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Everything posted by Vector

  1. There are lots of reasons why people can't donate. and even they can, comparing them to be worse than hitler? That's fucking stupid.
  2. i seriously hope you're joking.
  3. Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread | Xeno Gamers
  4. yeah, but if you saw how fucking dirty that shower was, you would understand why. Also, no light over there.
  5. Alright, since people in xG are doing this, i'll make an offical thread so people don't spam the forums with singles. here's mine (WARNING: im a fat fuck.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7wB6VxjIhA @BonfireCentipede @Nomulous @Forest @kbraszzz @Kittylicious @metalslug53 @Moosty
  6. Holy shit, i thought you were black. this is fun. showing what everyone looks like.
  7. no body, and i literally mean, no body, has admin powers on their servers until they fix the IDs. they are getting ready for source 2. +1
  8. it seems like a fun little mod. if we could incorporate it into the game without breaking anything i don't see why not. +1
  9. Why are you so obsessed with me?
  10. Why must you guys always bring me into this? i have tried over and over for you guys to just ignore each other but obviously it's not working. You both are dumb. on both sides. just learn to tolerate each other and if you can't, make some sort of member protest because this is ridiculous.
  11. making my vote for 0. chances are chances but if he gets unbanned then he gets unbanned. @kbraszzz if you want to unban and others want him unbanned then we'll give it a shot. however i want there to be a strong warning against ponyboy if he gets unbanned. We'll see how he acts in game. I see how he has improved on the forums, was very polite about his unban protest in the conversation we had however i'm still very hesitant.
  12. Im done. Im tired of the bullshit that people say about me, all the disreaspect i get. im fucking tired of it. Im leaveing xG until we get member who acually know what the fuck they are doing. iv been hideing my hatered. Iv been very pissed of at certain people (not saying who) for weeks now. I think its time for me to move on. and now im gonna go outside and hopefully get hit by a car well vector, go ahead and perm me, guess what. I dont care anymore. Everything you say, makes you a candidate for retard of the year.
  13. Jesus christ guys. Just leave each other alone. you all sound like a bunch of retards on both sides. you don't have to like each other but for god sakes you're both annoying as hell. @kbraszzz @diabeetus @Hidingmaster please close for shit posting.
  14. I would make my character God. And with god i get to fly around the map where ever i go, i can summon skeletons, my HP is 100,000 i can kill ubered people however i move like a slow mother fucker and my rage would be send a player to hell/sacrifice my child, and this would either kill a teammate at random and there is a chance that the slayed player will resurrect himself as satan and fight off God. Satan has 30,000 HP and is incredibly fast. his rage would be to do 10,000 damage against god in an instant. However, the flip side is, if the player is sacrificed like jesus, he comes back and helps God with 5,000 HP and proceeds to run lightning fast like a 520 scout. If a person manages to kill god, for the rest of the map, the player has a fedora on his head and can only see this image: on his screen.
  15. Guys chill. Remember this xG jailbreak we're talking about. We all need to remember xG's #1 rule:
  16. nice find nigga. close this shit. -1
  17. E.V.E best hud out there. lots of short cuts to change classes and such and the interface is pretty to look at GAMEBANANA: e.v.e HUD (Team Fortress 2 > GUIs > HUDs)
  18. the rule was that there needed to be video evidence. the rule was revised after the ribbit ban protest.
  19. The ban was given out before the new hack rule.
  20. it looks very nice! however we won't be able to put it on pokemon because the server is 24/7 golden rod. however i would love to see it on Gaming history. i'm going to download it and try it out.