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Everything posted by Vector

  1. In TF2 we have 6 and a half year olds. Come to the abortion clinic they ain't even born yet! Silence is on fire tonight!
  2. the world makes sense to me now
  3. -1, can this be closed please? he clearly isn't going to get in and his actions are so immature it's almost insulting. @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster
  4. seriously, someone explain to me why poncher doesn't have server access already??? there is absolutely no reason at all @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron
  5. +1 free sham. other than doing stupid shit he was a HUGE help in the gmod division. coding for days straight and actually getting it populated. great member and great guy. free sham
  6. actually he does talk in Teamspeak and he does talk in game. Well sorry, how would i know? i dont play CS:S or go in the same channels as him. he was playing gmod today....and talking.
  7. zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one makes fun of him? WONDER WHY I don't have to wonder why. I know why. Because he doesnt use his mic so he doesnt have to try to defend himself. actually he does talk in Teamspeak and he does talk in game.
  8. +1 we need another zeal, Zeal's little bro is a cool mother fucka, very nice and i see him on gmod a bit A: 7/10 M: 8/10
  9. +1, good warden when i see him on, very active and mature M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  10. Vector

    XenoGamers Newsletter #1

    Inb4 another clan war There was really no "clan war" with WD to begin with. Please don't instigate a situation that's been solved already. inb4 civil war
  11. the game looks nasty! i seriously can't wait. Chespin +1
  12. Member's Name: MagicalPurple Member's Steam ID: idk Information: This kid needs to learn his lesson, all he does is shit post, troll, and disrespects everyone. he doesn't care for the clan at all and has now become nothing more than a problem child of the clan. Every word out of purple's mouth turns into an argument or is something offensive. Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting (This one is someone looking for an actual reason help and only decides to ignore it) Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting http://puu.sh/3UNXP.jpg http://puu.sh/3UO0d.jpg http://puu.sh/3UOaj.jpg
  13. -1, calling people fags? calling them shit admins? you should be THANKING the admins for not banning you for longer then 5 hours, seriously the time will do you some good and for you to cool off. now @@SkitZoFrenzly. @@Fuzz please close this joke of a thread
  14. Vector

    XenoGamers Newsletter #1

    god stop being such a good member forest.
  15. 0 for right now, he doesn't know the rules that well and gets very angry when he is called out upon them, however i have seen some improvement in the past 2 day so we will see what happens M: 5/10 A: 9/10
  16. just met him today and seems really nice and knows how to have fun +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  17. man. life's a......BEACH!
  18. i have been on in spectator pretty much doing nothing but moderating. :(
  19. uh +1? why was it deleted? anyway, other than this thread he has been very mature (from what i have seen) in game and in teamspeak i wouldn't mind him back M: 6/10 A: 8.5/10
  20. why cant anybody post in ban requests? just go to forms. Anyway, will give input till i see the demo!