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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Request close @Link_ @Serbian_bela_vuk
  2. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Can you please tell me these occasions? I play a lot which means more accidents are prone to happen. I do admit to doing it on blackout, but I wasn't paying attention. What other occasions?
  3. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    I'm accepting the ban because you're really being a dick and unreasonable. You've done this before to me and it's annoying. It was an accidental bait, I still don't think it's worth a day ban.
  4. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    If I derserved it, I derserved it. I'm not above any rules. I've banned myself multiple times for breaking rules. This though, was an accident. You're really making a big deal about it, grow up.
  5. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    My giant "E Peenor." I'm sorry but if you don't know but you're an admin in this community. You're suppose to help people in the community, not try to start arguments with people. I baited on accident, I have no reason to lie. I don't see why you keep refusing my plee.
  6. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Mind not quoting me a couple thousand times? Gives me notifications. Your actions was drastic, spoke to people in teamspeak. I accidently baited once, also what is this shit with me "singing." I don't recall singing as well. I've played on the server for a long term, you shouldn't teamban me for a day for accidently baiting. I do agree with you with some things but really, it's just one bait.
  7. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    You're not a forum administrator, you cannot "/thread." It's an unfair and unreasonable ban, I accidently baited once, what Kaipa is doing is making it seem intentional. It was not intentional and derserved a slay. Ask yourself this, would you ban yourself for a day for baiting? Or anyone else? Accidents happen, get over it.
  8. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Causing trouble? Are you serious, I couldn't see them so when I saw them they knifed me. Get over it, this is basically banning someone because they died. Also why am I trying to cause trouble? I didn't say anything after I died, because you know I die a lot? It's not my fault they got my gun. Also, in my defence for the first statement, (which butchered the English language) I was not aware of the tree they were at, being as originally I was hiding from Ts since they were obtaining guns. I noticed I received warden, so I ordered them to the nearest place possible. I wasn't aware of the middle tree. I began to walk around and then when I saw them they knifed me, I screamed on my mic because I was surprise. I have over 35 days on the server, I have no intention to break rules. I died and they got my gun, get over it Shiro. You do this all the time. Big text for ignorant children.
  9. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Right. I did not jump off, I wasn't even in the mood to screw around which I every now and then. I wasn't aware of the knifing distance and I did not jump off, my body fell off when I died. Also, what do you mean I lead them to CTs? They're suppose to move out of the way when I order them. That's basically saying if I told Ts to go to soccer, CTs are in the way, they obviously will move. Basically the situation is that I died, and you're calling it a gunplant. It was a legitiment death and you're over reacting, why don't you worry about other people?
  10. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Waiting for Shiro's repply. I think it was drastic, I gun planted him on accident on monday/tuesday I believe. And I just died, that's not a gun plant.
  11. MineCrack

    CT Ban

    Shiro decided to ban me because on lego (around the 4 corners area, I ordered all Ts to stack to the closest palm tree by 4 corners) and I died an apparently it was gun planting. I was standing on top of the overwatch around the palm trees, and I didn't know that Ts could knife me, so when I was walking around to see where they were, I got knifed. So after I got killed, someone got my gun, and apparently that's gun planting. Shiro then brought up I've gun planted before, shit happens. On blackout he was coming out of race and I swapped my awp out for a m4a1, he picked up my awp. I tried to explain it was an accident but he decided not to listen.
  12. MineCrack

    xG War Z

    What if.... @@silence dun accept?
  13. -1 You need something better to do with you time.
  14. #SilenceCanCumNormally Happy birthday to you, give me credits.
  15. Misread. Mind taking screenshots?
  16. It's actually a DoS since it's one attacker.
  17. Oh no more premade tools and pinched nose 12 year olds. He'll be taken care of later, also this should be moved to threat management along with additional screenshots if you have them. If not don't worry about it.
  18. Unless you can supply some type of proof we can't really do anything unless starbuck adds a tracking system.
  19. Gawd is in your closet, ask him for help.
  20. Actually starbuck is fucking with you for the lulz. He specifically targeted you!
  21. iPad spell check here we go! Grate to all mah homies fur bing pray mooted now what I mean. Should mention dat bio arvelez is. TFT admirer start also That shitty hadron newsboy to 1v1 me nscopes only nah mean?
  22. MineCrack

    Click it.

    Shadyurl.com I believe.
  23. -1 The current system works fine.