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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. Kyoko

    Free Game

    oh shit, it wont work for me either
  2. Kyoko

    Spawn grief

    how about we dont turn this into a flame war k?
  3. sup,ima stub muffin nigerian cunt bag. Welcome to da comoonity mote.
  4. Kyoko

    Written Test

    #did that for anotehr test. got a 100%
  5. Kyoko

    Spawn grief

    I'll see if i can get Micro or Maddud on it and I'm glad there is someone else on there but me :D
  6. Kyoko

    Written Test

    so i shall be taking my written test for my drivers permit in the coming week, any tips? Other than study like a bitch which I'm doing already
  7. Welcome, i don't play league, but yea Join the CS:S dic. and it's my job to kinda kick ass and play starcraft, looks like I'm outta ass, fuck.
  8. ATM we are sub-generic, atleast the generic servers have more people on than we do. We are lucky to have 20 people on the weekends
  9. Kyoko

    Where you live

    I am currently in the position of adding on to it, i am cutting open a window and getting another box. (Courtesy of Darkwolf6052's garage)
  10. then get one of us who knows how to code @@GanjaMonster to make a few (or more ) special xG only items, or maybe idk make us a generic server for awhile, as that is obviously better off than what we are at. Or maybe as Minecrack said, give us some custom skins then as the current default skins for CS:S are kinda bland.
  11. Seriously, just give us some hats, tracers, and trails thats honestly all we need, it brings some spunk and something to aim for. When i first joined the Jailbreak server what caught me was A) fun people B) Trails, Hats, Tracers, etc those gave the people and new players something to look forward to and made the time spent in worth it.
  12. Evidence helps ya' know. and how does watching anime have anything to do with this? #Butthurtlikecrazeh
  13. uh............ you kids are butthurt like crazy, +/-0 neither side has given any conclusive evidence. will change once sufficient evidence is given
  14. the lets "borrow" the idea and make our own little thing from it?
  15. maybe we need some fucking store? look at HG they are doing fine with one map because they at least have a fucking store to use points on. #CS:S is dieing
  16. i did come back, and that was like in July or early August
  17. Kyoko

    Where you live

    this is where i live
  18. so yea i'll be inactive as fuck as I'm having a life (omg) and yea. Friends, School, Sports. I'll cya later, JUST GOING AFK NOT LEAVING. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@Forest #weneed more CS:S Dms
  19. +111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111oneoneoneoneoneon eoen eoeneoeneoen eoeneineinoenoeeoneoneoneoneoneoneoneo
  20. #CivilizedAfricanAmerican +/-0 i havnt been on as much as i would be cuz having a life, but minecrack has had a bad attitude in the past but idk, i havnt been around recently I'll give more input once i learn soem more (#CivilizedAfricanAmerican#are#CivilizedAfricanAmerican#toomany#hashtags)
  21. i've seen you around when im not having sports and a life. +1 A:8 M:8
  22. it dosn't need to be changed it works well. Dont fix what isnt broken - Forest
  23. supposedly, it is fucking awesome