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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. ohhh ok well you also like kinda gave invaild freeday's and you were disrespecting you aren't innocent, you weren't being very nice to anyone

    First off, let's get some things clear.


    You don't know what disrespect is OR you're just a delicate flower.

    My days are all valid.


    AND HOLYYYYYY FUCK. Since when does me being innocent or not have to do with this thread? If you feel as if I'm a bad person or member make an appropriate request or protest.

  2. +1. To be honest, I have more of a problem with alice's constant disrespect and attitude. As of recently it's become more and more of a problem. Practically every time I get on the Jailbreak server he's complaining about how we don't have my abortion yet and how apparently the CS:S Div and xG are dying. Whenever he gets annoyed at something he seems to just go on an angered rant and complain. While I don't think Alice should be banned, he definitely needs to shape up with the attitude. On the other hand, I don't know why hex hasn't been banned yet. First we have his constant spam in his previous ban request thread (which is still pending a final decision) and now we have some good old fashioned disrespect.


    Here are both of their chat logs, to anyone who may be interested:

    Haruhi/Alice's: Xeno Gamers - Search

    Hex's: Xeno Gamers - Search

    We agree on something? Damn, that sucks.


    I'm actually not surprised to see this thread as for someone to spam nigger over a hundred times on jailbreak would probably continue on. What hex did before was extremely immature but to add onto that he tried to make someone else look bad just to blow some pressure off himself. Now, if I was @@Rhododendron I wouldn't really care what a 14 year old kid says over the internet. Now, would he want someone in the clan who acts like an idiotic child? That's entirely up to him as the guidelines specifically has regulations to this (pls don't hurt me).


    Onto Alice now, as I went through just a few pages of his chat logs I noticed him harassing few of the younger players of jailbreak. I pretty much stopped there as I already knew he can't control himself from harassing others because he's most likely socially awkward and doesn't really know how to treat people correctly. To add on Alice usually swears and disrespects people frequently on jailbreak. For example if I do something that displeases him he will call me a major faggot.



    Much rude.

    So hurt.


    I feel as if he should be punished as well.


    +1 to ban hex, clearly he has a problem.

    +1 to ban Alice, clearly he too has a problem.

  3. @@MineCrack Yes, We'd have to SEE that T have no guns out, and admins and mods dont see everything(especially if they're participating in the warday), if they're close enough to the door to where they can be killed (with this rule) the Ts have no right to complain.

    If that T is freekilled when he actually had no guns and we didnt see it, A CT can lie and say "he had guns out." Then we cant do anything because we didn't see it.

    This isn't really adding rules, This rule is easier to enforce than the baiting a freekill rule, which is what we're replacing, instead of adding new ones.

    What if that T wasn't within 10-15 feet and lied? Or a CT killed someone far out of range and lied? This rule won't really help, people will continue to lie and break rules.

  4. @@Matsi An example of Baiting a Freekill is sitting where CTs can see you(not behind a door, unless they can see through doors....?) and PURPOSELY not having guns so u dont get killed. When a T is moving to an area and gets shot when he didnt have guns out/ a CT didnt see him with guns out, its a freekill. And lets say they saw a T with gun out, then the door closes, he moves, and a new T with no guns is killed by the CT who saw the old T while the New T was going to the area. You cant be sure you arent freekilling when you shoot through a door, so we should either add the rule I suggested, or completely not allow shooting through doors

    For one, there are rules in place to prevent your first situation. Two, you go from baiting a free kill to a "possible" situation that rarely happens as doors reduce damage and will probably just cause a T to QQ on mic. Though, if that T is freekilled, you handle it just like any other free kill. If a staff member saw that unarmed T die and depending on where it is, that CT who killed him would obviously be punished.


    This thread isn't really necessary, you're trying to get more rules added to the motd which will probably spark arguments in game over the regulations.

  5. Get on JB then.

    I didn't give the activity rating because everyone is on at different times and has different activity. I am only on for a hour maybe two a day when I'm home. Right now I am not home and even if I was I probably wouldn't play jailbreak as I've played it for years and find it extremely boring now.


    Also, you don't really have the right to tell anyone to get on jailbreak OwO.

  6. Why are you giving him so much shit for it, when warrior first claimed he had a bind for smite @all and you didn't give him shit? (before he said his cat typed it, and or hit the bind.)

    I actually did, and then his punishment changed.


    Also, I'm simply curious as to why he has a slay @all bind.

  7. I claim it because I had a bind for it, but couldnt find the bind (which was one i used to have as "record 1; stop" which i used to refresh the client, i dont remember anyone saying anything the first time it happened and i hadnt realised anything had happened. Then when it happened again and i was wondering why i eventually thought that might have been it. Anyways, you've -1'd me, and i cba explain anymore than i need to :p

    Why do you have a bind to slay @all? That doesn't even make sense.

  8. Noone found out who did it. I claimed the entire time that I thought I had but couldn't be entirely sure, and tried to help find out who it was. Unfortunately it's just not something that leaves a trail anywhere.

    @@DarkWolf6052 said Silence found out through logs that YOU did it. And how can someone claim they thought they had slayed @all? You don't just slay @all and forget it.

  9. There is no evidence provided that Aaron was in fact the person who did it during that time, and as such he wasn't banned for it. There were multiple other Staff Members on, and it could have been anyone; we can't just single someone out because he was most likely to have done it. Most cases are handled with factual information.


    The only time Aaron was guilty of doing so was after posting a vote to see if the Players would agree to it in which it was captured by the plugin (as well as seen in chat logs). During no other time (that I know of) did Aaron blatantly ban @ all.

    Darkwolf claimed Silence found out. So it wouldn't be "singling someone out because he was most likely the person to do it."

  10. 4CLwH.jpg.65e0fe2ba000ede01490cbf7a01a8859.jpg

    You know what, I did do that, obviously, but you did disrespect mods/admins and the entire xG community, I can get the images if you like...!

    What does that have to do with this thread? All you're trying to do is make OP look like a bad person when in reality this is a thread about you, not him. You've simply displayed child like behavior and attitude by saying that.