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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. Kyoko

    CT bans.

    Ok, its not mandatory. But you can and will be demoted for not following the rules/guidelines in the Admin handbook.
  2. Kyoko

    CT bans.

    -1 thats what ban protests are for. We don't need another time to add to the list of times and @@Matsi that will get you demoted if you continue doing it. We have guidelines to follow, and it has been talked over many times as Shadowspy said. If they mass be it intentional or not, they are to be permed.
  3. +1 for reduced ban time. (World record ban time set by xG:A Diabeetus at .0001 seconds)
  4. Why would you be sensitive to someone calling you a bad mod over the Internet after you fucked up doing your job? I try and do my job and when people bitch at me over one screw up calling me "bad mod" I think it's disrespect.
  5. +/-0 i havnt seen you around before. Show some more activity and Ill change to +1
  6. I was wrong on the slay. i give you that but there are verying levels of disrespect. Your level is obviously higher than mine, as i am sensitive to it.
  7. @@Matsi some people take some things as disrespect that others don't. I took what he said as disrespect. You may not but, I do.
  8. I do not deny i did freeslayed him. I didn't hear him say jumping was restricted and he killed me. I did not gag him for arguing with me about the freeslay, I gaged him for dissrespect. I said I was sorry it was an accident but then after i say that, he says "Wow new mod freeslayed me, What a fucking idiot" I count it as disrespect so i gaged him.
  9. Plz. This would be pretty fun
  10. lel those are my hours too. Starting September fourth though.
  12. Kyoko

    Another Raffle?

    And i dont want/need these games.... and monopoly money is a currency
  13. Kyoko

    Another Raffle?

    uhmmm..... no....
  14. Kyoko

    Another Raffle?

    Well i thought about this and thought why don't we have another raffle to get some more funds for xG? You know pay for some coders to finish hub,Improve the website etc... There will be 3 winners of this raffle. And each one can choose 1 of the 3 games listed below. Sims3: HighEndLoft LateNight Command/Conquer:Red Alert 3 DeadSpace 3 (note you need to download Origin for this one) BurnOutParadise To enter you must donate at least $5 USD. for every multiple of 5 you donate the more times your name is put into the hat. But you can only win once. Just make an application similar to this Forum Name: Amount donating: Good luck you baddies. ~Astrea the eater of Rice Balls
  15. Ok Class here is todays lecture... Fuck School. That is all
  16. From what i hear you were harrasing john a lot either over TS3 chat or Steam Chat. shadow you weren't even in the server, not sure what you think you're doing He is a member of the clan and therefore can give his input. now for my input. -1 You were harrassing John via TeamSpeak3 chat. While i was not there if you continue to argue about something after being told to drop it is a valid kick. Your slay was valid as well.
  17. Sorry. But you too went to enjoy life. How you did it for so long though... surprises me.
  18. I have Cross-Country almost all week long. And some Tournaments coming up where i can win big money. So I'll noticeably less active and could possibly have my new custom built computer. Depending how far i go in this tourney will determine how much money I get. So yea, I'll be getting a shit-load of money which some of it could go to xG
  19. +1 is a huge faggot. Loves Dick in His butt A 9/10 M9.9/10