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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. lol so mine crack how about u stop being his butt buddy ? heres some proof kids maybe you can use your judgement better and you'll get somewhere


    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Steam Community :: Screenshot

    Stop acting stupid and then maybe I won't have to defend him. On the note of the screenshots, he asked twice.

  2. yea its not but when he posts his app in ADMIN chat to +1 his application multiple times is not good, why the fuck u sending it in admin chat when u already did it multiple times in regular chat? ADMIN chat is for reporting rule breakers not ur stupid applications

    You act like admin chat is used for anything more important than spamming nigger. And I highly doubt he spammed his application.

  3. I'm not sure if this was an actual member protest. However, I do +1 this idea. He is nothing but a nuisance, as you can tell from his ban protest from TS he can't handle not getting his way so he has to insult others.


    If this wasn't an actual member protest then, oh well.

    It's real.

  4. It's inaccurate because people tend it spray it a LOT without aiming downwards. The only time i spray it is when there's a lot of enemies and i aim downwards. Other than that i barely spray at all and both ways of doing it are just accurate enough for me.

    Also.. I was talking about other people, if you didn't know.

    I was talking to you.