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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Duke

    RDM on TTT

    @@Aeon @@DMTwired @@Charrax
  2. Xeno Gamers - Search Just gonna leave this here :I
  3. how does being admin make you an old fag? i've been here over a year and look at mohammad before he became an asshole he got admin within 3 months of being xG yea.... and fuck yea old intro is back!!!!!
  4. he has more friends then you :3
  5. Next time i'm high i'm look at this and see if it makes sense...
  6. i get an infration but this kid doesnt? @@Neo don't be like that <3
  7. Duke

    1,000 Post Club

    on my way >another post closer
  8. >silence has the downs
  9. +0 honestly more maps the better but im not sure :I
  10. Why am I paying you then? We had an agreement you are my lawyer sir.
  11. :I 1800 you say? it's bad when you break 2500 and im on my way there...
  12. Duke

    admin screening

    they will ask you if you pitch or catch... and then it gets weirder from there :I
  13. I've been telling them to slay for it the whole time :I so yea...
  14. He does not, he's just a big fat phoney! and my gay lover <3
  15. @@Mark @@Neo OH MISTER SNACKBAR we miss you so please come back and grace us with your sexiness and swag sir #SnX #Bidness #GraveDig #ForumBanned! #WeMissSnackBars #Dig #Grave #AmIDoingItRight #WorthIt #1YearOld
  16. Please do the pizza challenge. i really wanna see it done!
  17. Duke


    wait for it... i will grave dig an old ass thread. did it once already cause of this same topic >:D
  18. Duke


    nope gonna go find an old thread and grave dig :)