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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. He has how he knows how to DoS before. While being confronted he was stuttering then he said he was DoSing earlier. After someone notifying you of what you just said, you stuttered and changed the story. Also from what I've heard you attempted to explain what happen.
  2. Nothing is wrong with xG. We had a party when goat left, he's done nothing for this community and has only if anything ruined the reputation.
  3. Barely anyone used pub. SnK is fo-sho the best.
  4. -1 Inmature and annoying, not moderator material.
  5. Honestly no one cares, you bought this upon yourself.
  6. MineCrack


    No, it's a pretty bad game.
  7. luv u bro shoutout from asap in the gheto huney bunz err day 420 hashin haha luf u LOL ttyl gurfrien
  8. Sophomore year is surprisingly easy for me but I haven't been active on the server because of my baby sister. Goodluck though with school and your std... Hopefully you can clear up what ever and come back to sitting in the vents on season! You've been a good friend and hopefully this isn't a perm. inactivity!
  9. When shit is going crazy, it's better to be on the CT team or spectate. Being on CT you get a better understanding of what's actually going on if you have a attention disorder. As well as being in spectate gives you the option to watch over everything. When it's crowded as well, don't be afraid to throw out the 3 hour team bans. I give those out often usually for 45+ people or with no mods/admins on with 40+ people. It's better during the school year though, during the summer it was usually 50+ people and one admin on :p. I will post pics later of that though. Though, with 30ish people on you shouldn't have a problem. You really need to just worry about the CTs and slight chat spam/disrespect. Look for mic spam at the beginning (includes holding down mic, spamming it as soon as round ends, and or random noises).
  10. -1 You broke the rules and you were told to stop. You did not respect that so you were banned. Request close please, it's clear what he did. He spammed chat and was given ample chances.
  11. 31/ skootz nifez $a/ ba toorture izland 999/ more luv 12/ share ur come with me plis n finger pupets : D 123/ xg mods cuz they so fun
  12. Good luck. It was a pleasure to have you around.
  13. GMod is a mess right now, admins/mods abuse.
  14. Just keep him banned. We don't need him on the server.
  15. MineCrack

    Can't Believe

    luv u to amg so much i feel close 2 u all the time <33333 I simply want to insert my rather large penus into your asshole.
  16. They recently came into our teamspeak yelling about how their clan is bad and they need to DDoS a good community.
  17. Congratz sinly big donger legit ponger. Also king.
  18. We've only heard this story about 100x.
  19. .org +1 for redirect though.
  20. A 24/7 Tower server would be nice!
  21. 1. Remove avalanche over played. 2. Dongs 3. Get a division leader for minecraft that isn't bipolar, and sucks. 4. I have your finger puppets. 5. A pub with PLUGINS.
  22. codin em up nahmean pm me esea proof 3 yr long runner nahmean made by indin codr