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  1. Informative
    Forest reacted to Ohstopyou in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Or if you can't figure out how to use the record feature for your game, I'm pretty sure Nvidia has shadowplay and AMD has Raptr(?). You can record/cache the last five minutes of gameplay and save it.
  2. Creative
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Banned Wrong Guy On Total Accident   
    -1 should be perm'd and stoned to death (with bars of soap) immediately
  3. Informative
    Forest reacted to Matsi in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Simple script I use to start and stop demos at the press of a button:
    Just copy this into your autoexec.cfg files that is in TF/cfg/ and press f4 to start and stop recording, I suggest binding another key like f5 to status(bind f5 status) as well and hit it after recording to get steam IDs in console in the demo.
    If you do not have an autoexec file in that location, you can make one using notepad.
    This script will allow up to 50 demos
    NOTE: if you close and reopen TF2 the script will begin at 1 again, overwriting any previous demos, so rename or move any important ones before that happens.

    >///START DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT/// alias demo1 "record demo1; alias demo demo2" alias demo2 "stop; alias demo demo3" alias demo3 "record demo2; alias demo demo4" alias demo4 "stop; alias demo demo5" alias demo5 "record demo3; alias demo demo6" alias demo6 "stop; alias demo demo7" alias demo7 "record demo4; alias demo demo8" alias demo8 "stop; alias demo demo9" alias demo9 "record demo5; alias demo demo10" alias demo10 "stop; alias demo demo11" alias demo11 "record demo6; alias demo demo12" alias demo12 "stop; alias demo demo13" alias demo13 "record demo7; alias demo demo14" alias demo14 "stop; alias demo demo15" alias demo15 "record demo8; alias demo demo16" alias demo16 "stop; alias demo demo17" alias demo17 "record demo9; alias demo demo18" alias demo18 "stop; alias demo demo19" alias demo19 "record demo10; alias demo demo20" alias demo20 "stop; alias demo demo21" alias demo21 "record demo11; alias demo demo22" alias demo22 "stop; alias demo demo23" alias demo23 "record demo12; alias demo demo24" alias demo24 "stop; alias demo demo25" alias demo25 "record demo13; alias demo demo26" alias demo26 "stop; alias demo demo27" alias demo27 "record demo14; alias demo demo28" alias demo28 "stop; alias demo demo29" alias demo29 "record demo15; alias demo demo30" alias demo30 "stop; alias demo demo31" alias demo31 "record demo16; alias demo demo32" alias demo32 "stop; alias demo demo33" alias demo33 "record demo17; alias demo demo34" alias demo34 "stop; alias demo demo35" alias demo35 "record demo18; alias demo demo36" alias demo36 "stop; alias demo demo37" alias demo37 "record demo19; alias demo demo38" alias demo38 "stop; alias demo demo39" alias demo39 "record demo20; alias demo demo40" alias demo40 "stop; alias demo demo41" alias demo41 "record demo21; alias demo demo42" alias demo42 "stop; alias demo demo43" alias demo43 "record demo22; alias demo demo44" alias demo44 "stop; alias demo demo45" alias demo45 "record demo23; alias demo demo46" alias demo46 "stop; alias demo demo47" alias demo47 "record demo24; alias demo demo48" alias demo48 "stop; alias demo demo49" alias demo49 "record demo25; alias demo demo50" alias demo50 "stop; alias demo demo51" alias demo51 "record demo26; alias demo demo52" alias demo52 "stop; alias demo demo53" alias demo53 "record demo27; alias demo demo54" alias demo54 "stop; alias demo demo55" alias demo55 "record demo28; alias demo demo56" alias demo56 "stop; alias demo demo57" alias demo57 "record demo29; alias demo demo58" alias demo58 "stop; alias demo demo59" alias demo59 "record demo30; alias demo demo60" alias demo60 "stop; alias demo demo61" alias demo61 "record demo31; alias demo demo62" alias demo62 "stop; alias demo demo63" alias demo63 "record demo32; alias demo demo64" alias demo64 "stop; alias demo demo65" alias demo65 "record demo33; alias demo demo66" alias demo66 "stop; alias demo demo67" alias demo67 "record demo34; alias demo demo68" alias demo68 "stop; alias demo demo69" alias demo69 "record demo35; alias demo demo70" alias demo70 "stop; alias demo demo71" alias demo71 "record demo36; alias demo demo72" alias demo72 "stop; alias demo demo73" alias demo73 "record demo37; alias demo demo74" alias demo74 "stop; alias demo demo75" alias demo75 "record demo38; alias demo demo76" alias demo76 "stop; alias demo demo77" alias demo77 "record demo39; alias demo demo78" alias demo78 "stop; alias demo demo79" alias demo79 "record demo40; alias demo demo80" alias demo80 "stop; alias demo demo81" alias demo81 "record demo41; alias demo demo82" alias demo82 "stop; alias demo demo83" alias demo83 "record demo42; alias