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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Gawd


    Alright let me just ban him based on what you said without any proof whatsoever. You need proof dude >.> This is why I suggested that we get a xenogamers tv in jailbreak lol. Like litterly this exact reason :2
  2. Gawd

    So dis Mohommad.

    I'm not being hostile toward mohammad. He is a very cool fellow indeed and I wish he could teach me how to lift.
  3. He's been here for a while actually guys. But, I haven't seen you too much in our servers either lol.
  4. Gawd

    So dis Mohommad.

  5. Gawd


    Black people
  6. Gawd

    Paper Weight

    Proofs here. Glad you got it on vid. +1
  7. Gawd

    ARMA II Division?

    In other news, if anybody wants to buy me arma 2... ^.^ Feel free :P Meh I'm just kiddin. (kinda) But anyways, If my comp can run arma 2, I'm gonna buy it when I get home and It would be pretty sweet to get a shit ton of xG members together and play a huge day z session :3
  8. Gawd


    I would have to +1 for a serious warning. xG can not tolerate this kind of stuff, this is the reason people think our leadership is corrupt. (lul) Black people
  9. Gawd

    So dis Mohommad.

    Well considering the fact that i had him added before he left xG and still have him added without adding a new account. Yeah its the same account.
  10. 1. Neither Pc. 2. Xbox forever only because of one reason. : Halo. /thread. Don't hate niqqas i grew up with that game :P
  11. Gawd

    Ct banned

    Are you serious? You actually made a ban protest for this? Be glad it wasn't a longer ban..
  12. Damn it I'm gonna miss it >.> Record it and put it on forums pls :3
  13. Gawd


    >sees ban protest >mohammad >[ATTACH]3123.vB[/ATTACH] ~love ya big boy But anyways. @@DrPedo Why did you ban him? :o It would help to leave a reason just saying. But anyways the bans expired. Soo
  14. Gawd

    Jailbreak rounds.

    Well the super fucking long lr's do get anyone I'm not gonna lie. But I dunno, it's always been this way. Something wouldn't feel right to me if it was taken away :P Meh, I'm indifferent.
  15. I can proudly say that PuppyLuv is the bane of my existence. I don't know why she causes so much turmoil. All I know is that she is an 11 year old who even after being muted hundreds of times, (by now this isn't an exaggeration) she continues to talk after being unmuted. Apparently she's even posted pretty messed up sprays of herself in game or something like that so clearly she's trying to attract attention to herself which further makes me believe that he/she might just be a troll who might just be pretending to be a little girl. And then a huge amount of the guys in the server talk to her in a boarder line pedophilia fashion, I swear >.> And its not even in a joking manner. People say the most obscene stuff to her as to the point where I have to take action as an admin. Not to mention the fact that she has received more mutes/kicks/bans put together than almost any other person in our servers. And yes I realize this is a troll thread. But still >.>
  16. Lol at some people still not understanding what this thread is about :3 Come on guys. Not that hard to see from the OP lul
  17. I don't know the exact details of cost and EXACTLY how the xenogamers TV in scrim works, but I think if we could somehow add this to our server that it would be amazing. It would be like a security camera watching over our server and if someone complains in a ban request that someone mass'd when no mods were on and a demo wasn't recorded, we could just go to this and look it up. This may have been suggested before I don't remember and I know it would take up a lot of space to record all of this since jailbreak is much more populated than the scrim server obviously but I don't know? :3 Just an idea.
  18. [ATTACH]3090.vB[/ATTACH] Pink stars
  19. Gawd

    Idek haha

    Dude seriously what is wrong with you? I have no idea who banned you but holy shit. I tried to be friendly with you, acting nice. Not being a dick. And you still go and do this shit. 1. You constantly disrespect everybody. I don't care if they disrespected you first. Demo it or screenshot it. 2. Everybody has given you so many chances. I tried to be nice to you for the longest time but now you are just getting on my nerves. You constantly make these ban protests in which you flame the staff of xG and all the members and I'm sick of it. No one is going to unban you if you act like this. 3. You constantly complain why you might not be accepted in the community. People would like you, if you didn't constantly flame them and basically act like an overall ass to people. I'm sorry for qqing but damn, you seriously just blew my temper.
  20. Aegean I hope you didn't take anything I posted in Mcneo's goodbye out of context. I didn't even know about all this shit going on between everyone. Damn :2 I know all the crap you put up with. I've listened to it myself in teamspeak. I don't really agree with all this corrupt leadership "talk" heading through the forums. All i know is that you've stayed with the clan through ups and downs, when people leave, and when they complain. And I would like to personally say. Thank you. For helping keep this clan together. For letting be a member in it and giving me the honor of being a member of the staff. I hope you have fun on your vacation.
  21. Nigga wtf you doing. You're not leaving. Who do you think you are? I'm just fucking around. But seriously. You're not leaving lul. Even if you do take a break from jailbreak, you better still be scrimming with us :P take care man <3
  22. It's basically in the post a picture of yourself to get unbanned thread, the full details are there. but its basically along the lines of you got to memorize a song and eat an 11cm width pizza as fast as you can while singing the song on video. If you don't finish the pizza by the end of the song you don't get unbanned.
  23. Yeah honestly I do agree with a lot of your points. The clan has gone a long way from what it used to be. If you were here even 9 months ago, you would have seen the fun we used to have. It used to be what we supposedly are today. A "community". People +1 people they don't know to get their post count up and other shit like that etc. But besides that you can't really do much about it you know? Over time I guess you can expect that as a clan grows, it becomes more exposed to the actual internet population. That comes with its trolls, and just overall assholes. But it also comes with friends. A ton of xG today is like family to me. Seriously. Not to say there isn't a bunch of people that seem to enjoy to make everyone else's time miserable. And also as the clan grows, it begins to break apart. By that I mean your cliques comment. It's hard to keep up with the growing population so they resort to becoming friends with other smaller groups. Effectively making communities within the community. This is natural human behavior. As long as hostilities don't emerge between the groups it would be alright, but that isn't really the case for a lot of people in xG. I would just like to say thanks Mcneo. I always kind of admired all the work you put in, at times I didn't even believe that you came up with all of this just for us. Honestly I even heard a remark along the lines of, " mcneo is trying to suck up to the leadership etc etc" I didn't say anything back but it seriously kind of pissed me off. >tries to help xG >hurr dur y u halp. U kiss up dur I wish you luck with everything mcneo. I think that is a reasonable definition for our forums lul. You will be missed.
  24. Gawd


    -1. He doesn't know any rules. Thinks Aegean is fat. And is terrible at esea. Just kidding of course. (not about the last two though obviously) +1 he knows the rules. Played in our servers forever. Always calls out to me when he sees a rulebreaker. And he's overall a good player. But he is kind of smelly so you guys might want to consider that as well.