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  1. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Tsuchikure in The New Champion of Jailbreak   
    Bitch I kill @@MegaRobin on a regular basis. @@r0bot is the issue.
  2. Winner
    Hellafun13 reacted to DeathGod in The New Champion of Jailbreak   
  3. Friendly
    Hellafun13 reacted to Duckii in Buh- Bai   
    Welp, sorry for the sudden leave but i had planned to leave around june - julyish. but yea i'm not going to avoid it but got push to leave early. Been with the clan longest besides Silence, and now just wanna be release from the annoyance of many and the stress~
    I myself do admit i broke rules, not going to avoid it!
    @Brian Sorry but i just had to ban you today, you think because your position was Co-leader you could do as you please without punishment, after you left you're still annoying to me.
    @@MineCrack (banned from forums~ win) This guy sure talks trash about his own clan, but still in it? says i do nothing, i've done alot for xG but i admit i've been lacking lately and i'm sorry for that. Banned you for annoyance, breaking majority server rules, illegal use of Ddos.
    @autumn Your really focus on the clan and put a lot of effort into it, Had some fun in the clan. If your going to have some fun with abusing, why not allow some of the others have fun from time to time :cat:? anyways try not to add to much customize thing, i know you want it to be different from other server. but adding annoying/bad things will just bring it farther down~
    @@Sousei just a sex doll who sold himself to me
    @everyone else~ had some fun with you guys, And i know you guys don't think highly of me and already know many talk about me and hate me for enforcing the rules but hey! motd is nice isn't it :eek:
    Anyways I won't really be rejoining, i've already left several times and this time it's for good.. just want to have some nice relaxing time to enjoy the game and not be bitched at and have to constantly figure out people problem which should be already figured out by the other admins.. but they're lacking!
    @duckiijr Sorry, i just want to delete you. i can't really handle you anymore, no hard feelings but i just can't take the constant messaging even while im offline i still get the after another, just find someone else... i've already ask you to stop but i guess my feeling doesn't matter :eek: (probably can't read this so if someone is kindly c/p this to him
    Gl, and i hope you guys do consider about minecrack :cat: he himself admit to ddos and who knows, may be the one behind the attack on xG! audios!
    Now 1.. 2.. 3 Begin the flame attack!
  4. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 reacted to MrAwesome104 in Ranked League   
    Hella...No just no get out get out now! :P
  5. Winner
    Hellafun13 reacted to speedlimit56kb in About Duckii Jr   
    Ok this goes to all those who seem to be hard headed, and don't believe those who say duckii jr never double clanned.First off i will admit duckii did make a thread claiming he was going to be a DM later on for us,but then again that post has no meaning if he was never in our clan period.And you guys
    @@Chrono @autumn @@MuffinMonster since you guys seem to not believe duckii jr or the people who are telling you he never double clanned,im going to tell you myself as the Co-Leader of WD that duckii jr never double clanned.Now if you don't believe me then idk what to say to you guys but the fact that you guys are hard headed as fuck and just can't accept the fact that he never double clanned.Im hoping that once you guys read this,i hope you guys realize that ya'll were wrong the whole time,and should also say sorry to duckii jr for humiliating him in front of a lot of people cause you guys claimed he double clanned and were also soo sure that he was doing such thing when the whole time he was innocent.Just wanted to let you guys know what has been told to you guys many times since you guys didn't believe them.Now good day to you ladies.
    ~That Nigga Speed \_(*0*)_/ <33!!
  6. Winner
    Hellafun13 reacted to DarkWolf6052 in nab423 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@nab423 Well Hellafun told why he banned you, it was a valid ban since you freekilled then disconnected to avoid punishment. Just wait the rest of the ban out.
  7. Winner
    Hellafun13 reacted to House in First Reaction Last Reaction   
    I'm noticing a lot of you are making rules because things are "not fun for the T's" and it "makes people leave."
    Nobody leaves because of FR/LR, and if the warden is bad and making people leave, GET AN ADMIN TO TELL HIM TO PULL IT TOGETHER OR GET !PASS'D.
