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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. I think turdwig honestly summed it up very nicely. Most of the people who I know scrim make apperances on the server throughout the day. Look at papi, he was an amazing div and he scrimmed all the time. But he also played jailbreak. People can do both guys. And for the mods that never ever get on any servers besides scrim, its a whole diff story. Thats more of a matter of blatant inactivity and goes beyond just mods that scrim. Bunch of other people just don't get on css period. So I think everybody should turn it down a notch. Me for example, I have over 30 days played on jailbreak alone so recently I've been trying out playing other things for fun as well. Go, TTT, mc etc. Doesn't mean I'm not still active on the servers :P We have tons of mods on daily and if we really have over 50 mods in the css division and theres seriously a huge shortage of mods in jailbreak, then our problem goes deeper than people just scrimming. It goes to general inactivity of people not being on. Theres really I would say a group of 10-13 mods/admins that have gotten into scrimming lately. So that really can't be our source of problems. At least not completly. And most if not all of them all actively play on the servers anyways. I think mainly is that people are used to those people only being on jailbreak. Them being on anything else just feels alien. If there's an actual problem of shortage on jailbreak, you have to look a little beyond a group of friends scrimming.
  2. Gawd

    computer question

    What king j said.. Just cap your frames at 79, then you won't feel anything. 80 is way more than enough. Just imagine dividing a second into 80 segments and then into 400. No human can tell the difference. To be honest even above 45 is good enough..
  3. It says it in the motd lol. It is face away and afk.
  4. Well I haven't been playing faction too much since my faction completly obliterated raperaiders, but if you ask deo or arth when they are on to remove the protection, I'm sure they will. That being said, I really need to try out the tekkit. Is it populated?
  5. Yeah man we wouldn't want haa-dron to be lonely for the rest of his life ;)
  6. I don't know to be completly honest. Leading up to demotion you did have several abuse threads on you for acting off emotion and in the current state you're in right now I'm not sure if you are ready for it. You can't slay somebody off of your emotions.. and of course you eventually got banned for wallhacking lol. But the negatives aside you were a mod/admin/mod for a long time so you at least have experiance. I'm interested in what the other mods/admins will say. So, I'm not trying to be a douche to you during your rough period of time but if I have to give my professional opinion as an admin of the css division I would have to say -1. Its a bit too soon.
  7. Gawd

    Regarding Ganja's Div

    It's true what you say ganja. Not all mods and admins deserve div. Some scrim more than they should. But people like poncher, mullin, + hudson never scrim. They were the people I mentioned who have been admins/mods FOREVER. Active and good ones too. And no promotion. I dunno man..
  8. Gawd

    Regarding Ganja's Div

    Well.. yeah. That's one of the things we're saying. But if you read on there's other things as well. For what you said, yes I and others find it unfair that people who have been an active admin for over half a year haven't been promoted. We also mentioned things about the abuse thread that was kind of swept aside. And I never said I hate you. I'm saying that this is just an issue that some people had problems with..
  9. Alright, in introduction I would just like to say this is nothing personal to Ganja. I have no vendetta on him or anything of the sort. I am speaking on behalf of many opinion's I've heard from other moderators, admins, and members of xG. First off, a ton of people asked me and I myself was wondering about Ganja's div. There wasn't even any mention of him getting it. No address to anybody as to why or how or what circumstances. He just has it. Not many people really know why.. Second, other people including me wonder why he in particular got it so early. There have been people who have stuck with the clan through thick and thin and have never gotten it... Hudson, Poncher, Mullin. Now I understand for example, poncher, isn't as active on the servers due to jobs, real life etc. And that's perfectly understandable. But even when he was active and was an admin for longer than ganja was and always participated on the forums, he never got promoted. I was honestly expecting him to be promoted for a long ass time but it just never happened. But he got it after a promo or two of having admin. Now It'd be understandable if he was mod for a long ass time like Korean was, but compared to the people I've previously mentioned, he hasn't been around too long.. Third, a lot of people were just complaining to me about different threads. For example, someone recently had a ban protest on ganja ( the one where the guy was banned for a day) and it was proven that it was a wrongful ban. I'm not trying to call you out ganja. That stuff's already done, but nothing was really thought of it. Nothing happened.. And then the very next day after the proved wrongful ban thread was closed. He got promoted to div. People almost mentioned the other miscellaneous abuse threads that he had on him, whether they were proven true or not I don't know/remember. These are the main questions people were asking me + I myself were wondering. If you guys don't want to comment on this so you don't look bad in somebody's eyes don't its fine. I just made this on your behalf bc of the amount of things I heard in teamspeak and through steam messages. Nothing against you ganja. I'm not saying you're a bad guy. We were just all wondering.. some clarification would really help.
  10. Gawd


    He always does this in css too... +1
  11. Heeyyy. Who deleted my post >:( Welcome tho :3
  12. LOl at first I just thought it was king j making a troll thread.
  13. And this all can be accomplished by the simple task of buying gawd csgo!! Ehh, ehhhh. Anyonee? :3
  14. Gawd

    Glitch / I am god.

