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  1. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to John in Previously banned player.   
    Serious forms of abuse result in permanent bans and immediate demotion. But, she was a Co-Leader so they have more leniency. I just thought we had banned her but I guess I remembered incorrectly...
    Anyways, I'm just going to go ahead and close this as I was mistaken.
  2. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Brian in Previously banned player.   
    I had to go into reserve powers that silence forgot to take off, talk to Duckii, where she then rebanned all of us, and changed her name to Zeal and Console, etc. I want her perm'd, especially since she said she's never coming back. Just ban her and leave her alone.
  3. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to MineCrack in Previously banned player.   
    There is no point in discussing anything with her.
  4. Creative
    diabeetus reacted to Rhododendron in Matsi Is Dumb   
    Recently, Matsi has posted this in the shoutbox giving his opinion on the Minecraft servers. However, it is extremely illiterate and very difficult to understand what the flying buddah he is saying! So let's analyze his statement:
    Full Statement:
    "well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it, which is prolly why i have never even connected to it, well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)"
    well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol
    How do you know people were banned by seeing them? You contradict yourself directly by telling us that 'they got banned'. Also using 'say' in the wrong tense get's you a few points off.
    that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it
    What stuff? I assume you mean our Tekkit server, but that isn't up so that statement has no reasoning behind it. How can one absorb the knowledge that you are spewing out if you have no idea what's going on within the MC division? Then, to make matters worse, you state that you wouldn't play on it because of all the stuff you hear and/or see about it. First, you said you don't play on it SO HOW CAN YOU SEE ANYTHING?! What mouth-breather are you talking to that gives you information like that? Please, cite your sources since now you are plagiarizing and are going to be suspended.
    which is prolly why i have never even connected to it

    well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)
    You already play one four others? What the hell does that mean? Oh! You mean ON for others, right? Oh, alright. Now, three of which is your own server? You should not be referring yourself as 'is' since it's grammatically incorrect. You should be using 'are' like a pirate :D Don't worry, you're already halfway to becoming one SINCE YOU'RE PISS DRUNK HALF THE TIME!

    Final Grade:

  5. Creative
    diabeetus reacted to Eden in Staff Award   
    Hey guys Eden here giving out our first kiss ass award!!!
    And this months kiss ass award goes to......... I'll bet you'd never guess it! Rainbow Dashie!!@!@!@! Congratultions!!
    Here is your award!!!!!

  6. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Gkoo in How to get hubz (Hopefully)   
    When did everyone forget @@Rhododendron is Jewish?
  7. Optimistic
    diabeetus got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Fraggot - Counter-Strike: Source   
    please don't...
  8. Not Funny
    diabeetus reacted to ScubaCat in [xG] Nicki Minaj- Team Fortress 2   
    my input
    his name is nicki minaj so +1 for unban or atleast a few weeks ban rather then perm.
    gg no re
  9. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in XenoGamers Lottery Q&A   
    If Purple wins will he get un ct banned?
  10. Informative
    diabeetus reacted to DCook in GTA5 Crew?   
    Yeah I know it's coming out. But then PS3 will be cheaper. I don't have beaucoup bucks. And PS3 is better than nothing.
  11. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to John in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Closing this as there isn't anything left to be said. We have the proof. I will consult with the Dark, Gkoo, and Hiding to decide the course of action to be taken. As I said they are MIA though and I can't get a hold of any of them. @@diabeetus I could see possibly how it's a fun command so I'm sure that will be discussed. @@Ten17Thug if you have nothing to help the thread don't post.
  12. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Jaybreeze in Give us back PermBans   
    There's only 2 options here:
    1. Take away ban access from everybody
    2. Unban everybody
  13. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Matsi in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Hardly. !smite actually has a practical use for maintaining the server, it's just an alternative to !slay. !cash on the other hand, has really no practical use for managing our servers. I can't really think of many situations where you would need to set/reset someone's in-game cash, just like I can't really think of a situation where a staff member would need to trigger a timebomb on someone.

    The whole "it only disrupts 1 to 2 rounds" excuse is terrible, as other forms of abuse (ex: !slay @all, cats hitting !smite @all binds) only disrupt 1 round of Jailbreak as well. By that logic we might as well stop banning mass freekillers, as they only disrupted 1 round of Jailbreak too.

    He has abused in the past, a lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting that. Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source While I don't think that this warrants a full demotion to member/nonmember, there definately should be some form of punishment for this.
  14. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Genesis in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Hardly. !smite actually has a practical use for maintaining the server, it's just an alternative to !slay. !cash on the other hand, has really no practical use for managing our servers. I can't really think of many situations where you would need to set/reset someone's in-game cash, just like I can't really think of a situation where a staff member would need to trigger a timebomb on someone.

    The whole "it only disrupts 1 to 2 rounds" excuse is terrible, as other forms of abuse (ex: !slay @all, cats hitting !smite @all binds) only disrupt 1 round of Jailbreak as well. By that logic we might as well stop banning mass freekillers, as they only disrupted 1 round of Jailbreak too.

