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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Effectively you are the 1 person deciding how it should be enjoyed, so you can use the same logic against you. But imo, as long as it is in those certain time constraints: freedays, wardays lr its fine. Or maybe those cha cha slide days we always used to have.
  2. Well it does record audio. And what you described isn't illegal if he did it during a warday.
  3. Gawd

    Delete ShackNewsBot

    Well i like it. But if it really annoys you too much , +1 to it getting its own subforum so doesn't spam real news/annoucments.
  4. I would like to edit and say that zploochi will be our sub.
  5. LOL That was actually pretty good LOL Because he took the break from the jailbreak.
  6. Either way it sounded kind of bad. Now that he explained himself its a bit better but cookie did basically the same thing, except hers was on accident, and she got PERMED for it. I personally don't mind either of them that much. But there needs to be a consistent form of punishment/enforcment.
  7. Was i the only one who saw the title.. ''jailbait'' lol
  8. Wtf. You asked. So i just said what i do in the morning. Trust me, if i was going to hit on somebody in xG it would be chrono's faggot ass or @@bees nigga
  9. Gawd

    To Clear Confusions

    +1 one for ban. No its real carsn hes bad rada rada ddoss rada
  10. So uh,.. ^ /requestclose lol?
  11. Lol adverting dev to other people on our own forums while you're a member. Nice.
  12. +1 conclusive evidence. In a side note. @@Arthman could you give mods ability to ban? I've seen some shit like this but couldn't do much about it except kick.
  13. Team Name: 4Guys1Mexican Captain: Bees Gawd Deodate RpgS Cristo Sub: To be determined
  14. oh and also this is why: [xG:Ṁ] MineCrack ºαQº: silence gave me god mode to show star [xG:Ṁ] MineCrack ºαQº: I did it [xG:Ṁ] MineCrack ºαQº: then we did a follow the leader day :D
  15. So me and minecrack were asking how to do the tase grenade earlier. Evidently, he found out. Lmfao.. Basically the tase grenade is a bug where cts can tase other cts and mass tase ts where normally you can only tase one t at a time. This bug was kept secret for a while by members. And now its.. well not. And i still don't know how to do it because no one will tell me :(
  16. v whoevers under me is banned. Means you can't post on here. Goodgame thread. Thank god.
  17. Consoles in general are pretty bad compared to pcs. However my irl friends all play 360 so thats the main reason i have one. That and the fact that my pc can basically only run css well. So until i save up a couple hundred more bucks I'm stuck with it. But i can't deny my love for halo. I grew up with the game and thats where I first got into competative gaming.
  18. Gawd

    Dumbass CTTs

    I agree. In extension to your idea, i think we should perm ban and irl slay everybody who joins our server for the first time from now on. That way no new players can ever join our servers to be tempted to be ct and wreck havoc on an innocent t's life.
  19. This is just another repost on the hundreds of threads posted about basically the same matter. Doubt it will happen. However i heard someone was working on coding some type of credit system, not with css money but more like the hg one if you've ever played that. Maybe they lied but someone said that anyways. My personal opinion is that overall its fine. It would be fun to add some cool plugins along with getting days back, but you don't want to stray TOO far from what makes our jailbreak, our jailbreak.
  20. Bumping due to possible significance of how much it could help I dunno? I'm not sure of the exact costs of having this run, but it would certainly help a TON. Would be a pretty major thing if we got it.