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Everything posted by Vector

  1. @kbraszzz close this please, issue was delt with.
  2. ight well if it is xG saxton hale (holy shiet its broke) then +1
  3. #FreeSleepy #SleepyDidNothingWrong +1
  4. +1 happy birthday, very active on server and is really nice guy.
  5. bell is interested. just saiyan.
  6. nice guy and very active on gaming history. i never seen him get into a fight and always is a pleasure to have on +1
  7. Division: Team Fortress 2 Staff Name: Hapless Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37040403 Evidence: So i decided to make a new thread because the last one became a clusterfuck and no one is really paying attention to it. Today he has made multiple offenses when i got on where i actually needed to ban him. However, when i got the screen shots they are much more severe. Evidence: The chat is kind of hard to see but if you look in the chat box you can see he slayed impossibear for no reason: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3314953957565287226/B3F927DF21DB0A6D14F3363EA1B53287C3AFDA85/ Him slapping all players for no reason (while minor it is something that needs to be brought up but seriously look at how many fucking times he does it): Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error This is him showing that he has done this before on the same server also slaying vixen for no reason: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/579015388882751377/4A9BB07524749CEFE320BFFB9CAFE971BEAE2F27/ Him slaying kitsune for literally no reason other than killing him: http://puu.sh/7AJJ0.jpg Him slapping pony boy multiple times for no reason: Steam Community :: Error And for the biggest shit storm of them all, here he is slaying @all for no reason: (Him asking to slay @all) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/579017271445767984/0646487C758DA881DCCC11E1FD180916A9916317/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/579017271445761140/9C083C6BC5AD82591DE67FFEA57B0439997E7D73/ Further Information: There is no reason for any of this to happen and the fact that this has happend before and he still does this with no fear of punishment is atrocious. I demand that an demotion take place because he is clearly not mature enough to hold powers. he has also told me that he will probably leave anyway so no real point. I also wish for there to be a permanent ban on him. Tagging notable people: @SpeedOfFreedom @HaplessIdiot @Maymalays @Ponyboy @Nomulous @kbraszzz
  8. I could easily get 15 people to agree with me that you're all homos.
  9. club penguin division? @SkitZoFrenzly. you got competition.
  10. No man speaks as much truth as rabid does.
  11. Vector

    Joining Xg

    how will +1 make them more active? that doesn't make any sense. their friends will most likely just +1 them anyway because no one really goes off of +1 for forum activity.
  12. why don't you show us evidence instead of us having to get it. you want him banned and you were offended. get your own damn evidence.
  13. i agree, death run can be a whole lot of fun! but we need more admins and stuff on there. i'm an admin of TF2 maybe ill pop on from time to time since people are having fun on this server @MuffinMonster
  14. 0 right now. while you are at times very fun to play with, there are times i have problems with your trolling where i actually need to take some action against.
  15. Well since he is taking his sweet time to answer this @HaplessIdiot. I'm going to change my 0 to a +1. clearly after his demotion before he hasn't learned his lesson and after i went on gaming history to get the people who were on at the time (mainly vixen) of the slay, there are also some things that were said about him being upset with vixen calling her a rocket spammer/spawn camper insulting her and other people on the server (see maymalays' post).
  16. Also keep in mind Vixen (the other person he slayed) is one of the earliest members on the server and she is on every day and is nice. i keep trying to get her and her girlfriend to join xG and be admins because they love the server just as much as me. i'm going to keep this a 0 but leaning towards a +1 because he was recently demoted for this same problem. why on earth would you go on and do it again??
  17. hmmm isn't that interesting @HaplessIdiot? one freeslay?
  18. uh can someone figure who did this? because no one else seems to be acknowledging it.
  19. oh this is gonna be interesting.
  20. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    fucking nig nogs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm3TjRxntQk