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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Gawd

    Scrim Update

    I know that you mean basic elimination so theres no winners/losers bracket or any of that crap but will we be playing like best 2 out of 3 maps in each team vs team? So each team can choose a map etc etc?
  2. Gawd


    Yeah I see where the admins might have been upset, but a perm for one tiny little sentence in my opinion is just too much. I mean especially if it was in a joking manner. In the eyes of the banning admin, she might have deserved to have been punished, but a perm? Now before people start saying : Advertising results in perms etc. I just wanna say that in my opinion a first offense shouldn't be so bad. +1 to her ban being reduced to a week or less
  3. +1 obvious reasons. BB <3 Didn't have time to write a full explanation earlier, but ill edit it in now. He's active as hell, and knows the rules. Has helped call rule breakers out to mods as well.
  4. Gawd

    Armed Ban appeal

    "You're a bitch! You're a faggot!" > If you're saying that to someone and they clearly get upset because of it, how is it not disrespect? I thought they taught these things to people in kindergarten :/
  5. Gawd

    Armed Ban appeal

    double posted post below
  6. Gawd

    Armed Ban appeal

  7. Wait im confused. Weren't you wearing the :M tag yesterday in jailbreak? >.< But anyways, yeah he has been active and he seems to know motd up to date. I suppose if he keeps his activity +1
  8. Even though I already said this multiple times, I want to stress that I didn't ban him for disrespect. I banned him for after already having him gagged for constantly saying in admin chat and all chat abuser you're stupid etc etc over and over and then after ungagging him he goes and says ban me ill get you demoted etc. Effectively taunting me. So I did. That and the fact that he already was banned before twice made me want to ban him. Thats not why I banned him lol. I couldn't care too much if he called me stupid. The reason that I gagged him was a combination of all those saying I'm stupid in admin chat, saying that I abused over and over after I had already calmy explained to him why he was slayed. Thats why he was gagged. Why he was banned is written above. Taunting me after already given several warnings. There's been many cases of people being banned for that same exact reason.
  9. It was mainly the constant arguing + saying that I'm an abuser over and over that got me to gag him. Whether it was in all chat or in admin chat. The ban was from him instigating me and asking for me to ban him. I don't care too much about him calling me stupid. But when he says in admin chat and reg chat to me OVER and OVER again that I abused even after I calmy explained to him that he messed up and baited I just gagged him. Then to add on to the fact that he says ban me ban ill get you demoted? That's just over the top. It was a 60 minute ban for arguing with me, calling me an abuser many times after the situation has calmy been explained. Calling me stupid. And mainly for the fact that he after I said: keep it up you'll get into more trouble, he goes and says ban me twice. I don't know about you guys, but.. just facepalm lol. Especially since he was banned twice by foxxy and korean in the past this resulted in me being less lenient as well. His ban's expired anyways. Like 7 hours ago.
  10. Uhh kenzie a bit too late. The promos were today :P
  11. Advertising thread is not a valid reason for -1ing. Just saying
  12. Alright. I slayed you for baiting. I was being perfectly calm in explaining the situation to you. You called me a stupid admin, and kept saying I'm an abuser over and over again even though I explained to you that you were baiting. And before you say you weren't in knifes range hear this : You jumped in front of t's. About 2 ft in front and you crouch in front of them for about 10 seconds. If you would have just ran back I wouldn't have done anything. Fluttershy, the other mod on at the time can vouch for this. Then you start going on to me in admin chat and regular chat calling me an abuser a bunch of times and eventually it got annoying because you kept going after I calmly explained to you why you got slayed. This resulted in a gag. You kept going on talking to me in a demeaning manner even after i ungagged you and I told you that it might lead up to a ban if you keep going. Then you said and I quote. "Ban me, Ban me" multiple times. If that isn't instigation I don't know what is. And in response to what mcneo said about him never getting in trouble. Korean had banned him for a day for racism before and foxxy banned him for a bad spray logo in the past. It's in his ban logs if you want to check it out. So he was on already bad waters for what had happened above. So I wasn't as lenient. Edit: I would also like to point out that maybe saying I abused isn't so much of disrespect, but the calling me stupid and repeating over in over in a manner that's clearly trying to irritate me saying I abused is. calling me stupid warranted the gag. Then even afterwards, I explain to him that he shouldn't continue, then he asks me to ban him. Not a type of jokingly no balls. He ASKED me to ban him. Instigation at its maximum. So overall: he baited. I slayed. Explained situation to him calmly. Called me a stupid abusing admin. I gagged. Ungagged. I tell him that if he continues it could lead up to a ban. He threatens to get me in trouble then asks me to ban him twice. So I ban him for an hour for him to cool off. Also link to his bans if anyone wants to see: Xeno Gamers
  13. Could be the server bugging again. *shrugs*
  14. Gawd

    ARMA II Division?

    I want to buy this game when I get home, and I would enjoy playing it with other xG members. +1 IF our budget can allow it.
  15. Stence from Member to CSS Moderator Psycho from Member to CSS Moderator Arvelez from Member to TF2 Moderator Damn I was wondering when they were gonna get promoted ^! Congratz everybody! STEAM_0:0:43947302 And thanks for the promotion of course. <3
  16. And also, in what circumstances would they know that your little cousin is coming on. >tells friends cousin is on >lol free xray pass.
  17. Saying my little cousin was on and telling your friends to tell arthman he was on when he asks isn't much proof LOL. You xrayed, no need to make up some bs up your little cousin -.-
  18. Gawd

    Rule change?

    I do have a slay @aim button but either way. Whats the deal with making the admins job a tiny bit easier. Even slay at aim isn't always the most convenient and theres always the risk of hitting an innocent. I'm much rather type it out in litterly one second. It's not super duper neccesary but it helps. So why not?