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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Soo you're not gonna be able to play in the tourney? :f
  2. Congratz everybody. <3 Stay active, oh and.. FIRST LOLOL edit : god damnit. I litterly refreshed the page twice and i saw it. how did you beat me sliver -.- If there's a hitlist, I'm your man. But I need 5k hub credits upfront or its no deal.
  3. Mcneo.. You were seriously such a huge help to the community. And I was really sad the day you left, and even more upset the day when you did all that shit :/ And you were a good friend too. But man, you went and you mass freekilled then left, then you made a ban protest in which you told linked everybody's I.P. address with a public warning that you will ddos. And even after we banned you, you didn't stop. You created more accounts just to say something along the lines of, "you can't stop me". This is a community that I have spent a fuck ton of time dedicated to it and for someone to ddos threat after themself dedicating so much time to it as well is just.. :/ I know, at least back then. That you would have done the same thing that I'm about to do. I'm sorry my friend :/ -1
  4. Android nigga of course. Iphones are pretty shiny though :P
  5. meh ill change. +1 bc we're all gonna get banned within a day anyways.
  6. Regarding to this: I'm still looking for someone to livestream. Please post soon. If you want to commentate over the gameplay that would be pretty fucking sweet too.
  7. Gawd


    Hell yeah tree I was wondering when you were gonna apply. Scrims, jailbreaks, teamspeaks, and is an awesome guy +1
  8. Due to a decent amount of people not being able to participate in the tourney on the 4th, it will be carried over to the 5th. The cut off date stays the same. I will create the bracket in which the teams will be seeded randomly. We may be able to start some of the matches on the 4th with the teams that are all available. HOWEVER, keep asking people to sign up. If we can get to the 16 team mark it would be sweet.
  9. I didn't read anything except this post but all i know is this lol +1
  10. I don't want to sound like a douche. But can you stop spamming forums with these one sentence posts.. It's more or less pretty obvious that you're making an attempt to get your post count up. And I'm all for duckii being able to get unbanned, just as long as he has to go through the same things a normal person would have to go through to get unbanned. Is hacking apealable through ban protest? Because imo it would be stupid if someone for example, mass freekilled and then had all his friends in xG +1 him and get unbanned lol
  11. I just wanna say that rain and rain jr got banned as well. Rain was a good admin and admin for a long time. He didn't get another chance. I'm indifferent more or less to the whole situation but just saying :/
  12. Current maps that will be available for use during picking: Inferno Dust 2 Nuke Mill Tuscan Season Contra I know the list is kind of small, and I may be forgetting 1 or 2 off the top of my head but its mainly because these are the maps we usually scrim on. So I wanted it to be fair for all players playing so that one team doesn't choose some random map. If there is popular demand, I may add other maps that are at least scrimmed on a little bit such as inferno pro or train.
  13. Starts next saturday the 4th of august. Signup lockout is thursday the 2nd.
  14. Also guys if you have questions pm me or aegean so that this thread doesn't have 3 pages of responses or at least try to keep it to a minimum. I would also like to inform that this is NOT a xG only torney. Anybody can sign up. Invite your friends and get people. This torney is all about getting xG publicity and encouraging people to participate in future ones if this goes well. So link this thread to your friends or whatever. The more people we have in this thing the better. Also, I am looking for someone who can live stream the sourcetv during the torney. PM me!
  15. Gawd


