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Reputation Activity

  1. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from lilbleed in Virr   
    I give him a pity +1 for living in a land of filth
  2. Agree
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from orangejuice in Virr   
    I give him a pity +1 for living in a land of filth
  3. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Virr   
    SHOULD GET CL DID MORE WORK ON MINI GAMES SERVER THEN OWL DID XD MEME +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  4. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to orangejuice in Virr   
    +1 is the nicest person around xG tbh and like lithium said never sleeps and is allways on teamspeak
    a on teamspeak 10/10
    m 10/10
    a on servers 6/10
  5. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Majestic_Narwha in New Last Ct Song Xd   
    yes... atleast u didnt build that
  6. Boring
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in Justdoppler   
    +1 mature, active, awesome warden
  7. Drunk
    MinerTeddy reacted to virr in Mouse Appears On Home And During Gameplay.   
    Glad you got it sorted. In the future though, try to use fullscreen as much as possible as it lowers input lag and generally increases performance as your computer doesn't have to render both your desktop and your game at the same time.
  8. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Mouse Appears On Home And During Gameplay.   
    I got it to be ok. I had to delete and reinstall csgo many times then I had to delete steam from my computer and reinstall. After all that, I had to reinstall csgo and change the FUCKING THING TO FUCKING FULL SCREEN AND IT FUCKING WORKED. FUCK MY LIFE...ALL THAT FOR PRESSING ONE SIMPLY BUTTON TO MAKE IT GO INTO FUCKING FULL SCREEN???????!!!!!!!! FUCK U GABEN!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S. PLz Gaben....I love you dont kill me with ur power
  9. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to gryfons in Mouse Appears On Home And During Gameplay.   
    So my mouse appears on the Home screen(regular not in game white mouse). I have to click my mouse many times for something to actually click and when I try and play the game my mouse appears in the middle of my cross hair. When I rotate my game (not aswd) the mouse gets bigger. If someone knows how to fix this, that would be great.
    Until I get to know how to fix, I will be heading over to TF2.
    EDIT: Nevermind, same thing happens with tf2 just in a different spot.
  10. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to lilbleed in ◀crona▶ - Counter-strike   
    +1 green card I hope ur mom gets better from being dead.
    Idk if member +1s do anything but whatever.
    p.s. tev is better at mm.
  11. Informative
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from jaygoki in X_ar   
    -1 Cocky and lost a 1v1
  12. Informative
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Charles in X_ar   
    -1 Cocky and lost a 1v1
  13. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to X_AR in X_ar   
    ayo can i get +1 from a d or dm?
  14. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to X_AR in X_ar   
    actuccaly oj +1'ed me i think
  15. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to X_AR in X_ar   
    so one more :P
  16. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to Firewolf in X_ar   
    Due to rescent events and things i have seen i will be taking out my plus 1, Icy you are targeting a certain group of players and being specifically rude or weird to that group. I will not put a minus 1 but im taking back my plus 1.
  17. F!$k Off
    MinerTeddy got a reaction from Pepper in Word Of The Day   
    [spoiler=June 4, 2016]
    Cherry Coke
    Dr Pepper
  18. RIP
    MinerTeddy reacted to virr in Word Of The Day   
    A man who acts like a baby. If he doesn't get his way, he becomes crabby and unable to work with. thinks he's always right. Can be angered and upset by anything.
  19. RIP
    MinerTeddy reacted to Klure in Bleed 1 Vs. 1 Me   
    Hello Xeno Gamers, it is I, Klure. I wish to 1 vs. 1 @Bleed in CS:GO.
    The time will be 9 P.M. central on Thursday the 2nd. The location will be the scrim server. The format will be a best of 3. Map 1 will be on aim_map using rifles, map 2 will be awp_india using awps, and the tiebreaker map will be aim_p2000 using pistols. Any and all spectators are welcome.
    You have 24 hours to accept. Good luck.
    Fortunately Big A, you will be able to stay true to your name. You will bleed.
  20. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to LeToucan in Ominous-man - Counter-strike   
  21. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    i dont do it back to him i may have said one word but thats all then he lashes out at me
  22. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    i was just saying cause he does the same to me so
  23. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    Thats just me saying i mispelled one word nothing wrong with that
  24. Bad Spelling
    MinerTeddy reacted to BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    On the server is different people constantly talk shit to me and its annoying on here they do also but i cant really do much but rate negativly for talking shit
  25. Salty
    MinerTeddy reacted to BullseyeX in Bullseyex - Counter-strike   
    Fire wolf you constantly talk shit about me being banned and how noone likes me but you say im saying shit??