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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. Gettin all da Bitches
  2. -1 Audibruh bro. D +1 active knows rules, uses mic. Not a big fat cock sucking animal whore.
  3. I did read it... why the hell is he banned? +1 for unban a week is too much, just a day was really needed
  4. Time to eat a banana
  5. Kyoko

    Uhm yea

    good lord why, whai
  6. Kyoko

    Uhm yea

    So uhm yea. There are kinda quarrys everywhere in the nether... Like they spawned there. Here are some more.
  7. School is here, and I have cross country right after so I wont be on a lot. @@Gkoo gimme dat knife @@Hidingmaster PRAISE JEZUS @@DarkWolf6052 gimem yo diick @@John Dead Nigger Storage
  8. Take out my white golfing glove, and bitch slap him. Then call the cops for sexual Harassment
  9. +1, knows rules, active, not a bitch etc. A 8/10 M 8/10
  10. well depends which Tekkit? Tekkit Classic or the new one?
  11. Well we could always go look at other servers and see how they deal with it. And this also happened with Tekkit in teh very begining.
  12. You know there is a way to limit the amount of each item a person can have/make @@DMTwired
  13. -1 as shadow said you just started playing today.Had you waited a few weeks then applied you would be in a better position
  14. GET BACK IN HERE YOU WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +1 active, knows rules, Ex Mod, helps staff. A 9/10 M7.5/10
  15. i havnt really done anything with FTB so i would be interested for our server to have it. Also Tekkit seems to be falling down in poularity was some of the big MC youtubers are playing on FTB
  16. I try and do my job and when people bitch at me over one screw up calling me "bad mod" I think it's disrespect. then you need some more training. The rules are the rules, no matter what your personal stance is. He had the right to be upset, becaused you fucked up. and then you fucked up again. I cant vouch but if i could i would + it. He had a right to be upset. I apologized and then he goes on to say what he did, so i gaged him, then he continued to say it over mic the next round so i kicked him. I followed the rules on disrespect there Peechis.
  17. Yea, Dark has done a great job so far. Now all we need is hub.
  18. +1 knows rules, helps staff catch the baddies.