    You a cool dude. And im guessing you're friends with kermit, right? Anywho, welcome to xG. I hope you enjoy your time here.
  16. Team name: 4Guys1Mexican Captain: Bees Gawd Deodate Cristo Rpgs Reflex
  17. I don't think you can "just" get unbanned if you hacked if people +1 because they like you lol. That would make getting banned pretty pointless imo. I never had anything against you duckii, but for the sake of fairness I think the only way you should get unbanned from our servers is if you do the mona pizza challenge or the 20$+picture.
  18. Signed up teams: 0 team(s) left for this signup interval. Meaning if you sign up after the first 8 teams you will only be able to play if we can get up to 16! Double edit: We may be able to play a tourney with more than 8 teams even if we don't reach the 16. But it will involve some teams getting a by etc. Soo, don't be discouraged to sign up. Team name: 4Guys1Mexican Captain: Bees Gawd Deodate Cristo Rpgs Mr.Snipes Scrim team name: Forlorn Hope Captain: Sneeky (Mark) MineCrack Hadron Hat Wald0 Sub(optional): Arvelez Scrim Team Name: Impulse Captain: PapiChulo E.Z. Lock Sliver Reflex Sub: akio Team name: Karma Captain: Rypast6 Coryweed Derpyhooves Riddle Wolf Smokeyx818 Sub:foxxeh Scrim team name: Da Baddi3$ Captain: Pandaman09 Brock Death God Meow Mix Wuu (Maybe) Sub(optional): Tree (also maybe) Scrim team name: Kernal Butt Punders Captain: Mad SkeezyMcMelon Shimmy King J Ovario Scrim team name: Team #nL Captain: Slipery Faggot Zainabdgfasldfghasdfasdjjabfuckyouadez G1McKenzie kyler tree Sub(optional): ganja Team name:A$AP Mob Captain:Billy Mays jb- tdogg Michael Bryceee
  19. STARTS NEXT SATURDAY THE 4TH OF AUGUST. SIGNUP LOCKOUT IS THURSDAY THE 2ND. Aegean has gave me permission to post this. Disclaimer: Anything in this thread is at subject to change and can be edited by Aegean or any of the other higher ups at any point. If edited in any way that may affect you, I or higher ups will post in the thread saying that we have edited it. HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE xG free scrim torney!! lol exdee Not much to it. It's free. 50k hub credits is the prize to be distributed among the team. Not real money guys, but what the hell, its a free torney for fun! UPDATE: 2nd place gets 20k! Rules and how the torney will operate: I. Example Format for joining: Scrim team name: <namehere> Captain: <captainname> <player1> <player2> <player3> <player4> Sub(optional): <player5> II. Single elimination bracket. You play best 2 out of 3 maps. Team to choose first map and side will be decided by a single player vs player knife fight! Second map pick and side pick will be given to the opposing team. If it comes down to a third game the two players will knife fight once again. III. You must have never been banned from our servers for trolling, hacking or ddos threats. There is no exceptions. IV. All sign ups must finalized 2 days before the scrim torney so we can make the bracket. Nobody can change their teams midtourny. (subject to change. If you really need to change you may be able to talk to Aegean, but please attempt to have them final by the date.) V. Besides for the being banned restrictions, anybody can sign up. Nobody can be in spec. If there are any disputes we will use the source tv to see or personal demos. Do not spam. Do not post troll posts. Please attempt to keep this thread nice and neat. The bracket will be shown and created. Any amount of teams can sign up but in intervals. For example if 9 teams sign up by the cutoff day, only the first 8 will be able to play unless you can get it up to 16. And same for 32 etc. (which would be fucking sweet if we could get that many) As of now only first place will be receiving a prize but it might change. Edit: 2nd place gets prize as well. Maybe we can also do 3rd, but that depends on how many teams sign up. Date will be announced soon! Have fun with it guys. It's free after all with at least some kind of prize. EDIT: No racist names
  20. Gawd

    Plans for today!

    I know offtopic nigga, but could we start on that free scrim torney with like 50k hub credits prize for the team soon? I'd be happy to set up a thread with all the rules with registration information! I got a LOT of people apparently looking to sign up with votes in jailbreak etc.
  21. Gawd

    !hub Points

    People have to give hub a chance. In a month most errors will be sorten out.. Everything needs a beta test guys
  22. Gawd

    Tiny Chat

    2 moar [ATTACH]3202.vB[/ATTACH] ^mmm chrono [ATTACH]3203.vB[/ATTACH]
  23. Gawd

    Tiny Chat

    Exactly what i thought. I had a pretty nice pic and if i can find ill link LOL
  24. 1. DuckiiJr got banned for wallhacking. Not much to that. 2. The second is in interest of EVERYBODY'S security. If you have ever been in any xG server. Put a proxy or some type of protection on your I.P. Mcneo has put basically a formal ddos threat on people in xG. Co-leaders are attempting to deal with it. So I suggest at least for now, try not to piss him off.. What caused this. 1. He mass freekilled then left. 2. Some people said stuff about him being drunk in his ban request that he made on himself. He got angry 3. He has all our ips. Protect yourself accordingly. We are attempting to deal with the situation. It's possible NOTHING will happen. But just in case...
  25. Gawd


    I know you left xG on good terms with most of the community. (If i don't include the fight with aegean etc) Why'd you gotta do this? :/ You mass freekilled and left, obviously people were upset at you and I am too.. I hope the people don't get action taken against them ( E.Z. and Spork) because seriously i think ur a cool guy, but you didn't need to do this man..