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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack


    What I thought that happened was: I told aubri to stfu about matters that didn't pertain to her and then was banned. I did fuck with darkwolf a bit too much though. The steam thing I do remember and yeah that was me being a attention needy childfag #banthechildfags Pretty sure she was just commenting on your attitude. If you go by those terms then none of this really pertains to us.
  2. MineCrack


    You kind of went into teamspeak and started pissing everyone off. Then you spammed me on steam with youtube videos that you've showed me already.
  3. u cont stop me m0t
  4. MineCrack

    Pray for Gawd

    HOLY SHIT. WHY I NO SEE U IN GAME OR ON TS He played league with me and others for a few hours. Y U NO PLEY?
  5. MineCrack

    Story time

    "You are making love to your sister when your telephone rings. It is your father. He says "What are you doing with daughter?" You tell your sister and she says "Our father died four years ago, now go get our children from the nuclear power plant right now!" But if our father was dead. Who was telephone." - As so in Soviet Russia.
  6. Isn't this thread about Darkwolf and not Chrono? This was quoted on page 5 in which I went into detail on each of the things accused of Darkwolf by Chrono. In other words, the whole reason for the Report Abuse. You should summarize it for me C:. You know who's at stake if you don't.
  7. If you have something to say, then say it. It's just a place holder, he probably wants to make a sophisticated and educated post.
  8. Isn't this thread about Darkwolf and not Chrono?
  9. You can't really say it's not racist as it depends on the person you're saying it to. Now, did that person Chrono say nigger to actually find it offensive/racist? He most likely said it to me. I don't find it offensive personally, but still the fact is he said it in a way that can be considered. But you didn't find it offensive, so it's not a problem. What you're saying though is that it could be found offensive, you going into a teamspeak channel and yelling niggers could also be found offensive.
  10. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time in game (and in ts) and no one tells me anything, I don't mean anything wrong by it. I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members. While they shouldn't be IMO... "nigga" and "nigger" are two very different things. It depends on the person you say it to.
  11. Have you read the xG rules? You're not suppose to be constantly saying racial terms. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time, I don't mean anything wrong by it. I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members. Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone. You can't really say it's not racist as it depends on the person you're saying it to. Now, did that person Chrono say nigger to actually find it offensive/racist?
  12. His point is, why is it "wrong"(which can be wrong at times, but not in this case) in-game but not "wrong" in TS Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time in game (and in ts) and no one tells me anything, I don't mean anything wrong by it. I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.
  13. Turd 90% of the time we are saying "nigger" is in out TS room, where it is allowed. What's the difference saying it in game or in teamspeak? If it's not directed to anyone in a offensive manor it's not really a problem. When you say it in teamspeak you don't mean it in a offensive manor, same with turdwig in game. Also, from what I heard he says it in admin chat (as I rarely see him say it in normal chat or hear him via mic, your percentage is extremely off). Lastly, what's the difference between a in game private admin chat and a teamspeak channel?
  14. +1 an older member. Despite his age he's pretty mature, shouldn't be a problem.
  15. @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo Can a decision be made soon and not a week later like my older threads?
  16. MineCrack

    licked my scrotum ...smoked a mouse...
  17. MineCrack

    ...mango shaded lamp...
  18. Why don't you ask warrior. @@Warriorsfury HE CAN'T BECAUSE HE'S BLACKLISTED NAGGER!!!! sorry... boredom posting not me PM on TS, add on steam, ask someone to ask him.
  19. Why don't you ask warrior. @@Warriorsfury
  20. You are banned for 1 hour for breaking Warrior's blacklist to his community channel. It's only 1 hour.
  21. +1 It has been a little more than half a year since he played on CT. Give the man a chance.
  22. I did not vote on that, if I could I would -1 Little can happen to change my opinion but thank you for trying. I disagree with this... I don't really think it should be considered mass teamkilling/freekilling if it is a map game... the other people could have decided to not enter the game in progress but instead they did and they died... HOWEVER, I do not think that anyone(or at least a CT) should be allowed to be in there waiting for someone to come in just so that they can finish and kill them. I do not think anyone should be punished for actively playing a map game on a freeday that leads to deaths to the losers. This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban but +1 for 2 week ban, if he was actively playing race then +1 for unban now or definitely shortened How were they to know if two people already started it? At the start of it you CANNOT see the end. At the end you can't see the start. Honestly people who enter race should accept the fact there is a possibility that someone could finish it at any time.
  23. I dun I dun want to I dun want to even know