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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Snipes just got back today. :c I'll miss the shit outta you cooly. :c rip my fellow retard. @Snipes
  2. I have met multiple people who have issues with the map. I haven't seen it often, but it does happen. It's not a vast percentage, so I say keep it.
  3. I'd be willing to try it out. c: @kbraszzz ?
  5. Welcome to the club boys. rip cooly you will be missed D:
  6. ^^ And @Insane can you make sure you're running 3d models this time? c: It's good to know what medi gun they're running
  7. +1 such a good fuckin soldier. pocket him on pokemon on a regular basis M: 10/10 A: 9/10
  8. YOU SCARED ME IF YOU WERE LEAVING HOW WOULD WE SUCK AT UNRANKED CS:GO TOGETHER. have fun brochacho. see you in a few days. c:
  9. Wow! 3 vouches already! +1 fun dude. M: 9/10 A: 10/10
  10. @Rhododendron @Nomulous let's revive xG YouTube yeah?
  11. @Moosty Official times considering the conflict with Dethman and Insane's time crunches? I'm free basically any time.
  12. I suggested this awhile back, and someone mentioned you're allowed to wear an [xG-Rep] tag if you're in the group.
  13. * YOU MUST BE 14+ NO EXCEPTIONS FROM NOW ON 02/04/2013 In the guidelines. sorry bro. @Bach @kbraszzz close pls
  14. eh, let him try for it. nobody really vouched until recently.
  15. +1 active and a rich asshole. fuck your scorching flames ;~; M: 9/10 A: 10/10
  16. Your name sounds familiar, but I don't think we ever formally met. Welcome back. c:
  17. I get purple and black boxed trees, so. The textures with pokemon are just awful ahah
  18. Bello! No! Bye Hush ily bae
  19. +1 nice and dylan's bae <3 M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  20. Please don't necro threads. @Shawarma @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster @otherclsily close pls bae.
  21. You never wore tags, why are we saying bye? It's almost like you were never here. We will miss you about as much as you'll miss us. <3 Later, prick.
  22. if @Bach is truly rip I can play about 2x better this week, I was playing on my $250 laptop for the first match bc @Moosty begged me. no lag = 300x better uber timing.