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Everything posted by Duke

  1. I did game doesnt look half bad, but as i said my laptop can't run it :I
  2. only you :3 And i would say me, i'd get it and play but my laptop won't be able to handle it.
  3. Duke

    RDMers on TTT

    @@DMTwired @@Aeon @@Charrax
  4. +0 havnt seen you since you left and saying the motd doesnt work for you isnt a valid reason to not know the rules... like seriously you are on the forums go look them up under the section called RULES... just sayian
  5. nice, i'd help but my craptop wont be able to handle it.
  6. Wait... we have a single servers that only xG can join or is it still public any1 can join but it's our town? o.o but it seems pretty cool except for the no vehicles parts thats just shit :c
  7. i assumed it was cause he eats crisco all the time jk lteezar ur still fat tho <3
  8. Start with 200, then if it gets 200 peopleonatonce and no lag up it, if it lags reduce @@Duplolas Also make sure thats what the community wants first, poll those who will actually be playing and see.
  9. Yea using bhop scripts is banable admiting it on forums is lulzy :3 qouting btw incase u remove it <3 Enjoy the ban good sir and have a nice day!
  10. Duke


    All you fags should check out the Dune series :I i've read the oringal 4 been meaning to read the rest but i dont like the authors sons style of writing...
  11. sp basicly panda freeday with looking somewhat up yea no -1
  12. -1 his 2 inch penis wont fill the need of the community + 1 lolol white textfeeg, but ye pinoy been here longer then me and he's asian so we can beat him if he fucks up
  13. Hi pyro and no i heard my nigga Carissmi(fuck i forgot how he spelled it >:() started furry freeday ;3 @@Chrono does them in ur name i do mine in his and new fags do it cause we do <3
  14. Take care of urself and get back to us and sing bb <3
  15. Start it at 70 and then get more slots if it's populated no reserve slots for normal players just mods+ on warz Obviously public do a +5 vote system untill theres more then enough to have 10 and 2nd div should totes be me :p
  16. -1 troll and didnt donate
  17. what are you even apply for css? csgo?
  18. Duke


    Chrono knows how to read O:
  19. upload the demo of it happening
  20. 1. never hated you 2. not forgiven i tried being nice and helping you and whatdo you do? start rumors.... 3. bye.