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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Well to be honest if he got slayed, theres his punishment. I mean there's not much way to know he's gonna get teambanned. I don't know if he intentionally freekilled or not. If he didn't mean to freekill for example, after he got slayed he could have just decided to leave. Since he was already punished, (slayed). I don't know the whole context but that seems plausible in my head. If you wanted to teamban him you could have just done it right away without slaying. Who's he to know if he's getting teambanned or not. Unless of course he mass'd which according to your account he didn't or freekilled on purpose which you didn't mention.
  2. Gawd

    New PC questions

    Build one yourself lot cheaper. And i mean A LOT. But theres a lot of good builds on newegg if you really want something prebuilt.
  3. Gawd

    CS:GO Admins

    I'll be happy to admin as soon as I get my hands on csgo and can properly optimize it to run on my shit pc.
  4. Gawd


    YEE maYne tyr0ne mayNe str8 up
  5. I'm just gonna tag ganja's name here so he responds as quickly as possible. @@GanjaMonster Now, I don't really think you should have gone through the trouble of making a admin abuse for something as miniscule as this, but I can see where you might be mad. Are you sure you weren't just being a bad warden/didn't have much knowledge of the motd? Also, do you have a mature voice, because as mods and admins we usually do not let little kids onto warden. Or, did you spam for warden at the beginning of the round? All of these could have caused ganja to pass the warden. Might help a bit if you provided why exactly he did it, if he told you of course. I don't know, imo it just seems like an aweful lot of trouble for a simple pass in warden which was probobly because of something you did. Either way, I suppose let's let ganja say what he has to say about the matter. Lol edit: yep ganja replied as i was typing. There ya go.
  6. They are both going through shit irl, and while it really fucking sucks that we have lost aegean and papi, xG will get through it. We have lost many higher ups in the past. Although, I do agree with you. Losing papi AND aegean really fucking sucks, and they will be missed. Hopefully aegean will be able to come back once this shit is sorted out with the other communities who take video games serioiusly as hell. (inb4 5th dos) And maybe papi will come back in the future. For now, we have a new div and a new coleader and while it won't replace aegean and papi, we will continue and survive. Especially nowadays, we're getting huge as hell. There was a point where I could recognize everybody in xG and everybody knew each other. Can't do that now. This isn't nececessarily a bad thing. The clan's growing, and we're all along for the ride to see how it turns out.
  7. This is all thanks to me and my evil skills of hoarding t's in a small location on friendly fire days >:)
  8. Good luck with everything man. You were one of the higher ups I always looked up to in my time here. You were always able to resolve issues on our forums with the intensity of a co-leader and I believed that you deserved the position as co.. And it makes me sad that someone that I've known in the clan for so long is leaving :( Good luck with your senior year man. Have fun. You will truly be missed. And if you ever choose to install again, hop onto css for old times sake. See ya later big guy <3
  9. I have the astro a40 audio system. Astrogaming.com I absolutely love this headset. It comes with an a40 headset and the a40 mixamp. The mixamp can bring to 7.1 surround sound on your computer ( if your computer's sound card has dolby digital live) and you can use the mixamp on consoles such as ps3 or 360 to get surround sound as well. However if you want to just plugin the a40 headset straight to your onboard soundcard that works too. The headset is 200, and the audio system (which includes headset and mixamp) is 250. (unless it went down since i bought it in april) Its pricey, but I fucking love it. Also, another very very good headset are the sennheiser pc360's. They are even more expensive, 300. No mixamp or anything with them, but they are a good buy too. Me personally I love my trusty a40's. If you are looking for a cheaper buy I have heard great reviews with the razer cachiaras and steelseries siberia v2's. Just a word of advice, avoid turtlebeach under all circumstances to be honest.
  10. Well I changed my I.P. from the hellraiser situation, and I just got hit offline fucking again an hour ago. Here we go again >.>
  11. Well ya missed the m :P
  12. Well.... if we are on the topic of pointless freekill days etc. Hide and go seek day. That is just make the t's run and let the ct's kill them all. That's all it is >.> Like there's no greater rules to it, its just run and let the cts gun every thing they see down. I don't even think theres lr lol.
  13. Does lockpick work with faction protection? I know it works with lwc, but if you keep that there you basically have two different protections that conflict with each other. Maybe still remove lwc and just have lock picks work with faction protection? Technically, this makes faction protection less reliable. But what the hell, factions all about raiding/getting raided. This way, people can still use tnt to blow up faction protected things (bc normally tnt doesn't have any effect on anything if an lwc item is in range) and people are forced to use the faction system and use their power to get any form of item protection. So that people don't get protection (lwc) for free, and they are made to actually play the faction way by using their members and using their power. So, maybe that or just remove lwc as a whole like we suggested :P
  14. Well what reflex said could work.. but you would have to make it so that tnt can still destroy lwc protected chests otherwise its pointless. Imo it would be better to just remove it as a whole in factions. Especially since the point of claiming lands is to protect your chests. With lwc its like free land protection everywhere which defeats the point of having the power system etc.
  15. I think its the monthly standard to have at least one of these same exact threads. :P
  16. Arthman, this is a pledge to please remove lwc from the faction world. A ton of people agree with me and want this. It makes it impossible to raid with this on, because you can't get anything from anybody's chest no matter what you do if its protected. Which defeats the point of faction in general. No access to chests=no loot = no fun :/ Even without lwc in factions, you can still make individual ownership of chests within the faction, ( kind of) by allowing people to own certain claimed lands within the faction. So basically arth, can you please remove lwc. We want to raid. And we can't do that if its enabled. Thanks :s @@Arthman
  17. Gawd


    i wantt :D
  18. Gawd


    Meh, either way its been 5 months. So imo, unless haadron remembers what happened distinctly I say we unperm and leave him ct banned for a little bit.
  19. I will defend my homeland! This calls for treason! The working class of the hammer and sickle will not be moved.
  20. I don't want to come off mean but whenever I've seen you playing jailbreak you've always came off to me as outright rude and annoying. You always seem to be complaining about somebody and disrespecting somebody. You are active as hell but for now -1
  21. Update : hello everybody. It seems the tourney has been a bit inactive. I haven't been able to manage it too much since I'm out of the country but I'm hoping to get it done by this weekend. Meanwhile, during the week if you remaining teams can play it would be great. Just gonna mention captain names. Try to get together and play, if not we will finish it during the weekend. (4g1m just play w/o me if you get a chance. I will be home later today) @@PapiChulo @Lock @@bees @@Mad_Scientist @@KingJ
  22. @@HaaDron, you gon be a good div :) Can't freeslay you anymore in scrim i mean wat. :3
  23. South park. Family guy's cool to watch at first, but after a while it just gets really old and repetative. Southpark +1
  24. Gawd


    I remember this guy. Something along the lines of being banned for pretending to be in xG then ragin when we told him to take it off/being bannes and subsequently mass freekilling + leaving.