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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Forums has definitely been a mad house, fun fo sho.
  2. Didn't read everything, but it sounds stupid. -1 Not only that, but some maps have a few guns. Just deal with it, get off your lazy ass and use your powers. If someone freekills with an awp slay them, if they continue breaking rules teamban. Who the hell wants to play a nitpicking server?
  3. MineCrack


    If you installed software to control your router settings, go edit it from that panel.. Most routers come with a disk to install a manager and what not for trouble shooting. I can get on teamviewer later and help if you need.
  4. MineCrack


    What the fuck is that guys issue? What a fucking ass hole. +1 for the ban, fuck him.
  5. Gratz for all mah bois who got romototed to big bois who can ban Fuck you towlie, deserved it.
  6. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

    [ATTACH]3726.vB[/ATTACH] skrew u
  7. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  8. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

    then my thread won't be at the top. ;)
  9. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

    best one yet lol. [ATTACH]3721.vB[/ATTACH]
  10. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  11. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  12. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  13. MineCrack

    xG Memes

    [ATTACH]3709.vB[/ATTACH] NO U
  14. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  15. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  16. [ATTACH]3706.vB[/ATTACH] found this suitable (:
  17. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  18. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  19. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

  20. MineCrack

    .Gif Thread

    Post your favorite gif's. [ATTACH]3699.vB[/ATTACH]
  21. MineCrack

    xG Memes
