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Everything posted by Vector

  1. The moment you see another player saying STOP is when you stop. i'm all for having fun and these powers give us some unique taste with it, but i see no reason to blind the red team. Also, sometimes the mod/admin has to be strict because then people will just complain we aren't doing our jobs. there is no middle ground for this sadly and there is nothing more i can say on that subject. Following his own rules? no proof there not liking him =/= bad mod the jailbreak server has been full..... also if those are quotes from xG member, get screen shots of the chat and just white out the names. it's not hard.
  2. please don't make this a recurring thing like with duckiijr. not to sound insensitive but just saying. hope you get better and hope to see you on the servers.
  3. people were so stupid and actually fell for this? seems to me you deserve it.
  4. dah proof is in dah poodin. +1 @MuffinMonster
  5. mother fucker. i told you about this problem and YOU DIDN'T DO SHIET. you're done kid.
  6. @@Forest can you change mine from admin to member, i wanna step down from CSS to work on TF2
  7. Vector

    Furry Superheroes

    and you wonder why people are sick of your shit. jesus christ.
  8. didn't he play on the servers where he went out of his way to tell people not to join xG and how we were all trolls and ass holes? Kid has some fucking mood swings. it gets to the point where he should just find a new community and start fresh. It seems he doesn't understand how big of a risk it is to have him on the servers. he's not gonna get unbanned and these threads are making me more and more understand why he should stay permed. -1
  9. edit to include the +1 @@MuffinMonster @@Nomulous
  10. @@MuffinMonster @@Nomulous he has enough
  11. +1 VERY mature and nice. very active on the server and just a great addition to xG
  12. +1, very nice and active and overall a great addition to xG
  13. +1, nice guy, very active on the gaming history server and would be a great addition
  14. the fucking irony in this post. lel
  15. Vector


    didn't see these responses, sorry for late response, For the spawn camping, many of our maps already have spawn camping as problem, Delfinio, The super mario RPG map, Neon, and so on. spawn camping will be inevitable on any map that we see and that it takes a team to work together to actually get out. One uber heavy is enough to take out some sentries, also i will admit it is harder for red team to get out of spawn on Abstract, i have seen them break out and even spawn camp blue team. The only real problem i see are the snipers but it's just as easy to counter act them. I'll download the terraria map and see how it is and if it's okay then we can make a test run on our server and if it sucks or is too spawn campy then we will get rid of it. thanks for the contribution. also those maps are CSS....can't even play them lol
  16. but linking websites where you can buy glass blown dildos in the shape of dog dicks is A-Okay right?
  17. do you even read or is your retarded furryness kicking in? A, they broke multiple rules, B,summarizing pretty much what happend and C, you're an admin, drop you're fucking balls already, i banned them for the length because people on the server were complaining and getting offended. You did it cause YOU got offended and can't seem to take it when someone calls you a Furfag. i did it for the sake of the server and the people on it and you can come on gaming history and ask the regulars on there yourself that they would support me. However, EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE fucking hates you which is why most of the time they disagree with your bullshit and take stupid shit like this to heart. You were a failed player in CS:GO so you come to C:SS , getting admin how at all is a mystery. Jesus christ, you're fucking 24 years old talking about how it's great to get fucked by dog dildos to a bunch of 16 year olds. Also keep in mind Stumpy is an xG member with great history (maybe not as of late). CSS and TF2 have a huge difference in player demographic. @@Forest is gonna lol at all of us for beingso fucking immature. just saiyan. #killyourself. #ifyoudidnoonewouldcare #youarethereasonimstartingtohatefurries #Freestumpy
  18. first of all, this isn't about me so don't pull the "YEAH WELL UH YOU DID THIS HERRRRRRR" also since you have a stick so far up your ass (dragon dildo, dog dildo, or whatever) ill tell you why those people were banned specifically Warmuffin : he continued to act as admin saying "spawn camping isn't allowed" he continued saying this until someone told me he was impersonating an admin so i come on and he was still saying he was in xG and was an admin, after i confronted him and talked to him he then called what a retarded rule, retarded server and decided to go on a huge rant about it. the other two were constantly screaming in the mic over and over calling EVERYONE faggots and were brothers. i told one of them to controll the other and then they both started screaming. This isn't about me, this about you and stumpy, stumpy who is IN XG not some randoms who have been on the server once for the soul purpose of trolling. nice try doe. lel
  19. nothing against furries, matsi, darkwolf, bronies, and whatever the fuck, if it gets to the point where 80% of the people in your group hate you then i think it's time to throw in the towel. Also, where has darkwolf been? i haven't seen him at all until that post was made, talk about bias bullshit. Stumpy did go a bit to far i feel it will get to the point where if you call someone a furfag you will get banned. this could happen because of how grey the disrespect line is, how seriously they take their furry nature, and how they are in power. that's my two cents.
  20. Vector

    Active Mistake

    i'm just gonna say what we are all thinking. Kill yourself.
  21. Vector

    Youtube Time

    Where is Two Best Friends?
  22. Vector


    he got promoted from selling crack to selling meth,