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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in Organization   
    Forest has ocd
  2. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Goblin in Organization   
    Forest has ocd
  3. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Forest in Organization   
    Forest has ocd
  4. Winner
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Don't mean to be rude or anything, but why make them with Vector? Shouldn't this technically be consulted with your fellow DMs? Vector's a smart guy, but you have your DMs for a reason.
    Besides that, rules look good to me. Regarding the hacking, I am almost ALWAYS able to tell. If I'm online, feel free to message me @othermods/admins
  5. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Forest in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Don't mean to be rude or anything, but why make them with Vector? Shouldn't this technically be consulted with your fellow DMs? Vector's a smart guy, but you have your DMs for a reason.
    Besides that, rules look good to me. Regarding the hacking, I am almost ALWAYS able to tell. If I'm online, feel free to message me @othermods/admins
  6. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from DrLee in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Don't mean to be rude or anything, but why make them with Vector? Shouldn't this technically be consulted with your fellow DMs? Vector's a smart guy, but you have your DMs for a reason.
    Besides that, rules look good to me. Regarding the hacking, I am almost ALWAYS able to tell. If I'm online, feel free to message me @othermods/admins
  7. Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in Banginonatrashcan - Team Fortress 2   
    This is like saying the cat you strangled earlier should have no punishment because you also killed a man.
  8. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Haruka in Server Suggestion Gamemodes   
    I would love to bring vanilla back. I think it would get SOME kind of population since a lot of TF players just like to pub. Keep all talk off, and other things regular vanilla has. I really think it could work if we do it right...
  9. Winner
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in #freebobbywow!   
  10. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from DeKoi in Dekoi   
    +1 he's a cool dude, kind of talks when he doesn't need to, however.
    A: 9/10
    M: 7/10
  11. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in Welp, This Happened Last Night.   
    Valve's customer service is the worst there is.
  12. Winner
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Red in #freebobbywow!   

  13. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Ohstopyou in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
  14. Friendly
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    2011 > 2013. @Ohstopyou@Colorparty and I made Saxton Hale our bitch. We played it nonstop for hours.
    There was a large industrial map that had HUGE vents, and we'd all go engi and build a chain of sentries in there. It was hell playing saxton on that map. So goddamn fun.
  15. Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from DrLee in Welp, This Happened Last Night.   
    VAC is so broken, man. If you 100% didnt hack, call Steam and tell them you didn't do shit. My old account has been VAC banned for about a year, and I actually liked starting from scratch.
  16. Boring
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Red in Giraffes   
    I would like to elaborate on his ban for those curious:
    We were on Saxton Hale and he had xG in his tag, and I told him to take it off. It just escalated there and ended in a one day ban. No big deal, just a single one day ban.
    I'll stay neutral on this for now, but the dude certainly is active.
  17. Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Richydonthack - Team Fortress 2   
    You were perm'd and it was Kbraszz's decision. Our minds have not changed. -1
    Others who posted in your old thread: @Dethman @Kypari @Bach @Tekage
    Important people who need to see this: @kbraszzz @Rejects
    This is Miles Edgeworth, btw. He crashed a server due to death spamming.
    Also, thanks for letting us know that you aren't perm'd from our servers, that will be fixed ASAP.
  18. Not Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from richydonthack in Richydonthack - team fortress 2   
    @Bach @kbraszzz
    close pls? I think we all know the final decision here.
  19. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Brian in New Age Rule Is Bad?   
    People who say age doesn't define maturity have never played on the TF2 servers.
  20. Informative
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Dr.tega - Team Fortress 2   
    In the chat logs, Tega said he set a sentry at the opposite team's spawn and THEN put god mode on. Apparently this is okay, because he wasn't in god mode when the sentry was put. +1 for this reason.
  21. Useful
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Dr.tega - Team Fortress 2   
    Interesting chat logs. I'll stay neutral, however, I want you to know how to put images on forums.
    If you right click on the imgur image itself, you need to hit "Copy image location" and then paste that into the image thing. It's the difference between:


  22. Informative
    ChickenPanda reacted to Vector in Dr.tega - Team Fortress 2   
    nice to see tega taking this seriously
    Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  23. Friendly
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from RinAoi in Guess Who's Back!   
    I actually lol'd
    but I don't like that you feel that way :c
  24. Bad Spelling
    ChickenPanda reacted to Gr8_Butt_M8 in Gayporneon♥xg - Teamspeak   
    well i apoligize for this misunderstanding but honestly i have no recognition of saying that in teamspeak and there is no real evidence saying i did so i apoligize if any words to have come out of my mouth but honestly i do not remember saying this
  25. Friendly
    ChickenPanda reacted to GottaGoFast in First Friend In Xg?   
    A thread to remember the good ol' days when xG wasn't full of dank maymays. Mine was @ChickenPanda who helped me get into xG. So who was yours?