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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Alright so I'm getting windows 8 after I eat sushi then I will install it. Regardless if people hate or like it, ask me questions about it. You can ask me questions such as what's compatible and how it feels. Even if you don't plan on getting it or if you hate it, maybe ask a series of questions that would probably change your mind?
  2. MineCrack


    tl;dr summary
  3. MineCrack


    tl;dr Sorry not in the reading mood.
  4. The fucks we give. 3x3x0.
  5. MineCrack


    tl;dr Way too long, what is this?
  6. MineCrack


    tl;dr i have a gf on runescape.
  7. ima buy dat shit nahmeen
  8. How much for this build and do you accept paypal? EDIT: just going to update a few parts on my current computer, including the case = p. Any recommendations?
  9. Should be tried but it would be over powered. : p
  10. bump. Did anyone read what I say? Maybe some ideas on what you want for the subclans since Silence is redoing it. In the pass he hasn't really asked ex. the hub and you guys COMPLAINED for a good month.
  11. Posting this for Silence because he can't connect to the website. As you may or may not have noticed, the servers are dying off. Particularly jailbreak, and yes there are other servers but jailbreak is the main server. Jailbreak pretty much runs this clan with the donations it gets. As a whole, I want the clan to give me feed back on what should be added. Also, Silence had some sub-clan idea that he wanted to implement. It is long and complicated and had a currency system to go along with it. He doesn't have the info because he deleted it. Though, if the sub-clan system was to be completely re-done with custom perks/weapons (such as a molotov/flame grenade) what would you like to see? As well what other plugins would you like to see?
  12. That will de-duct a lot of donations people pay.
  13. MineCrack

    Windows 8

    Oh, make a short tour video?
  14. MineCrack

    Windows 8

    Upgrading this weekend, had tons of great feedback from friends.
  15. The doctors will run tests and never find anything. Happened to my friend, he has pains in his chest area for about 1 year, and he's still not diagnosed.
  16. MineCrack


    Mind leaving more details, this doesn't make much sense.
  17. Fuck off unless you want issues.
  18. Generally, Shiro is an asshat to people he doesn't like. From unfair freeslaying to unfair teambans, he does it just because he wants to. As seen in the proof, I was killing a rebel who was delaying and button spamming. I probably shot through the wall, I'm not sure how I hit shiro, but it was 1 hit for 14 damage.. CT Ban Not sure if it's only me (the freeslaying and teambans), but he's done it multiple times. I'm getting tired of this, and I just want something done.