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Everything posted by Vector

  1. same here, hit me up niggas pre ordered the shit out of it
  2. @@MuffinMonster gimmie mod and ill ban em all
  3. Vector


    @@DMTwired TheSw1tcher <---- hypest gameplay on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/DizastaMusic <---- hypest autism on youtube videogamedunkey <----- if you're into that league stuff but he has other funny stuff too http://www.youtube.com/user/Criken2 <----- funny OneyNG <--- more autism psychicpebbles <----- even more autism penguinz0 <----- who doesn't love Critical? The Mighty Potato! <---- not very well known guys, a cross between criken and gamegrumps only better.
  4. Since kids felt like they had some sort of entitlement in this community.
  5. @@John @@ProjectAlice @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster Just some of the people who could shed some light on the event
  6. -1 no proof @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@John @@Hidingmaster please close
  7. I'm pretty sure if this was prison we wouldn't have freedays, murdering people for jumping last, forcing other prisoners to kill each other in death soccer, etc.
  8. But if you have been banned like 6 times (like shadow spy said) wouldn't you at least try and fix the problem? since all of them are fairly close to each other. also Beefcake we would love your input on this. do you have the mouse wheel thing? we need to know to make this easier to understand
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UIvf1ascmk
  10. Hi Hugh Jackman i look nothing like him yeah you do nigga.
  11. no school yet, long live college master race
  12. custom->(your file name)->Materials->vgui-->Logos (if logos isn't there make the folder)
  13. Making animated sprays. link me to a gif or add me on steam and i'll make one for yah niggas
  14. just looked at the bans list and holy shit diabeetus is right http://puu.sh/4b0aG.png He's currently banned for the SAME thing, bhop scripts
  15. he also posted a ban protest for mass Teamkilling as a CT 7 mins before this member submission was made BeefCake - Counter-Strike: Source
  16. i wasn't there but @@Matsi was and i believe we had a discussion about this and he told me the warden said NOT to close the door yet you went and did it anyway. so it was intentional, need more info though but since warden said not to and you did it anyway -1 this is subject to change if i know more of the details from deathgod and any other mod/admin that was there
  17. You need photoshop or some image editor, save each frame of the Gif file as a .jpeg, then download VTFedit, import All of the .jpeg images and save it into your custom>X>Materials>VGUI>Logos (edit the gif so its 128x128)
  18. -1 z-lol-nope.gif?w=465&h=239 Edit: you not only trolled, but you advertised multiple times about your "new clan" as well as made an anti-xG group. let me link multiple threads of how you caused problems [xG]Towlie The Wizard my threads Hello JayBreeze/Chrono/and Serbian Towlie z-lol-nope.gif?w=465&h=239
  19. this is the stupidest admin abuse thread in a long while, not only did you fuck up but you also admin disrespected (which REALLY isnt helping your case). Lately all you have done was be a complete annoyance in xG ranging from starting arguments to just trolling. how you EVER got into xG amazes me but i hope the people who +1 you REALLY start watching your attitude and making a real facepalm for even +1ing you, even in game you have a history (keep in mind he hasn't even been here long) of just being an annoyance in game. Jesus christ, why do we keep having these KIDS (yes you are a KID for your attitude i couldn't give a shit if you were 35) who feel they have some entitlement and that everything they do wrong is someone else's fault. Please grow up and learn some manners. -1 Edit: Also i'd like to add that everyone stop insulting each other (that includes you shadow) if RPX keeps acting up like this just let him get his forum ban. There is no reason to go into his level.
  20. can you change my name to Chris Benoit please? like this ----> ChrisBenoit
  21. Why didn't you make the ban protest then? I get banned a lot so I would just expect -1's i'm sorry but this is a dumb reason. there are people in this clan that have some common sense, just present the evidence on why you should be unbaned, and we'll take it from there