of over giant shit that makes sounds.... But ya srs i have dota 2 and have for awhile but i cant run it for some reason, like my laptop meets the min specs for it but every time i try to load it, it goes black screen and crashs ;-;
  20. i agreed to it,we were watching another perm banned hacker and i would watch you when he died and you didnt seem very legit either.