    Well its easy to tell when someones gonna make a mod app based on the sudden inflation of your post and average recent time being on :P Love predicting this stuff, :D
  15. I know people get pissed when all the mods leave to scrim.. and this is understandable. But what makes me upset is when I come home and play jailbreak for an hour and a half almost every day and then I go to scrim once people immedietly start getting on my ass and messaging me complaining when I left when there are still other mods on.. Obviously don't be an idiot and leave the server unattended with NO mods on. But a bunch of you guys don't have to constantly bitch at me when there's still mods on... If there's a situation then its understandable but messaging me telling me that I left is just starting to get a bit annoying. There's other mods in the server too that you guys can ask for help, and you don't need to immedietly resort to, "0mg y u leave server u r terribad kill urself". Just don't be an idiot and leave a crowded server without at least getting someone to fill your spot. And just bc a group of us have decided its fun to scrim doesn't mean everyone needs to freak out. And I'm not talking to you serbian, but the others. Very rarely do we leave the server completly unattanded and usually we only get 2-3 scrims max on weekdays anyways.. I dunno imo some people need to chill a bit. I'm not sure about others but it just makes me mad when I give 2 hours of time to admining and still get complaints about my leaving when other mods are still on.. And excuse some of these run on/ weird grammer in general sentences. I hate typing on my ipod >.>
  16. Aw hell no. I already got a huge ass empire Rimdogania extendin from cleveland to l.a. If just so much as one of you takes any profit on my soil there will be a bloody war. You were warned mother fucker.
  17. Gawd


    I got a ton of shit. Fuckin' A.P. classes, activities, keeping a social life and a girl and still playing css. This is why I hate when people bitch at me for not getting on jailbreak for half a day lol...
  18. Wtf nighty you got demoted no way in hell -1 Nigga im just kiddin :P Its true he fucked up, but before that one incident he really was a good mod. In fact nighty was one of the first people I met in xG and he always knew the rules. I know he fucked up and I'm against that everybody deserves second chance view that people in xG have but I think maybe we could give him another shot. Because to be honest other mods have gotten chances, (hit list etc) but he kinda instantly got demoted for something that was intended to be a joke. (i know it could have caused shit but still) Meh, +1. The faggot's been here forever :P
  19. You say its sad you have 6 days worth. I have fucking 32 days played on jailbreak >.> Thanks for that blow to my ego -1 I'm just kidding of course, this guy's been around a long ass time. Knows the rules. +1
  20. This actually does look really fun. Maybe we can even offer hub credit prizes etc to the winner of survival game events! This and minez has been looking appealing to me lately, but I think survival games would be fun as hell and if we have the money for it +1
  21. 100% +1 I can barely think of anybody more deserving than this guy. Seriously. He's active as hellll on forums with good posts, always plays jailbreak and always shouts to admins when he sees something wrong. (and not in the 9 year old child screaming his ass of when he doesn't get what he wants way) He's played in our jailbreak for a long ass time and always contributes what he has to say. Knows the rules well. Thank god you applied. +1
  22. I +1 this. This has helped me in tons of fucking situations. Maybe just bring it back for admins with an option to enable it/disable it for each admin. Edit: ignore previous. If it just shows in console always for admins that'd be even better.
  23. I'm sorry -1 for now. I think you'd make a good mod but tons of people have gotten -1'd for it in the past. Its really easy to tell when someone is gonna apply for mod by seeing all their posts on every single thread. And you spamming now gives me the impression that you won't be active on forums after getting mod. Which tons of mods do. ( even if they say they won't ) So give it some time.. And try not to spam the forums and ill make sure to change my input. And im not trying to be an ass. But many mods have been denied for this same reason. In fact shadowspy being one of them as he mentioned earlier. It wouldn't be very fair. And to be honest I have seen your hostilities to the younger kids as well. Cool that down a bit if possible.
  24. Gawd

    SG | SeeJay

    Way to get proof! :) +1 conclusive evidence @@HaaDron