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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Duke

    Admin menu..

    Way to say almost exactly what i did Aegean :D
  2. Duke

    Admin menu..

    if they are afk spec them? dont swap em teams just put them into spec ez....
  3. Duke

    Humble Bundle

    cause no one else here knew of the humble bundles.....
  4. this is what the 4th time he's posted this.... ok funny maybe the first time and now it's just annoying...
  5. Idk how but people have figured out a way past it and done it before, i heard they did it to Rageway town.
  6. BTW im the one who told you it was rollbacks :D It was probly just some dick killing your animals somehow =/
  7. idk if ur animals really got rolled back XD But they probly got killed while you werent online LOL
  8. i think its "lol i only stayed in xG for 4 days" if you check member app got in 4 days ago...
  9. Duke


    Repeatedly disrespected me for no reason, never said anything to him screeshots show such. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/Duke_Rion/2012-06-04_00011.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/Duke_Rion/2012-06-04_00010.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/Duke_Rion/2012-06-04_00009.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/Duke_Rion/2012-06-04_00008.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/Duke_Rion/2012-06-04_00007.jpg
  10. Duke

    Dota 2

    Ok i may not like rabid but you LoL kids need to fuck off seriously, there is little to no skill to be good at LoL.... I think you are just bad at Dota. Also when did they announce the Loot system? been a week or 2 since i last played.
  11. Duke

    I Need Anime

    Truth here! Blue Seed Cowboy Bebop(if you have never seen) Egro Proxy Texhnolyze Serial Experiments Lain Great Teacher Onizuka I will not explain them just watch first episode and enjoy or never watch.
  12. If you guys make a faction server i will play it definitely
  13. My vouch may not count, but honestly. Look at him, he left twice and made a big deal about it the first time he left and got called out on it, Shit i left quietly left and tried not to make a fuss or anything over it. But to leave twice and lie both times why, you just can't trust him and charrax, you are a Division leader stop trying to show him favoritism dude.
  14. Duke

    Hulk vs. Superman

    All superman can really do to fight the hulk is flee... Hulkmay not be able to fly but when hes pissed he can jumper pretty dam far pretty dam fast. And choking him out wouldn't work because it would piss him off more and he would just rip supermans arm off his throat.
  15. Just saying, Magic the gathering would stomp both at once :)
  16. Duke


    1. This is a member protest Not an abuse thread. 2. Member protest needs no proof, just people backing it up. I would +1 if i was a member. Stego isn't one of the worst people in xG, but he makes it look bad.
  17. It's $15 a month... And no most WoW players will not donate to clans/guilds real money. Also for the raffle, unless they are doing current raid content not many would want to be in it.
  18. I like how i was demoted like a month after i left lol
  19. Duke

    Dis nigga got high

    Great another herp derp smoker =/
  20. he used that already, for minecraft one of the times he got banned.
  21. -1 no, just no. you hacked and got banned, have tried to get unbanned with no success...
  22. no proof... also that wouldnt be an unfair game if you flash all of them at once, which would be hard.
  23. <.< blood elfs is 2 expansions old now... if you can be worgen its up to date..
  24. Basic in the way we couldnt not use them? but Please stop Arthman... We started our own list we didnt copy yoursover or anything we started fresh and used the SAME rules you guys made. Just seriously stop posting....