demo demo84" alias demo84 "stop; alias demo demo85" alias demo85 "record demo43; alias demo demo86" alias demo86 "stop; alias demo demo87" alias demo87 "record demo44; alias demo demo88" alias demo88 "stop; alias demo demo89" alias demo89 "record demo45; alias demo demo90" alias demo90 "stop; alias demo demo91" alias demo91 "record demo46; alias demo demo92" alias demo92 "stop; alias demo demo93" alias demo93 "record demo47; alias demo demo94" alias demo94 "stop; alias demo demo95" alias demo95 "record demo48; alias demo demo96" alias demo96 "stop; alias demo demo97" alias demo97 "record demo49; alias demo demo98" alias demo98 "stop; alias demo demo99" alias demo99 "record demo50; alias demo demo100" alias demo100 "stop; alias demo demo1" alias demo "demo1" bind f4 "demo" ///END DEMO RECORDER SCRIPT///
  4. Useful
    Forest got a reaction from Rejects in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  5. Smelly
    Forest got a reaction from Rabid in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  6. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Whyte in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  7. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Goblins in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  8. Useful
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  9. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Tekk in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  10. Useful
    Forest got a reaction from Jpie112 in How-to: Gathering Evidence   
    Hello fellow xG Members, tis I, Forest! Here to spread the good word on how to subdue rule breakers and other hooligans whose existence revolves around stirring up anarchy and chaos within our Servers. As many are well aware (or at the very least should be aware) Staff Members can't always be on every Server at any given moment. This results in moments of rampancy where rule breakers are running amok, freekilling poor defenseless reds/terrorists, giving multiple Free Days round after round, and the mic spamming.. Oh Lord the mic spamming! I'm here to tell you that things don't have to be this way. You can aid xG in its attempts to subdue these criminals. That's right, you too can help us without the use of fancy powers like slaying, muting or banning! How, you say? Well, allow me to enlighten you in several ways you can personally take down these rulebreakers. For the sake of organization (and ease), I'll break it down into steps for you to take.
    Now, before we begin dispensing Justice, there are a few things we'll need.
    First and foremost, we'll need to capture someone in the act of rule breaking. Now, there are various ways in which you can choose to capture evidence against a rule breaker. You can choose to capture it through video recording, voice recording, and by providing text proof (typically in the form of screenshots). I'll begin with text based evidence as it can be obtained without having to be ingame (depending on the rules being broken).
    1. Text Based Evidence
    There are a few ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers by way of text. This is typically reserved for people who are harassing or otherwise disrespecting players in any way. Keep in mind that you cannot copy and paste text for use as evidence as this is not a valid means of proof! There are a few ways in which you can obtain text evidence that will retain its integrity and validity.

    1A. Chat Logs
    You can pull logs from a Server by going through the following steps:
    1.1 Note the time in which the rule breaking occurred
    1.2 Head to rank.xenogamers.com
    1.3 Click on the Server in which you wish to gather the chat logs
    1.4 Click on the Chat tab marked under the Sections
    1.5 Find the appropriate time in which the rule breaking occurred and screenshot the offending text (*Note: The chat logs are constantly updated so for ease it is best to screenshot the information rather than link the chat page)
    1.6 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post

    1B. Chat Logs

    *Optional: You can also choose to link the offending player's chat history by doing the following:
    2.1 Take down the player's Steam ID
    2.2 Follow steps 1.1 through 1.3 from above
    2.3 Click on the Players tab marked under the Sections
    2.4 Input the Steam ID into the Search bar and proceed to click Search Player
    2.5 Click on the Player's name
    2.6 Click on Chat located below their Statistics Summary (*Note: Because this chat log isn't updated at the same rate as a Server based one, you may choose to link this page instead)
    2.7 Make your way to wherever you saved your screenshot and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post -or- copy and paste the link to the player's chat log page. Be sure to include at what time the incident occurred for convenience!  

