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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban, but if he was actively playing race then +1 I was going back and fourth on the last part. I saw Shadow and I playfully taunted then finished the race. If it wasn't him I would've just baited out a T to attempt kill me so I could shoot them. Or some other form of baiting to get them to knife me, I wouldn't have straight up kill them.
  2. Can I have a reduced ban then? I rather not have this open for days then pester people.
  3. Pretty much. Not enough people like me to view it as that.
  4. With my velocity well over 800 and going in race before cells were opened, no one would've seen me go in. It has 2 entrances, technically. My intention wasn't to finish it, nor did I ever say it was. I was hiding in there for last CT. Usually not many Ts go in there as most of the people who play JB can't complete race in a timely manor.
  5. 1) You weren't there. 2) If you were there, you would've known there was about 6-7 Ts alive. 3) I couldn't see the people at the entrance/first box jumps. I know very well I could stay permed or if I could see the other Ts it would be intentional. I only saw Shadow.
  6. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: MinceCrack Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41345874 Information: Permed from CT. On the map blackout, it was a freeday so I went to race. I began hopping around in race and ShadowSpy appeared. I gave him a false sense of hope by letting him finish some of the race (as I was already near the end). Then I jumped through the end and killed him. As I did a few Ts had just entered and were on the starting boxes of race, 3 of them excluding shadow died. I wasn't banned at first until sep0h banned me a few rounds later. 1) It was not intentional, other than maybe Shadow but I would've died. I was simply competing in race. 2) I did not notice several Ts had just enter race, if I had I would have not completed it and accepted my fate. 3) I was on the highest point and could not see the entrance.
  7. @@Rhododendron Remove iplay & jb_razor_electric_beta2 iPlay is an absolute mess, check it if you want to. It's just plain out awful and never played, literally. The map is more of a maze than a jailbreak map. The electric_beta2 doesn't have a proper armory. People need to go through a teleporter in a cell. The classes can be filled quickly and not everyone knows about !class.
  8. +1 Although he is sometimes rude and annoying, he will get the job done.
  9. Movies/different games.
  10. +1 A mature guy that would be a great addition to the staff line up.
  11. You can't really get noticed unless you back seat moderate (which usually you'll get called out for it, and not in a good way) or sitting in TS with darkwolf (no offence). Back Seat Moderation is clever, no need to pay money to get your powers and you earn it by showing respect and devotion to the clan and its rules. That's how it's suppose to be but moderators (usually) bash them.
  12. You can't really get noticed unless you back seat moderate (which usually you'll get called out for it, and not in a good way) or sitting in TS with darkwolf (no offence).
  13. This is kind of a debate thread. I don't see why you're calling people nimrods because they don't agree with you.
  14. Actually there was 40+ this week (I think).
  15. Most of this can be reported, just take time and take screenshots. No problemo.
  16. Okay... Serbian can still add the channel since it matters so much.
  17. What does that have to do anything? That's completely irrelevant and off topic. I tagged him so he can add the channel.