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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. There's a thread specifically for the sole purpose to notify the staff to not abuse/use the fun commands for no reason at all. You completely disregarded that thread and used the !cash @all command, I've seen you do it before on multiple occasions and I barely play jailbreak anymore. You should be punished just like anyone else who abuses their powers on a mass scale, regardless of the command. You disrupt and ruin jailbreak for a short period of time, just like anyone else who uses a mass command.


    Also, I haven't read all the posts but if you "didn't know" or "got mixed approval" and could keep up with your divisions board, do you really deserve your rank? There was a clear warning and if you get a 50/50 approval from div managers, why do it?

  2. Last time I checked, Jailbreak is supposed to about having fun with some friends, not seeing who is the best player or whoever has the most frags by the end of the round. Jailbreak is a gametype in CS:S that requires little skill or experience with CS:S to play. 1-3 readings of the motd + a pretty basic understanding of how CS:S works and you're pretty much set. It's not like bhop or surf, where you have to learn how to do it even on just the most basic level. If you want to take it to a more competitive level, go ahead, but don't force something like that on everyone else.

    Last time I checked I wasn't forcing anything on anyone. I was simply stating the obvious.

  3. I'll recount in a bit. Ganja's didn't count because he -1'd for the sole reason of asking for +1's as he stated. Which is not allowed. He's acually still at +2, @@DrPepperPhreak @@diabeetus @@MineCrack use the proper A/M format so that your -1 will count. @@GanjaMonster unless you can come up with a better reason, -1ing for asking for +1's isn't allowed so your vote doesn't count.

    A/M isn't required. Silence added a secondary vouch.