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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. After some thought, I've decided to move the community night to this coming Friday (the 16th) as school is starting for a lot of people here at xG, and it wouldn't be fair to them to miss out on this due to tonight being a school night for some people. Also I may not even get home in time for the community night, considering the drive back to my house is over 12 hours long and I'm only 2 hours in and also stuck in gridlock traffic. The official thread will be up as soon as I can get it up.


    @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@snakeboyeric @@DeathGod @@Cristo @@Hellafun13 @@Yuno_Gasai @@orangejuice @@Gawd @@LostCause @@TurdWig @@Unit12p @@Warriorsfury @@Zeal @@arvelez @@Genesis @@DaddioDoug @@DrPepperPhreak @@JakeEnglish @@WhyJewMad @@John @@JINGS @@kbshooter2 @@Matsi @@Sarcast1cninja @@Sep0h @@xShadowSpyx @@Sporky @@payturr @@BaileyJay @@TheAlpha31 @@Nub1234 @@SyrJirk @@PiNoYPsYcHo

    I'm not looking forward to school starting back up, but +1. Hopefully I don't miss this one. The last few Community Nights/Late Night Jailbreaks I've missed have been because I passed out from not sleeping the night before.

  2. If I'm correct, you were banned by @@Rhododendron with the steam group for [GG]. I don't exactly think it was smart of you to come on and go on a banning spree [banned Minecrack and Warriorsfury on Teamspeak].

    But I guess I'm at a +1 for unbanning. Kinda should get a little bit of input from Silence before proceeding to unban, regardless if its for the CS:S division or not.

    exactly. lol i sometimes question when people tag just dms etc. of the division the protest is made for when this is clearly something Silence, Serbian, and Forest have to talk about. and only they can decide

    I agree, if it's related to one division, but involves the higher ups of the community[CoLeaders, Leader], then DMs can give input, but should get extra input from the highest ups.

  3. Gyazo - 04b5366fd9fee9d9ee4cd15bb7340f5c.png[/url]

    What's wrong with this picture. A Moderator/Administrator position is given to those that want to make the Server an enjoyable experience for others. Not for themselves.


    Powers aren't given so you can just be a higher rank than everyone else. The reason you feel like it's a job is because it is a job. Why else are you given powers to slay/gag/kick/etc if not to keep the Server enjoyable for everyone else?


    If you wanted to just be someone to play on the Servers and not deal with any of that, why are you accepting this position? I'm starting to get this idea that a lot of Staff Members only took the position to be better known and more respected, and that's it.


    You aren't there to have fun. Moderating isn't fun. I hate to say it, but there's truth in those words. If you guys are starting to feel like it's more of a chore and you've had enough, I strongly suggest stepping down from your position. I suggest this merely because we need Staff who don't mind getting on when they need to be on if just to moderate. Regardless of whether or not it's boring and stale, as I said earlier, your prime objective is to make the game enjoyable to others, not for yourself.


    You're Staff Members, and you're there to maintain rules and regulations, not to prance around because you have a flashy title or anything of the sort. I don't want to see a slew of CS:S Staff on TS3, but not a single one on CS:S Jailbreak or whatever server needs it most.


    This isn't directed to anyone specifically so much as it is to anyone in general who happens to fall under this category. This does not pertain to those who are currently busy with Personal Issues (school, work, etc).

    - Dat guy, Forest




    ^Images broken? Wtf?

    It's supposed to say "Fire all the admin!" Lol.

    +1 though, agreed entirely.

  4. 2-3 freekills. Anything else that would result in a ban? (Disrespect, failure to listen to authority, etc) ?

    Might have been more, remember, Lifeline is the one that said 2-3, it could be more.


    I say a +1 for a server unban, but I agree he should be CT banned. If it was 2-3, maybe a 2 week teamban minimum; if not, permanent.

    @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052

  5. If I'm correct, you were banned by @@Rhododendron with the steam group for [GG]. I don't exactly think it was smart of you to come on and go on a banning spree [banned Minecrack and Warriorsfury on Teamspeak].

    But I guess I'm at a +1 for unbanning. Kinda should get a little bit of input from Silence before proceeding to unban, regardless if its for the CS:S division or not.

  6. @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@snakeboyeric @@DeathGod @@Cristo @@Hellafun13 @@diabeetus @@Yuno_Gasai @@orangejuice @@Gawd @@LostCause @@TurdWig @@Unit12p @@Warriorsfury @@Zeal @@arvelez @@Genesis @@DaddioDoug @@DrPepperPhreak @@JakeEnglish @@WhyJewMad @@John @@JINGS @@kbshooter2 @@Matsi @@Sarcast1cninja @@Sep0h @@xShadowSpyx @@Sporky @@payturr @@BaileyJay @@TheAlpha31 @@Nub1234 @@SyrJirk @@PiNoYPsYcHo

  7. I have noticed a lot recently that we have had a substantial drop in activity from our staff. It wasn't as much as a problem until this past week; where it has become much worse.


    First thing I'll point out, we have a total of 34 Moderators and Administrators, plus the 3 Division Managers and 1 Division Leader.


    If its halfway through the day and there are more than 20 people on, there should not be a time that no staff are on.

    Over the past 5 days alone, I've been getting called on Jailbreak due to no staff being on, and rule breakers on. I don't have a problem getting on and taking care of rule breakers, but it says something when everyone goes to me, rather than any of the 34 Mods/Admins.


    I understand you guys do play other games, I do too. And I understand it's around the time school is starting back up. I'm going to be starting back to school soon as well. But we can't be having continuous days where no admins are on. That is not acceptable and becoming a major problem.


