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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. You could say that they are a Deviant group huehuehue.
  2. I thought I posted this yesterday but apparently it never went through. I did originally just post a +1 but I would like to elaborate on my reasoning. Most of you who are -1ing are doing so because you saw him trolling and doing certain things that may not fit the role of a co-leader. My personal opinion is that the majority of these things are isolated instances and generally nonrecurring. I feel like so many of you take this clan so seriously and that any form of deviation from basically ANY rule is an incredibly bad offense. Most of the times you considered him to be trolling was him just having a bit of fun, though there are exceptions. Another thing is that throughout his time in xG, which honestly is a LOT longer than most of the people who -1'd, he has helped in tons of ways. From the rise of TF2 division to helping out the clan as coleader and sticking around when a ton of people jumped on the bandwagon and left. @@DarkWolf6052 I don't know the huge problem you have with him, other than the fact that he criticizes the clan. I'm not trying to attack you in any way, but if everybody has the same mindset no reform would ever be accomplished. Different opinions =/= trolling The main thing I disagree with Brian is saying that the clan is dying, or that "The community is dead". The Tf2 community is thriving under @@MuffinMonster and @@Rise. CSS is also doing a good job keeping a fast aging game populated. Disrespect is an issue that will always come up with new members, so we have to do a monthly review of disrespect. But that will always happen as new members join and don't bother looking up old threads.
  3. Not an incredible amount of overpowered weapons to be purchased. Standard Hammer of Dawn, Knife and all the old one's from TTT sound good. However, maybe a rotation of things that can be purchased can be implemented to keep things fresh.
  4. Sorry bud, my views haven't changed, and it's far too recent from the last one.
  5. I +1'd a while ago, but I'm changing my requested punishment to immediate unban as it's been a week and this thread isn't getting too much attention. @@DarkWolf6052
  6. Gawd

    Anonymous reporting

    What I originally intended was having the thread be approved by one or more DM's + and then the thread/post goes into the respective place. I agree, there should be an option to make it anonymous in any section if possible but have it approved by Div's. I think it would also be better if the amount of people who are given the opportunity to approve/deny is increased to prevent incidents of people declining their own abuse thread etc. So, 1 DM could accept/deny it but a notification, as @@Chrono said earlier, could appear to all the other DM/DL/Co so that they know the post was rightfully accepted/denied.
  7. Congrats to all those promoted. Great job.
  8. Gawd

    Anonymous reporting

    @@serbiansnaga @@DarkWolf6052 @@HighSociety
  9. Gawd

    Anonymous reporting

    I made a thread a while ago Suggestion (Anonymous Player Reporting) which outlined the idea of making a system of anonymously reporting rule breakers etc. This as well as other factors led to the creation of the bad idea forum. However, the only thing this forum is used for is for troll threads and other random postings. Many are also hate threads and things of that nature etc. When I came up w/ the idea I noted the fact that these reports should be a highly regulated type of thing, not like it is today. Instead of allowing people to post random threads I was thinking something along the lines of: Choosing Member Protest, Ban Request, Admin Abuse, Anonymous Suggestion, Other. Have a forum admin approve each submission. If a user posts a troll thread the forum admin, (although he will not know who posted it) can bar that specific user from posting other troll threads. Like I said in my previous thread, this would allow users to be able to post their true feelings about people in an anonymous setting free of ridicule from other members. I think this was an especially good time to resuggest this as it coincides with the monthly cycle of complaining about disrespect/abusers. Now I know people may say that you shouldn't be afraid to voice your opinion but let's be honest. A huge number of people don't reply to threads solely because they are afraid of harming friendships or facing ridicule. Thus, the true opinion of the community isn't heard. Also, if possible, maybe a way for users to anonymously respond to ban requests/protests/member/admin abuse that are already up. They too would have to go through the approval process to prevent troll threads. So, tl;dr : In order to actually give use to anonymous posting (bad idea) I suggest (as I did in my first thread) to actually regulate the process and prevent troll threads. Anonymous replies to threads that are already up. ( would be regulated in the same way) Tell me what you think! @@Forest backed up this idea, tell me what you think and any additional things to add @@Rhododendron
  10. Gawd


    When I first made this suggestion in a thread, I originally envisioned it as a very regulated process. One where you could fill out a form and have it sent for approval to make sure it's not some troll. As you said, sadly now it's just a bunch of trolls posting hate threads.
  11. Gawd


    [said this on pinoy's too but they are the same thing so] I don't know why people keep making threads about disrespect.. You have two choices. 1. Suck it up and just deal with it - it's the internet and at the end of the day the people who are flaming won't gain anything. 2. Report it to higher ups, record a demo, take screenshots or JUST block communications with the person. It's so easy and this topic has been overdiscussed to death. I mean we have a thread about this every month and at this point I should just copy and paste this reply to a word document to save it and reply on the new thread in 1-2 months, because I know it's going to be there. Complaining isn't gonna help, taking action will.
  12. Gawd

