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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack


    [ATTACH]3693.vB[/ATTACH] chrono told me to make this gg
  2. MineCrack

    For Chrono

    hey bra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP3siwYYDDo&feature=g-all-u
  3. I'm aboard 'dat welfare train. Mad though? @@Chrono [ATTACH]3688.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. >silence owes me 6600 credits. @@silence
  5. So people say bomb rush instead of bum rush. Maybe add a command so we can purchase a small bomb for everyone on the T team? Each T would be 50 credits each, like a normal small bomb.
  6. +1 He's a shitstain to the server and extremely inmature.
  7. Yeah I remember the animated versions, they were great.
  8. MineCrack

    My new gun

    HMU ASAP. We'll go shooting people later, possibly a spree?
  9. >Jailbreak physics broken. >Silence not on the case.
  10. Watched it, was pretty good but I'm getting bored. It's basically nonstop problems.
  11. Lagin durin scrims n gettin kills gets dem hoes.
  12. The fuck is the point of this thread? Not getting enough attention lately is my only guess.
  13. MineCrack

    Amanda Todd

    So as you may know a girl named Amanda Todd did suicide after practically being bullied to death. It started off as flashing on sites like Omegle, then escalated quickly from there to real world situations. The video explains her situation... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej7afkypUsc So, what are your thoughts on this? Sorry for the video if it's not the original, yt is cluttered.. And of course the pictures off of the official facebook I believe.
  15. Good luck on getting better man. It's sad to see things like this happen..
  16. Cya man, good luck with what ever comes up. Also don't join any other communities! :pride:
  17. I really have no reason to be in this clan anymore. Pretty much lost my moderator powers this week for an argument with Chrono. Sorry for what I said you're a good guy and I over reacted. I really have other things to worry about other than this clan. The leader really doesn't care for any social aspect to the clan, basically negotiating with some random guy (thanks duplo for dragging me in) then removing me from the clan for not leaving the room (because open threats were made). While beforehand asking me what he should do. Then ignoring me after, and then decided to ban me from teamspeak for half a day. I really don't feel like putting up with this crap. I'll still talk to you guys and be on the forums. Also I will play on the servers/scrim occasionally. Peace out for the most part though.