    May I please remind you that Jailbreak is a Role-Playing Gamemode and is not always supposed to be fun for the terrorists. Of course there is a need to use the entire map but FR/LR is essential in using the map as it is a very effective means of thinning out prisoners before map games/events.
    You'd also have the problem of regulars who know older versions of the motd as well as newer players from other JB servers that will have a very hard time knowing how many times exactly fr/lr has been played, especially if they just joined. You'll end up with them asking people how many times its been played an then everyone will fuck the mic chat with "ENOUGH TIMES" and "NOPE ALREADY DONE IT TOO MANY TIMES" and "BAD WARDEN REBEL" which usually lasts a good minute or so, making the process of the round THAT MUCH LONGER.
    The last thing we need is another confusing rule and I am strongly against it.
  8. Bad Spelling
    Hellafun13 reacted to Jordozombie in Don't Blink   
  9. Bad Spelling
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Jordozombie in Don't Blink   
    Do you think this a Game.
  10. Funny
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Digitalmath in First Reaction Last Reaction   
    Fixed it.
  11. Agree
    Hellafun13 reacted to Forest in speedlimit56 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright well, Poncher is a baddie. I'm going to #Accept this request to be unbanned (should have been accepted a while ago). Just be sure to not wear WD tags on our servers, as it will result in another ban!! @@speedlimit56
    ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  12. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 reacted to Leotekk in Sexiest Member in xG?   
    I vote Hellafun. Sorry guys had to do it he has my fucking poptart hostage. (Can i have it back now hella?
  13. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from xGJake in Sexiest Member in xG?   
    I took your dam poptart

    If you want to see the rest. You know what to do.
  14. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Leotekk in Sexiest Member in xG?   
    I took your dam poptart

    If you want to see the rest. You know what to do.
  15. Dislike
    Hellafun13 reacted to Stegosaurus in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    Your welcome.
    Thanks for leaving xG and it's GMod division. You were and joke and fucking retarded. :D
    Edit: Oh and thanks for congratzing me! Thats what this entire thread is meant for!
  16. Useful
    Hellafun13 reacted to SyrJirk in xG Competition Night   
    @@Hellafun13 Yeah, so is @@ShakeAnBake and @@Stumpythegimp we need one more person.
  17. Like
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from MrSaturday in Really now...   
    If you cant handle drama you cant handle much that goes on in everyday life.
  18. Agree
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Bryce in WD lel.   
    You guys are truly gay for each other. Which is cute @@Chrono @@Bryce
  19. Like
    Hellafun13 reacted to Charrax in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    Stego you dumbass I like the JB servers in xG. Also I have no problem with xG kid. I still play on the servers and as I said in my Goodbye Thread I still think Silence is a good guy and a good owner.
    This is what OP should have said:
    "Hey guys, my name is Duplolas! I was probably the most hated member in xG and was voted out for being a douchebag! I was banned permanently across 2 divisions because I broke several rules! I hope to come back only to start more problems and lose even more friends. I like to brag about myself to such a degree where everyone found out where I lived and made fun of my house, after I posted my grades."
  20. Agree
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from IAmLegend in Last CT weapon choice   
    Honestly last CT is already a force to be reckoned with. If you cant find the gun u want on the map or after killing a T for it then your just bad.
  21. Funny
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Forest in Rant on Member Subs   
    What do you mean "Novel" its "Novels" and his voice can be the only one that reads them.
  22. Winner
    Hellafun13 reacted to Gkoo in I blew up my modem :(   
    >Blew up modem/router
    >No Internet
    >Still posts on internet forum.
  23. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 reacted to Chrono in Lifting   
    My gym membership is about to run out... I won't be able to lift much longer...
    i cri
  24. Like
    Hellafun13 got a reaction from Flatline in Rant on Member Subs   
    What do you mean "Novel" its "Novels" and his voice can be the only one that reads them.
  25. F!$k Off
    Hellafun13 reacted to Gkoo in Parabellum Discussion!   
    That's not enough.