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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. My name is Astrea and I'm a huge derp.
  2. -1 He was a troll and jsut because someone says they've "turned a new leaf" dosnt mean shit unless they prove it. It hasnt been nearly long enough to even consider shortening the ban. and as @@Warriorsfury said. He clearly knew how deep of a hole he was digging. All he did was make us as a clan look like trolls and a bunch of faggots. I do not want him unbanned at all
  3. Kyoko

    xG vs. HG Scrim Tourney

    If theres an open spot I'll join i guess
  4. Forest. Then. You. Might. Wanna. Do.THis.To.Everyone.
  5. I am with @@Nymph and @@Yuno_Gasai
  6. +1 See him a lot xG Servers and also really active on Teamspeak. M: 9 A: 9
  7. I will be a neutral vote as well as i have not seen you on the servers. Also you should get on Teamspeak3 You'll make some friends and jsut metnion about ur application
  8. Pepsi is God's drink of Choice
  9. It was a dark and stormy night, I was on my way back from the strippers club. Knowing how long it would take to walk home by road i decided to take a daring move and run through Forest. The last time i was here was many years ago when Forest came to save me from my depression. The trees could speak and walk, just like the Ents in Lord Of The Rings. I learned all i could from Forest. How to keep warm with out a fire, how to speak the language of the forest and how kill the forest. As i was walking through that very forest drunk as hell. I decided to light a match and smoke. After i lit it i just through the match away, Being the pyrotechnic that I am, i just continued lighting the matches and eventually made a torch out of matches and sticks. When i was about halfway through a bear attacked me. But it twas no ordinary bear, It was a Badass bear who wanted me dead. Dropping the flaming homosexual torch i ran from the bear and started a Forest Fire. I looked back behind me and saw the flames, scared, I ran away hoping that the bear got caught up in the flames. But the flames not only got the bear, they caught up to me and almost killed me. But a tree fell right behind me taking the brunt of the flames leaving me to escape. To this very day i still cry myself to sleep at night over Forest. ~R.I.P Forest from 1916-2013
  10. +/-0 I've seen you around. Be active on TS and servers and I'll change my vote.
  11. Well after realzing the shit that goes down on JB and how my epic skills are needed. I'm off my break.
  12. I'm just gunna go get a life for a week now. See how much shit blows up
  13. I'm jsut saying Jacob spams a lot i dont have physical evidence because i have little space to record demos. And my screenshot key is broken
  14. then please link them to me @@xShadowSpyx as i can only find this one and chrono's
  15. because I'm a dipshit and have heinzsight like a bitch as to what i should have said after i said it. Is a kick anything liek a ban at all? Are you honestly going to demote someone because of a kick and being antagonized to do so? Had darkwolf banned him i honestly would say yes. What he did was wrong but he kicked the guy. Kicking him while skipping step one is wrong should not constitute a demotion. Had he banned, demotion would be The direction to go.
  16. Everything that surrounds Darkwolf escalates to un-comprehendable levels
  17. i'm not breaking the rules i mess around You're one to talk lol Messing around can break rules kid.
  18. @@Matsi pretty much sums up everything. Honestly he skipped a step. Are you really going to demote him over a fucking step. I've done that multiple times where !gag fucks up. I understand we have rules and guidelines for a reason and 4 offences as small as a skipped step. does that really add up to something demoteable? Maybe 4 wrongfull bans but skipped steps? I'm not -1ing or +1ing here. Just think. Is this maybe blown out of porportion?
  19. I'll be a sub if needed