    Secondly, I'll point out, if you're the only admin on, try not to leave until you get another staff member to take over your shift.


    If this continues to be a problem, highly inactive Staff Members will be demoted. We can't keep having this happen.



    One thread related to this topic is here: Staff Inactivity Regarding no staff on with 20+ people on.




    @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052

    @@snakeboyeric @@DeathGod @@Cristo @@diabeetus @@Hellafun13 @@Yuno_Gasai @@Gawd @@orangejuice @@LostCause @@TurdWig @@Unit12p @@Warriorsfury @@Zeal @@arvelez @@Genesis @@DaddioDoug @@DrPepperPhreak @@JakeEnglish @@WhyJewMad @@John @@JINGS @@kbshooter2 @@Matsi @@Rhoukar @@Sarcast1cninja @@Sep0h @@xShadowSpyx @@Sporky @@payturr @@BaileyJay @@TheAlpha31 @@Nub1234 @@SyrJirk


    TL: DR: Get more active or you may get demoted

  8. I don't get ads, I have Ad Block Plus. This. Uh. I don't know what to say.

    @@Rhododendron You have control over these ads right?

    I was testing stuff and am unable to get it working properly. The joke ad was just for testing purposes (was gunna put chrono's face on it but his fat head crashed Photoshop.)


  9. I got banned for the exact same reason a while back and had to get Serbian to unban me. I had bound my mouse wheel to +fire, and fired 3 mags out of a USP. It then banned me for a day.

    I'm up for unbanning, so is Gkoo





    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread


    Make sure you don't use stuff like that. SMAC does that.

  10. -1, the punishment is currently 1 hour CT ban, for just 1 freekill that's fair

    There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it.

    I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have.


    I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills.

    2 freekills = Day teamban

    1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day.

    For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety

  11. -1, the punishment is currently 1 hour CT ban, for just 1 freekill that's fair

    There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it.

    I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have.


    I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills.

    2 freekills = Day teamban

    1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day.

    For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety

  12. But to be fair to the admins, when they are online, it is extremely difficult to play because they are constantly being bombarded with complaints. Most of the time they just have to sit in spectate, and even then they can't catch everything

    Because your complaints aren't nearly enough. Need 10 times more.

  13. I bet you thought i was quitting HA cant get rid of me so easy... anyway idk how much ill be on this week dads got the week off and plans on takein us out fishin all over the place so ill be on when i can dont spill the juice while im gone unless its apple juice , grape juice or that nastay smellin stuff we call lemonaid @@DarkWolf6052 @@Lemons @@Gkoo @@weston5430 @@John @@Forest @@orangejuice < taggin my self like a pro

    I pooped myself when this showed up on my alerts.


    Oh my god I'm glad you're not leaving, I didn't want to end up switching over to lemonjuice @@Lemons Too sour.

  14. Gkoo doesn't join servers to specifically gather negative things on people.


    Gkoo doesn't question every action done by someone higher than them, when it doesn't even involve them, trying to find a wrong to report it. (trying to get them demoted) [can't touch dis]


    Gkoo doesn't sit in teamspeak with "friends" talking about wanting to demote others for not thinking the same way as him.



    just saiyan


    inb4 "flame war"

    These are the reasons i see that this is not a complaint about Gkoo. and he asked why it wasn't about Gkoo.

    I don't join the server just to get shit on people. People in Teamspeak telling me that someone is breaking rules, I get on and check. The past few times with Shadowspy, it was moderators telling me that Shadowspy is ignoring them saying he isn't allowed to do what he's doing, I come on and check, and record a demo while doing so for future reference.

    Nothing against Gkoo, like I said, but his attitude was poor as a Division Manager until just recently. He's improved, but he wasn't doing much as a DM, and Forest and I did point that out to him.

    Gkoo doesn't come on Teamspeak that often anyway, if you haven't noticed. I'm on whenever my computer is on. Just because I sit in my room with friends and other people doesn't mean I'm talking about wanting to demote people.

  15. @@Forest If its not the FrLr thing I was accused of loop holing for, then when did I loophole, and like I said I'm down for earning it back if this is denied anyway, was gonna do that originally, but its hard when you have 1 DM who is bias against you and many others

    The only part I ignored you guys was doing the race on tile after you guys said no, the warday on tiny medic I was never warned not to do before doing so, and after I did it that one time, you guys pulled me on TS and told me not to.

    The station part I didn't put them infront of armory the 2nd time, I sent them into ST and the new spray was comparably farther away than previous, and during that 1st round I wasn't told it was not allowed until after it started.

    Also you just warned darkwolf for being biased, he messed up on my report abuse, strike 1, messed up on chronos report abuse, strike 2, you had to warn him now, strike 3, I mean seriously I'm demoted for this minor shit but he's not demoted for being biased as a DM? How many more times does he need to be warned? I was demoted after being warned and continued doing so, the same happened to him twice, now 3 times, and he's not demoted? What he does is 10x worse and he's a higher rank. I would really hope you look at what he's done.


    I am not biased against you. Just like John said, there are times I don't like you, and there are times I do. But I don't keep any enemy or friend relationship against you. You break rules and you will be punished. Being a staff member, you're expected to do a bit higher than both moderators and non-administrator players.

    But anyway, the promotions and demotions I discussed with the other DMs every time. We explain what the problem is. So here's something I would like to know:

    If it is up to all the DMs to demote you, why is this thread only about me? Gkoo had agreed you be demoted. Nothing against Gkoo, but why is there no abuse thread on him or thread complaining he had part in demoting you?