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Posts posted by Monkey

  1. Just putting this out there, you never know.


    I am looking for someone who can translate English into Chinese, you need to be very confident in your ability. The task is to take all the English content from a website and translate it properly for our web designers. You will be paid a fair amount for your efforts.

  2. Might as well invest in Litecoins. Last year, they were a few cents and now they are up to 8 dollars.


    Bitcoin = definate gain

    Litecoin = definate gain

    WorldCoin = more risk but potential HUGE gains

  3. So I've been snooping around, and I'm extremely confused.

    I downloaded the site using wget, and I only get this:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=http://steamcommunity.com/">

    Which is weird since that just redirects to the real Steam site, so I'm confused. Either it was taken down by Valve or Steam in the past few days, or Daddio is high. The link seems safe though, nothing is downloaded to your browser as of posting this nor any js is processed.


    The problem is not accessing the website (http://steamconmunuity.com/profiles/73511132175584387/) it's if you try and enter your username and password to try and log in. It's a fake copy cat steam page meant to capture login details.


    I'm surprised how well made and convincing these websites are becoming.

  4. My pi is currently on my lap, waiting to be put together :(.


    Put together? you insert an SD card and plug in a few cables... what is this? mechano?


    or is it an actual pie?

  5. Been buying and selling these coins for 3 months now, made about $750 profit and am currently mining WDC with a raspberry pi at 3.5GH/z.


    tbh all the information is out there on google

  6. Again, I'm not a fan of defaulting our server to generic-level. Plus, for the millionth time, the last time we did that people bought too much, and just gave away credits and people ceased to donate since they only needed to ask the wealthy for a paycheck.

    Thanks Obama!

    But seriously, a store will not save CS:S, especially one that everyone else has.


    So does this make our jailbreak subgeneric level?


    It may not solve all the problems but it will significanlty improve the situation whilst someone (no one?) works on hub.


    if you are worried about losing regular donations why not raise the price for credits or even disable the ability to pass credits onto other people. You could make it impossible to buy credits forcing people to earn them in game as well. All This is all a lot better than nothing and will restore some moral to the remaining loyal members you have.