    Real Talk

    I don't know why people keep making threads about disrespect.. You have two choices. 1. Suck it up and just deal with it - it's the internet and at the end of the day the people who are flaming won't gain anything. 2. Report it to higher ups, record a demo, take screenshots or JUST block communications with the person. It's so easy and this topic has been overdiscussed to death. I mean we have a thread about this every month and at this point I should just copy and paste this reply to a word document to save it and reply on the new thread in 1-2 months, because I know it's going to be there. Complaining isn't gonna help, taking action will.
  13. Gawd


    Like we've said in the last 10 threads. We should just paste this to the front page lol.
  14. Only way I would ever consider this justifiable is if there are absolutely no CT's with mics, but even then you should just swap the CT's w/ no mics and use the regular process of gaining CT. It's not fair for others if you simply swap yourself while forcing others to wait. Only thing about the evidence is that what he did after swapping is not clear. He might have accidentally swapped himself and then changed it back. Demos are always your friend.
  15. Gawd


    Believe he is reffering to when a bunch of members and regulars joined other jailbreak servers to have some fun rebelling. I warned the chat not to break rules but just have some fun rebelling. Most If not all the people came untagged but I didn't see a reason as we were just gonna play some jailbreak. As we kept playing of course this didn't happen and people kept flooding chat and mic with the word pain and other variations, it was alright at first but after people started doing it just to do it instead of an occasional rebel rally I asked people to stop spamming. It continued through chat and eventually ended up with freekilling ans blatant rule breaking in other servers. After a while of nobody stopping and rule breaking continuing I decided to leave to disassociate myself from the mic spam and freekill. nobody would listen to me and the div manager there with us wasn't objcting to the rule break. This was by no means everybody who was there, but many did participate in it. I suggest you talk to @@serbiansnaga for help sorting this out. alwo really apologize for lack of grammar, typed this on my laggy ipod touch lol..
  16. Erm, that's not a STEAM ID lol. But anyways, I did perm ct ban him as he killed about 8 t's + as well as at least 2 ct's with one of the games on the map aeon. (Think that's the name) He basically hit a button and the platform collapsed and everyone in the game dropped down and died, leaving me as the only surviving T. I have no knowledge of whether he knew this button would do this or not, but from what I did see in game it did look more or less unintentional, the sheer number of T's killed did warrant the perm however. Unless there is significant evidence to prove otherwise, I do think it was unintentional. Also, from what I've seen Halfbaked has always been a good CT up to this point. Unless evidence comes up to prove it was intentional, +1 for shortening to ~ 1 week.
  17. @@Forest @@Chrono members can only edit their posts for the first five minutes
  18. Gawd

    Great Job

    I think the level this guy is getting upset on is truly ridiculous. It is the internet and these maps will be going around regardless of what he wants, if it wasn't Silence it just would have been someone else. In a perfect world, the map makers would be rewarded for their contribution to the community and the game, but it's the internet and Valve's TOS don't allow for that. It's understandable that the guy's upset about Silence lying, but I mean at the end of the day what Silence is doing isn't breaking any actual set rules. The act of lying to the map maker may have upset him, but it doesn't exactly warrant releasing IP's and calling xG a community of thieves because of the actions of one man. Silence messed up by lying, but this guy is blowing it way out of proportion and some of you seem to be taking this reallllly seriously. I mean think about it, unless server owners make every single one of their maps on their own they are essentially "stealing" other people's map. It was bad that he lied and put the map up, but it isn't anything that deserves calling an entire community false things..
  19. Just a heads up to those submitting a +1 or -1, I perm banned him for a mass commited two days ago.
  20. I'm sorry Duckii, I am going to have to -1. It's not anything personal but it's on more of an xG scale and I will try to share my complete unbiased opinion. There are basically two things that makes me want to -1. The first is the issue of liability. We've tried to help you in the past with your real life problems, obviously they aren't a joke. You say they have gotten better and you have learned to cope more or less, and I hope they did. But, if god forbid something did happen then xG could be held liable and the people affiliated with it could be facing serious shit. The second is more of the issue of drama. An internet clan by it's nature is somewhere were people go to chill and have fun, kinda an outlet from the stresses of RL. Having to deal with with drama caused by your personal problems and by these regular ban protests is really against what the clan is for. And as said earlier, you sometimes tend to target people ingame and on the forums because they share a different opinion and make the issue quiet public.
  21. But seriously. Consoles are still gonna be 720p. Also I heard Xbox will definitely be having 60 frames while PS still may be at 30. But meh, if I get a new console it will be for the sole reason of playing with IRL friends that don't have gaming pcs/ just don't play on PC.
  22. Sorry but we were lenient with you being unbanned from the servers. You have been banned often and most of your posts are truly ban protests etc etc. I'm sorry to say but you would not represent the clan well. -1
  23. Gawd


    Not something that anybody can easily teach. Learning to code requires a lot of cumulative knowledge and experience. Many languages are very similar, its just the syntax that's different. A good way to start is an easier language like Visual Basic.