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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Nope. Water. I agree I drink water 99% of the time. I don't even drink soda. I occasionally have some kool aid or Gatorade, but water is the best I stopped drinking soda because of money problemos and to see if it would taste bad after a month. I can't stand it now T_T
  2. Skyrim Hitman Absolution Arma2 combined ops scribblenauts saints row 3 Still working on paying my friend back T_T
  3. It's not that big of a deal. Just let it go, you can sit somewhere else.
  4. Drink what you want; drink what you’re able. If you are drinking with me, you’ll be under the table. In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria. 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? get in ts slut.
  5. I beat a nigga up.. @@MineCrack TELLLLL MEEEE :(((((
  6. There is nothing exploited about it. Also what does this have to do with xG rules? It just seems like you want an argument.
  7. MineCrack

    let it be known

    What the fuck did I just read?
  8. In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. All defendants are innocent until proven guilty, either by confession, plea bargain, or trial by jury. This is one of those trials.
  9. Just because it's late at night or a "community night" doesn't give you the right to abuse your powers. You're suppose to be an example, and what a poor example you're being by abusing. +1
  10. I think this thread is unnecessary considering there is already a thread on this.
  11. MineCrack

    Wat do

    I heard you beat a nigga up.
  12. MineCrack

    Wat do

    I did that in 8th grade but we always lost and I fell behind on school work >_>. You'll make tons of friends doe.
  13. Are you an alcoholic? Probably. BRB moving you up on the cool book I made.
  14. Strong words. They hurt. So stop drinking water like a 4 year old and hydrate yourself with some beer. Nope. Water.
  15. There is no real point. Are you an alcoholic?
  16. MineCrack

    Wat do

    Oh, you so don't want to ask me this.... :cat: I do. In detail.
  17. Water. I don't see the point of this thread.
  18. MineCrack

    Wat do

    I'm pretty sure we all play games for fun on the computer. . IRL I hang out with tight friends I've known for a while. Though if people are really bored and want something different in their life they should get a girlfriend (not trying to come off rude >_>). Also I don't recommend having a relationship with animals and "yiffing" with them, that's not an alternative to a girl.
  19. JB/MG/BW/DR is all we need. I'm pushing it with BW/DR as those die hard quickly.