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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. [ATTACH]2995.vB[/ATTACH] Nope, nobody? :/ Well at least @@serbiansnaga will understand. But sad to see anyone leave. I saw you here and there, sad to say never really got to know you.
  2. Gawd

    Rule change?

    I like this rule a ton. To be honest I ask people to change their names to typeable characters on a daily basis. But if they have weird characters i usuallly just ask for 2-4 typeable characters in a row in their name. Mainly bc 1. Makes our jobs easier. 2. >mass freekiller > !slay "blahblah" > 4 t's killed> profit instead of the entire stack of 20.
  3. Gawd

    Too many stickies

    Stego had an EXACT copy of this thread. Like it was litterly almost word for word. It got shut down :P
  4. >sees mac symbol >wdf @@HaaDron <3 But have fun reflex :) I wish i could go to florida but I'm stuck in what the flag to the left says <-
  5. Gawd


    Mcneo is on less than 15 hours a day? Now you're only on for 10???!?! +1 for demotion
  6. My great grandfather fought in berlin.. on the soviet side. So am I disqualified? :3
  7. [ATTACH]2979.vB[/ATTACH] Bra you can't be all up in our shit like dat. Internet be consisting of 3 things, hmmmkay. 1 br0ni1es 2 Serious weight liftin' brotherhood niggas 3. Netex. You either be 1 or the other. But in all seriousness, its the internet. If you want culture go to the opera.
  8. >cheap spot >spot >pot >t >[ATTACH]2978.vB[/ATTACH] >[ATTACH]2977.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. +1 he didn't let me abuse the demote feature in teamspeak :C
  10. Well hi there fatty :) [ATTACH]2959.vB[/ATTACH]
  11. ^ bitch whatchyou talking about. AMERICUH'S TDA BE ST PL2AE3 ON EARTH [ATTACH]2958.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. Gawd


    In case you guys didn't notice he invited everyone on the forums :P Don't be feeling too special. But this should be fun :D Ima go on tinychat niqqas
  13. :D hi i miss u BB. Meanwhile in Russia > me
  14. Gawd


  15. Gawd


    I am semi confused. Some people seem to be -1ing even though they are in support with Ducki Jr's original post :3 -1 means no punishment. +1 means yes punishment. BUT, I'm not completely sure what I said in my older post, but I think charrax doesn't deserve to lose membership. But should probably lose division leader as a punishment. As for additional bans, I don't know. I am saying this because we have given other members SO many chances. Would it be fair to instantly remove him from xG? He deserves some kind of punishment yes, but in my opinion not removal from xG.
  16. Not the best way to behave on a mod post. However I am -1ing mainly because of the fact that you are not very mature as of yet even though you are of an older age.You are also still kind of iffy on some of the rules. Give it a couple months and ill be happy to change my mind.
  17. The community is getting kind of crap lately, even some of the mods are just disrespectful and take the fun out of the game completely :/ They use their powers to slay/ban with ANY excuse possible especially with this new disrespect protocal. You've had your shit that you've done but you're still an old fag to the community and ill miss those days in jailbreak =/
  18. Lmao. This thread sums it up perfectly. xD But you were an oldfag to the jailbreak community, you will be missed :3
  19. If it wasn't already obvious it was a joke :P obv plus one. Knows rules well and has been a very good friend. +1
  20. What the hell, why didn't redstone make it.. the fuck? Big gratz to everybody else but seriously 0.0
  21. Gawd


    I have seen charrax do some some of these things, sometimes he can be kind of cruel to people and he even made a d'vouch subgroup which would basically require people to -1 people he did not believed deserved to be in xG. Sometimes you kinda put off newer members with the negativity However he can be very helping if you get to know him. So to be honest +1 on a strong warning. Because besides what i said above he has put a lot of work in gmod so i think a srrong warning is fair