    He has abused in the past, a lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting that. Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source While I don't think that this warrants a full demotion to member/nonmember, there definately should be some form of punishment for this.
  15. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to easy in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    lol hi guys.
    So, what I gathered from reading the cancer that is this thread is that there are "Fun commands" now, and you aren't supposed to use them at all. Okay, so why not just fucking get rid of them? If you have the commands available to the staff on the server, they're obviously going to use it. It's like giving a gun to a psychopathic murderer & telling him not to kill anyone. Also, there was a specific thread telling people not to use these commands, & hella disregarded that completely & used them.

    @@Ten17Thug (Jaybreeze) once used his powers to move everyone to spec for ONE round, but yet got demoted. It only impacted the server for a couple minutes then everything went back to normal. Now, hella did the same thing. I understand what hella did didn't affect the players of the server by killing them or delaying the round, but still.
    @@John & @@Hellafun13 are in the wrong; John because he gave permission for this to happen, when fun commands weren't supposed to be used at all. Also, John, quit saying that !cash isn't a fun command. It is, & you know it. You're trying to cover your ass, but I'm penetrating it. I do not want anything, nor think anything will happen to you since it was a simple mistake. Hellafun because he blatantly disregarded the set rules to not use these commands. It wasn't a big deal since no one complained (I think) but still, if you disregard rules there are going to be repercussions & you knew that prior to doing this. Same with John, nothing is going to happen to you since this is a small offence.
    So yeah, bye guys. #inactiveagain
  16. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to MrAwesome104 in Inactive   
    bitch already beat it fight me
  17. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    To summarize this, hellafun wanted to know if he could do this, he asked gkoo who didnt respond, he asked john, and john said that he could if everyone agrees, not knowing Forest had said it wasnt allowed.
    Id say that everything that took place was just confusion, hella was told he can, but john didnt know forest said it wasnt allowed.
  18. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to MineCrack in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    There's a thread specifically for the sole purpose to notify the staff to not abuse/use the fun commands for no reason at all. You completely disregarded that thread and used the !cash @all command, I've seen you do it before on multiple occasions and I barely play jailbreak anymore. You should be punished just like anyone else who abuses their powers on a mass scale, regardless of the command. You disrupt and ruin jailbreak for a short period of time, just like anyone else who uses a mass command.
    Also, I haven't read all the posts but if you "didn't know" or "got mixed approval" and could keep up with your divisions board, do you really deserve your rank? There was a clear warning and if you get a 50/50 approval from div managers, why do it?
  19. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You just explained a situation of abuse.
    Based on our rule set, and our guidelines, you are an abusing fgt.
    Your job is to explain the situation in which they are wrong, and warn them to fix it. You stated above "slap someone not paying attention to chat" and "slap someone camping" as seperate, I will cover them together since it is essentially the same thing. you did your job, you warned him to move, you then slap him. You just went above and beyond what is your "job" to do, you abused.
    Alternatively he does not listen to you or is ignoring it, you slap instead of slay, when the guideline is to slay him. the guideline also says anything above or below is considered abuse. you slapped instead of the required slay, you under-punished, and because he is still alive where he is camping, is more likely to catch a rebel, you just ruined that rebels round because you declined to do the job as stated (abuse), and pissed the rebel off. you tried to justify not slaying the camper because you feel he would not be likely to come back after getting slain, what about the rebel you have pissed off now because you declined to do the job as stated to be done, who now also may not come back. would you prefer to keep the rule breaker who camped, or the player who followed rules and was rebelling as per normal?
    I also find that you try making a jab at me in your statement to show a sign of weakness, since you know you can't ACTUALLY justify your slap, you resort to trying to make me the bad guy. this issue was about his abuse of cash after approval from server based on a DMs statement he could if the server approved. you guys changed this to fun commands including slap, which is a different thread, you wanna go over my "abuse" go ahead and bring it up where it already was, and already dealt with... oh idk, almost a year ago? yeah. nice try kiddo. @@Matsi
  20. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Tsuchikure in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Seeing this, +1.
  21. Drunk
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Once again, +1. Like I said last time, Forest has explicitly told me (and several other staff members, including DM's) not to ever use !cash @all, even if it's some kind of special day. Unless Forest or Silence made an exception this one time and gave hellafun permission to do this (which I doubt), then this is definite abuse of the !cash command.
  22. Drunk
    diabeetus reacted to Tsuchikure in Hellafun13 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He was probably drunk again, hue.:british:
  23. F!$k Off
    diabeetus reacted to Ribbit in Give us back PermBans   
    -1 no one likes mods :singing:
  24. Like
    diabeetus reacted to speedlimit56kb in Give us back PermBans   
    @@Bleed so umm just a few minutes ago a ct massed, he left and i tried perming him through disconnected players, and it said it permed him, but it didn't, thank god death god was there to do it for me since i CANT perm.
  25. Funny
    diabeetus got a reaction from Forest in Special Commands   
    I'm abusive? Pffft, you should see Forest.
    I originally uploaded this as private and it took a second for it to update @meganramen @megarobin @@Kirara @stopchangingyournameeverytenminutes