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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. You're gonna want more than 1 gb of ram too...
  2. Well what graphics card do you already have, what hdd? We need specs. Also what are you planning on using your computer for, I'm assuming its gaming obviously but we still need to know what for to save you money and to get you the correct parts and your specs so we know what would bottleneck and hence need to upgrade. Also a tiny note here, I don't mean to sound like a dick but it seems like you are spamming like 1 sentence posts all over the forum. Maybe its good-hearted and not an attempt to get your post count up but if you ever make a moderator submission people are not gonna like that. :0
  3. You seem like a cool guy, and I'm sure you could make a great mod but get yourself known in the xG community, post on the forums etc. A great way to get people to know and like you for css are playing in other populated servers such as scrim and jailbreak. Once i get to know you and you meet the requirments ill be happy to consider your application. The reason its so strict is a matter of principle, many others have been denied for the same reason in the past, so it would not be very fair. But either way best of luck.
  4. Was he permed or something . I don't know why he got banned and i agree he deserved punishment but I just wanna say something on a diff topic. Puppyluv has been warned so many fucking times day over and over and she still continues to somehow get off the hook lol..
  5. Well you said to me that you're gonna basically have a hub for towny, faction and creative in a multi world. +1 dat :D gonna be sweet. Just one suggestion, in a multi world is it possible to have tnt enabled in the faction and not in the towny?
  6. Gawd

    Tiny Chat

    Nigga you got me at a bad angle. Meanwhile while this was happening deadbullet was constantly asking kelly for a fuck.
  7. Maybe add tracers to it so people know where you are. Obv make it so you have to buy it. It doesn't have to be op, in fact with the tracers its underpowered, but thats ok. You still get to fucking rebel on lr i mean come on.
  8. Lol. Just..lol. I don't even know what to say so I'm just gonna sum it up with the word lol
  9. Basically tinychat shows his true level of autism which is off the scales.
  10. Gawd


    I miss when people would play it last summer :/
  11. Wtf. I'm not. What? I don't eve-
  12. Yeah I'm not really following either. Lol. If ganja banned him for a day it should be in the bans page. No maybes about it.
  13. Can we have a tourney without them? ^^ because its not even gonna be a tournament if they play.. Or at least without takibo? :D Also @Aegean! The prize for the free tournament should be hub credits. No joke, I think that'd make a sweet prize. Maybe 50k credits to be distributed among the team. 50k= 50 bucks technically but its free so no negative benefits for xG!
  14. Make a admin report thread if you think he did a wrong thing. If mods or admins witnessed it they can post what they saw at least even if there isn't any proof.
  15. Wtf. My super fucking long ass post with tons of shit written got bugged and posted something that i wrote on a thread from like two months ago what the hell.... Since I don't want to write all that crap out again, tldr: good luck. Fuck me :/
  16. Perm bans don't exist in xG lol wat? Of course they do. Hacking, mass freekilling and leaving and etc. In this case its the first one. I am gonna -1 for the reason of why the fuck would you aimbot in JAILBREAK. Seriously. This isn't a scrim or anything. I just find that incredibly stupid. And i for one don't want to play with an ex-hacker who could easily toggle walls or aim assist again. Not to mention the fact that you aimbotted in jailbreak, not even walls, you aimbotted. This shows that you clearly didn't care if you got banned. Inb4. Everyone deserves another chance Inb4 @Pyro Tldr: -1 this guys a derp lol
  17. As to your above post, if you make it free im sure a fuck ton of teams will join for 5v5. Its just that most of these people don't want to pay. Maybe as a prize for this free torney we could use our hub to just give out credits? I mean its not much and people that only scrim won't really benefit but at least its something for a FREE torney. Now i know this doesn't benefit xG financially, but if the free torney with a prize with hub credits goes very well, it could attract more people to want to play next torney and we could possibly make it paid. Maybe we could somehow live stream the source tv of our scrim servers so everybody can watch the torney!
  18. Gawd


    O i want
  19. Ok well basically this isn't going to happen. Can we have a torney just for fun set back a couple more days? Obv no price money unless someone donates for it :p