    1C. Chat Logs
    Another alternative that doesn't require nearly as much effort as the above two is to simply screenshot while ingame. This particular strategy is welcomed, however it is a lot more clunky and disorganized to read due to the feed generating a lot of unrelated content. The only requirement for this is to be ingame and have Console (~) enabled. For the sake of clarity (and consistency) simply do the following:
    3.1 While ingame, open Console (~) and scroll through the feed until you see the desired text.
    3.2 Highlight the offending text (allows viewers to easily distinguish between related and unrelated text) and then proceed to screenshot it
    3.3 Make your way to your game's folder and then simply attach the screenshot(s) you took to your post  
    2. Recording Based Evidence
    As with text based evidence, there are a couple ways in which you can obtain evidence toward rule breakers through recording. This form of evidence is typically used against rule breakers who are freekilling, actively harassing or mic spamming as well as other forms of rule breaking that are difficult to capture through screenshot or text.

    2A. Demos
    Demos are a form of recording that are included in the Source Engine to record ingame without the stress of running 3rd party recording software. This allows users who would otherwise be unable to record by using a program such as Fraps to record easily.
    4.1 Ensure that you have Console (~) enabled. This option will typically be located under the Advanced section in the Keyboard tab in your Options menu of whatever game you're on.
    4.2 While ingame, open Console (~) and type in the following (where demotest is the name you would like to label the file as): record demotest
    4.3 You should now be recording all gameplay in the current game you are running (IE. If you are running TF2, then you are now recording a demo for that session. It will not record any other instances of games running at the same time)
    4.4 Once you have the desired amount of footage, open Console (~) and type in the following: stop
    4.5 Your demo will have stopped recording and will be saved as demotest.dem in your game folder (For instance: \Steam\SteamApps\common\team fortress 2\tf\) along with all its associated files. At this point, it's as easy as locating the file and attaching it to a post.  
    Congratulations! You now have the necessary knowledge and tools to aid xG in taking down rule breakers. You no longer have to worry about a rule breaker getting away before a Staff Member can get on! Keep in mind that this is by no means a substitute for Staff Members; they are always needed and should be called on immediately should anything go wrong on the Servers. This is merely a.. Back up plan, that'll allow you to help out in your own way.
    The best of luck to you all, go get em'!
  11. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to Snackbar in State Of The Xg Union Address   
    Hey everyone, Id like to take the time to address some issues here, specifically the CSGO community.
    The past few weeks have brought out a decent amount of power shuffling, with management positions being reassigned and issues of inactivity being dealt with accordingly. The past 2-3 promotion cycles have brought in new mods, we've reinstated the admin rank, and so far everyone has done their job well. We completely eliminated the complaints about the server not being policed properly, and times where even a mod was unavailable are now non existent. We now face an entirely DIFFERENT problem.
    Since the server went back online in August, we have only had ONE new member applications, @c0ldwinds - while he was ultimately accepted, this is hardly even in the same galaxy as growth. We have tons of potential to offer players, a fantastic and diverse map list, and as of two weeks ago, a brand new CSGO Surf Server (Thanks to @Lithium for setting that up). While we could still use a handful of newer, more original plug-ins for the JB server, what we have right now is incredibly solid. Our problem is entirely different, and it is something that can be fixed in an incredibly SIMPLE manner.
    Why is the server always dead? Because weve kept it that way. Many of you look to see if someone is on, and when the player count is zero, you opt to do something else. The crew of players who are always on Teamspeak should hear me out. If as little as 3 of us go into JB and just hangout for a few, without a doubt, within 15 minutes the number of players will be ~13 or so. People see population and they join. All it involves is a bit of motivation.
    Im asking my mods and admins here to maybe step it up a notch, lets make a pact to populate the server as much as possible over the next 4 weeks. I will not be doing any new promotions until we experience some growth. If we can sit in Teamspeak, we can sit on the server. If people play, and we become memorable, they will apply. If they apply, they will populate, if they populate, then we all benefit.
    I am not for a second counting myself as not guilty of avoiding the server when its dead, because I have consistently. What I am asking for, is for a few of you to publicly pledge to force populate and recruit. I want every member of my staff to try their best to recruit 4 new members each over the course of the next 4 weeks- thats one a week, and if youre playing in the server, you can spark up a conversation with a pubber, and get them interested. This isnt a requirement, but I am curious to see who here wants this place to succeed, and who is willing to do this with me.
    Reply to this if youre ready to change this place, and will dedicate much more of your downtime to populating and recruiting with me, I feel if we all put in an effort, we can have a constantly busy server in 30 days or less.
    Lets do this guys!

  12. Informative
    Forest reacted to CaptainHabano in Captainhabano - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Captain Habano Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:3175508 Ban Type:

    Server Ban Information:

    This isn't a ban protest as much as it is a parting with your servers as I have finally reached my limit for dealing with your incompetent moderators who like to fire their ban-hammers when opinions are stated and no rules are broken. Card was the culprit this time, though I will state later of other cases of moderator power abuse.
    But first, I'd like to start of by giving a little history of my time on your servers. I first started playing a couple months back drawn to your Clocktown trade server simply because I was a fan of Majora's Mask, and because I am a disabled man with nothing better to do in my downtime. I traded freely on this server without trouble from many people. Most xG members didn't speak to me, and those I spoke with we're often very young, and immature, and unfriendly to me. This being said, One of your very rules is "Treat others as you would like to be treated" so for a while, I held my color, and kept my mouth shut. I met a couple xG members I actually got along with (Anubis, Xerses, Axtin, Kart, etc..) but the more xG members I met, more and more seemed to act like immature teenagers, some even going as far as to insult me personally. One in particular was Tekky.
    I'd never spoken to him, I just happened to run across him one morning after having a pleasant conversation with Healix, we cross paths a few times, I mention something to him about being a metagamer, and he takes it personally, and begins to insult me numerous times on a personal level. I decide to mute him for the day, and let it go. Couple days later I run into him again on your other trading server with the Pokemon maps. I'm not even speaking to him directly, I'm speaking to someone else entirely, and he decides to interrupt my conversation, insult me -again-, then when I tell him (I'll admit rather rudely) to mind his own business, Your moderator (Cain), decides to perma-gag me without taking the whole situation into account...a blatant misuse of his powers. After this day, I decide to boycott your servers.
    Finally, after being asked to return, I learn that Tekky has been made a moderator, and already uneasy because of this, I leave Tekky on mute, and go about my business. Tekky proceeds to speak to me using his Moderator powers even though I have him muted, another misuse of his power. Asking him to stop numerous times, I finally surmise that the whole of xG is a disorganized mass of teenaged hotheads in a mad grab to please the next person on the chain of command. This in mind, I lose all respect for anyone wearing the tag... but I try my best to enjoy the maps.
    What I am simply trying to get across is that I am simply acting the way you all have shown me you are acting... I am treating you the way I have been treated. I log into this game to socialize and trade because it's about all I have anymore because my body is broken, and before long I will lose the use of my hands as well. I know I may be abrasive at times, but there are those that will testify that I am a good person. I've given items freely on your servers after events. But after being banned for stating my opinion, I don't think I want to return, and I can see why some of my friends that once had an xG tag, no longer bear it.
    Think hard next time before you give a child certain powers.
  13. Agree
    Forest reacted to Snackbar in John Cena Theme Song (remaster)   
    Put this song in last CT or gtfo @Rhododendron . So ear. Much Raep. Wow.
  14. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in John Cena Theme Song (remaster)   
    Another hit song from DJ-Rhodz. What a master piece
  15. Creative
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in John Cena Theme Song (remaster)   
    I made this for my fans <3
    @Forest @Snackbar @Everyone
  16. Informative
    Forest reacted to Matsi in Classypenguin - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    ClassyPenguin Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_1:0:48914640 Rules Broken:

    Mic Spam/Racism Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    Kept playing his HLDJ with some racist ass song, the following demo is only one round where he did it
    Happens in the second rounf in the demo
    Dropbox - matsi0003.dem
  17. Informative
    Forest reacted to Matsi in Deathrewind - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    DeathRewind Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_1:0:94262233 Rules Broken:

    Mass Freekilling/Doesn't know the rules Ban Type:

    Team Ban Evidence:

    Kid kept doing orders like... afk freeze on the line while I quickscope you
    Hide in your cells while I quickscope you
    and then eventually he just killed all 3 of us in our cells because he was salty that we kept rebeling...
    Dropbox - matsi0004.dem
  18. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in Rhodo - Tinychat   
    Light your hand on fire then slap yourself. Then (and only then) will this be considered
  19. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    Hey, so, remember how this was an application for a Moderator position on a Gaming Community Forum?..
    Yeah, me neither.
  20. Like
    Forest got a reaction from jubens45 in Matsi - Counter-strike   
    Hey, so, remember how this was an application for a Moderator position on a Gaming Community Forum?..
    Yeah, me neither.
  21. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Snackbar in End Of An Era + New Beginnings! (announcments!)   
    Chicken defusal? Chicken defusal.
  22. Informative
    Forest reacted to Snackbar in Need More Cs Staff   
    Hes not really wrong though forest, there really are only around 4 of us who actively staff the server. The other do mostly behind the scenes stuff. That said there ARE quite a few people who make great candidates for staff here and I feel as a few more would be a huge help
  23. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Whyte in Need More Cs Staff   
    While this looks good on paper, you and I both know that rules and guidelines may differ heavily from Division to Division. Staff will most likely be unfamiliar with the rules set in place on a different Division (I know I would going from CS:GO to TF2) and it could result in potential cases of "abuse" that Players might call out when it's just a mistake.
    The only exception which comes to mind that could make this work is if they were temporary Staff Members for CS:GO with minimal jurisdiction of only being able to punish blatant rule breakers such as those who mass freekill or freekill in general. But even then that's a risky move; simply because of placing a rank, so to speak, on a short leash.
    Things will get worse before they get better, but I honestly feel like it hasn't deteriorated to the point that this sort of drastic action needs to be taken. The Staff roster will increase eventually, but just keep in mind that @Chrono and @Bleed (correct me if I'm wrong) prefer quality over quantity, as should most Higher-Ups.
  24. Informative
    Forest reacted to Tsuchikure in Need More Cs Staff   
    Oh, I know. I do as often as possible.
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Lithium in Need More Cs Staff   
    Matsi, you can have one or the other, but you can't have both.
    At one time you're claiming that there are people who shouldn't be Staff, or who don't deserve it; and at another time you're claiming that there isn't enough Staff and that more should be recruited as soon as possible. It's a vicious cycle, because if you want immediate Staff, chances are CS:GO Higher-Ups will be scrambling for people that might be responsible enough for that sort of role (they don't have enough time to ássess these applicants, or haven't had the chance to) and then when that particular Staff Member doesn't do their job well, you'll call them out on it.
    I get that you want to help out, but you're doing more damage than you think you are. Pressuring Staff into doing it isn't the right way to go, because as soon as you make a hobby a full-time job, people are less likely to enjoy doing it and are then less likely to show up, especially when they're doing it out of sheer.. Loyalty, for a lack of better words. With that said, I'm not saying they should neglect and shirk their duties in the slightest, just that you merely cut them some slack from time to time. Staff, I don't mean to demean y'all, but seriously, get your shiz together. You applied for the role because you wanted to better the Servers, so don't just shrug off a request for help. Busy (ássuming its with a game) or not, it literally takes you one or two minutes of your time to get on, issue a ban, and then leave. If you can't do just that, then why did you apply to be a Staff member in the first place.
    More Staff is definitely a good suggestion, just keep in mind that they have to be ássessed properly for the "job" at hand and the Higher-Ups shouldn't just let anyone in because of their relations with others (it does happen regardless, which is unfortunate, but is a whole 'nother matter). You're one of the more sensible players who will actually capture evidence against rule breakers, so just keep doing that (seriously, good job) when Staff can't be on.
    /end rant :coffee: